1927-1928 Yearbook

.I. o. ~IUIlPII\, B. A. lI istor'Y :\lajor Lyr-.; KV ILI. E, TENNESSEE I-'rt'sld~nt of Senior Cla!!s FOTensle League, l!i24,'28 lntt'T('oll egiate r)ebator, 1924-'28 Bes t All Around Man, 1924-'28 Business "Iannger "Petit Jean" College Club Harding College, E124-'28 "The heart to co n ceive, the understanding to direct, Or the hand to cxpcute. lie i8 truly ~r('a.t tha.t is little in himself, And thR.l maketh no account ot any height or honors:' 18 ~IHS. J. O. GA IUlETT B. A. Eng! ish Major STl<;l~IIE="'\,ILJ.E, TEXAS \·h:e·President of Senior Class Senior Student In Expression Campus Players \\'. II. C. Club Sponsor College Club Sabinal Christian College; 'Thorp Springs Christian College; John Tarlelon ('uHf-ge, Stephenville, Texas: Xorth 'I'f'Xas ~tate 'l'eacher's College, Denton, Texas; I~Hst '!'('xas State Teacher's Col1(.'ge, ('Olllrner(>e, Texald; taught. intermittently from 19115.'17: Harding College, 1926-'28. " 1 '0 gild refined gold, to paint the Illy, '1'0 throw a perfume on the violet, 'l'o 8nlooth the ice, or add anoth('r hue , t'nto the rainhow, or with tapl'rllght ' 1'0 sl'ek the beauteous eye of heaven to garnish,. " Is wtUI((·ful and ridIculous ('xC(,SS. , .