1927-1928 Yearbook

Science Department .\ Io r e wOl'k has been d OI1(' in th e Physk~ D(' J) :II' llllcnl Ihi s yeal' than C\'(,I' befon', Appl'oxillwlely t wo hund red an d fifty d oll an. wo rth o f <lP I)a ratus W:lS ad ded 10 Ih e department. One o f the gn.'atL'st :!<iSL'!S t o 1-l<lI'ding CO lI l' gl' is the Chelllistry DL'pn rlmcnl. It is h en' that the sl(l( lc III acquir es a knowkdgc of th e elemen ts o f c h emis try :J nd bl'COIIIl'S acquaint ed with the fac ts w ith which the scie nc e d e. li s. The l:liJorntory is o f o;; pcci<11 interl'st. In thi s d l' l)a rllll c nl. work w a s in the fi e ld o f o rgan ic c hemi s tr y, Illl'l'ting the "l' CluirCllll' nt o f premcdir':1i stud ent s :uHI studCn l 'i i n lI o lll t' Eco nom ics. A c la ss o f Quanlit:llivl' Chemical Analysis was orga ni zed for th e fir st lilll e at I-larding. We' Hiso take plC'asurl' in ann o un c ing that we were r epns(' nti..' d in the Nationnl PI'iZl' [SS:I)' Contt.'st b)' one o f our Chcmistry stud e nt s. ~Ii ss i\'cllie Fi sc us of Champnign, Illin o is. Thi s is an annual co nt cst in intcl' co; t o f a lwonde l' nnd morc appreciative study o f Ch emi stl'Y, In so far :1 0; I'cal effo rt ca n ma ke it, we ex pect o llr work in sc ie ll ce to bc seco nd to nOllc. 92