1927-1928 Yearbook

Class of 1930 Til l' So ph omo r C' Class o f '28 is composed o f thirt y. livel y, viv[tciolls s tudent s, n indel' ll gi rl s ,lI1 d l'il' \'l' 1l boy". all of l'x('('ptiona l !:drnt [lnd ability. Eight di f fl'l'l'll t st a tes arl' a' presc nt ed in thi s grou p. The SOphOIllOI'l' CI :l!-.s was ti l{' fir!'.1 to org:l ni zl' at the beg in n i ng of thi:-. sc hool )"l' :U' a nd has bl'l'lI \"t'ry ac t iv(' .. -; a l'Iass l '\' t'!' sincl'; they h:lH' lost n OIH.' o f thl' 1'1l IhusillSIH and l'ag(' rr1l'!ots th ey POSM'ss('d as Fl'l's h llll'll ItI'i! :n';u. Whell th e r e is a p r oj(.'ct 01' an :Icti\'i l y to bl' Spoll'iol'ed. the Soph!-. :u-c a lways 111('1"l'; bl' it wOI'k, 01' LH.' it pl<l Y. T o sho\\" the Ililu s ual abi l ity and aetivity 011 the pa rt o f th is class, ll'l lI!o. 1'11I1IlH,: r : d l': Of thl' tell 1llC'lllbcl's o f till' Skl'et(' " Starr, f i \,(' arc Sophs. including the Editol'- ill-Ch i l'f. O ut of th l' l'ight favoritl' s th l:-, yea r , Ihn'!.' arl' Sop homores, Th l' Prl' s idl' nt of til l' SOl) h OI11OI'(: Class was ;I lso cap t ain of lilt' footb:dl tl'alll, Two o II a' I' lettl'1' Itll'n \\T IT f r o III th l' SOp hOlllo re Han ks. In bask(,t b:lil an d ba s<"iJ :d l thl' cla ss W<I'i al so Wl' 1I r ep r esen t l' d , Half of the Il:I n ling ()l'b:ltOI'S are SOphOIllO I 'l'~ , Th l' Sophol11o l'e Class IIwdl' tht' f irst a nd la r ges t co ntribut ion to tli t' fund to t;lkt' "()obt'Y" l3Iacks hear to (il'rllIaIlY· QUi l t' :l IllIlJlbel' of th e C!;ISS are art student ... , JIlus ic ian s ( bot h \"oca l a nd ins tru lllt'nta l ), and l'xjJrl's~ioli s tu dents. Il ow would IIm'ding Co ll t, ~W gt'l along w ithout )l:lril' Dav idso n. i t s lIlusic inn'! lIardin g wo uld Ill'\"('r hav e had n golf cou r se, had it IlOt bl't' ll for the SOjJh~ who s po nso l'ed an d built it. Thn'l' lIIl'm iJl'rs o f the Pctit .Jl':m S t a rr arc Sophs. Th l' o utin g a c li"ities of till' c la ss thi s Y(':lr co ns isted of a trip to Petit ,)(,'an ; all :t il da~' Il'ip to th l' ri vc r w ith th e Freshme n; and a moonlight hike to til(' riHl', w h l' r l' Wi l' llnl'I' S and Ilwl'shmali ows :iwaitl'(1 Ihl'lIl. Thl' c lass h opes t o be bigg('l' and better and 10 do bigger and better things ne x t "'.el li S evcr pre.Ii ,Ii olfwurd" " E.l'celsior " 32