1927-1928 Yearbook

Academy Edu(',lIioli within a C llI'i s liOlIl l'llvirOIlIIll'Ilt. and under Ch"i'}ti;lll I('nehel's, is just as va lu ab le for th l' hi gh ~l'ilOo l s tudl'nt. m. for th osl' of co ll l'gl' rank . If Iht"'t, is :lily diffl'n'nc('. th l' grt' al('" dl'\' l'lop lIlt-' 1l1 lIIay hl' ma de w ith th l' YOllllgt'r !\t u<i l' 1l1. For this puq}OSl'. Ii :lrd ing Co llt'gt· :\ ('a d l'III~' is Ilwinta inl'd . It i'i f ull y :In'n'dilt'd by th (' S ta ll' Boanl of E(ilH: :l t ioll :IS :, (: I:1:-'s "A" high schoo l. This in di ca l l'!'. th l' qu ,l lil y of wo r k d OIl(', and t h l' !'otanl l .. !'!! maintainl'd b~' the sehoo l. Th l' l"olTl, la ti o n of 1)ll '>illl'sS ('OIIl'S('S wit h til(' hi gh sehool g i vl's Ih (' s lml e nl illl op portu nit y 10 f ini sh hi gh se h oo\ at th l' S<lIII(,' ti lllc he r eceives his bus iness In tillin g. :\Iany o f thl' ('ollege s tud en ts also takt' :Hh';ln la ge of COllI'S('''' o ff e l'(' d in Ih t.· COllllllt.'ITi:d ))('))al'llIl (' nl. Training School Tht.· Tt.·a('/wl's· Trainin g School s(' rV('S .. Iwo-fo ld purpos(': it is a laboralory fOl' Ih l' 1)t.· lwl'llII(·n l o f Education in Ih (' train ing o f dfici('nt !('nch(,I's, and i! giv('s a l im iled nlllllbl'" of c hild l'l' 1l th e rilll'S! trai n in g it is IlOss iblc to givl' th('111 in :1 llIodd d l'lIIl' nt ;If'Y sc hool. '1'11(' trnining sc hoo l includes thl' t-' Iltir(' l'ighl gradl· ... h<.'low Iht.' <lcadl'IllY, It is und e r Ihl' gl'lll'r:lI dil'{'ctiolt of the O('pal'llII('nl of Edu ca ti o n , iJul l'ac h gr;ldl' is :lIso lIIHll'I ' all l'xj)l'l'il'llct'd and capabll' it-:I('h{'r, 'who con du cts ;ill thl' 'wo rk ~llld SlllH'l'Yi s('s the pnlcticl' Il'aching, 42