1927-1928 Yearbook

WILLIS HHODES B. A. Il istory ~Iajol ' ~10IlHILTON. AHI';ANSAS Football, Ba !:lt'ball " In th(' Spring a live lier IrilJ ('hang('s on the burnished dove; In thl' Spring a young mUll'S faney lightly turns to thoughts or lovE'," 20 ~IA li nl:-;E IHiODES B. A. Spani'}h .'Iinj or ~IOIU\ILTO N, AllliANSAS St'l.:rctary·"'reasurer of S~nlor Class Press Club W. II. C. ('lub Petit J ean Starr ,\Ilt;t;ion Study ClaJoJtI W, II. C. BaskN Ball Campus Players j larding ('ollege, 1924-'28 "('harms strike the sighl. but merit wins the !loui. There Is a kind of ('hal'lId",r in thy life, That to t h e oh~l('rver dmh thy hi s tory F u lly unfold."