1927-1928 Yearbook

Baseball Because of fa\'onli)le w('atht", con diti ons Ihe Bison bH<o;cball squ:lli is abk 10 lake.' to tht' fidel ca rly in the :-'p l'ing and Ih(' l oca l high school <lnd the town (: Iub furni sh daily oppos it ion during Ihe spring pl';lelice pcriod. In Ilwsl' exhibition g: IIll l'S the Herd has bet'n going o;lro ng nnd all indications point to ;) slIccl'ssfu\ l'ulll pai gn duf'ing thl' co llege seaso n . The Bisolls were nosed out in the first gatll(' of Iht, <O;l'aSOtl w ith the Teachers Co II ('1-((' 9-8, but the l e,l l11 lookt'd good. Pit c hin g is a problel1l again Ihis yen!'. :\Iill s, a \'Cll'I':lI1, is a capable pilcher , but it i s impossible ( 0 1' him to work in nil the g:llll('o;. Coach !-Icnr'y is wOl'king hurd t o (It.'velo)) a good pit c hl'l' from alllong his rookil's. )t1ills, pitdll'I', Patton, secon d h<l Sl', Vnll'nlilll', s hort s top , <lnd Hhodl's :lnd Bland, oli tfit'ldt'I''i, are the s{luad 's ve terans. Bannistel' <lnd COllsatle, cH t c h c rs , Al"IlOl<I, third b:lse, Sudderth and lIawkins, o utfil'ldl'rs, and Click. Priba. and Simpkins arc th e nl'W !HCIl on the tenm, The Bison It'alli. whell :'\Iill s i'i I) it ching, will be hard for any college t<'am to l)c:1 t. iG