1927-1928 Yearbook

• Class of 1931 Tw('lq' ~Itll('s c01ltributed to l11;1ke II<lrdin g'~ Freshman CI'IS!'. of '2X. lilt' largest and strongest class in ~dl OO I. From till' first, the F'rl'shllwil ha n' ~hown 1l1111s lwi l'!ll'I'!tV ;11)(1 en thu ... iaslIl. Wht'lll'H' I' any undertaking inck('d anlol', the su pport of the Frl's hllll' lI was !)oli cited. The Illost 1101nl1l(' ach i cH'IlH..'nt of thi s l'I<lS~ wa ... the publi~hing of :1Il issue o f " Tin' Skec ter." The ent in' ~ta rr WHS cho!-.l'1l from thl' Fn-'s huH'1l c la ss, :lIul thl' p<1j)e r WtlS jJublisht'd indcp{' IH l en t of out'i id c ;lid. Thi s ed iti on of the p;q)l' 1' wi ll be ;, wor lh y aile! la st in g mC'llIo rial to th e ('1a~s o f ':i l . Hcniiz in g the Il eed of a bell for thl' Colle!!!.: Club, the FJ'C'shllWIl Class UIl - :ln illl o ll s l~' ag r l'ed t o supp l y it. A ~ lIilnbll' 1)l' 1I was jHlITh:l'icd nnll erecled ;11 thc n 'a r of t h t· dining ha ll. Th l' class also agre('d 10 sponsor H (irivc for f unds to pay for Ihe n('w Iwaling plant ill the boy's dorlllilory, The IlIclllbt'rs of thi 'S class w ro t e 1<"Ilcrs to rl'iend~ aW:ly frolll school, <lsking money fol' Ihi s purpose, :\Inn~' friends of th l' ~chool 1'l'~pon(It'(1. and an account ca ll (' d "Th(' Fn'sh lilan Hcpa il' Fund" was opcned al ;\ loca l bank. Thi s public- 'Spi rited mOH'Illt'nl (lid II111ch to allc\"i<ll(' the I)I"CSSll r (' o f financial bunlC'n s, II :u'din g was proud o f its vcrsatile Frt'shm:u1 Class. It s IlIt'llIl)('r~ wel'(, ill - tiutlt'" in ('\'cry noteworthy act ivity in se hou l. The Fr('shman QUaI'tt'! \\'0.1 ... exct'cdillg l ~' popu l<lr. rt'ct'iving 11lIIllt'l'OUS in\' ilali ons to a plwllr in public. The Bison Club . Il l(, nnllllntic Club , th e Forcnsic Club, th e Press Club , and th l' Ol'c lwsll':1 :111 I"l'cognized an d ap pl'e c i:ltt'd Iht· valuablL' s upport of th eir FrL'sh - 111:111 IlIl'lll iJ l'rS, Th e c lnss has provc n ilM'lf wo rth y of it s motto: ":\01 al the top. hut tiiJlliJi ng ," 36