1927-1928 Yearbook

.'\EI.SO:\ (iAHD:-.iEH H. A. Educ<1tion ~Iajo/" j\;ASII\'ILLE, TEX:,\ESSEE n. I.. c. Cl ub :-il r aig il t ~igh t Clu b Furens\(- Leagut" Le ("'rt'I,' FralJ(:ai~ ('ollegL' ('luI, David Lips('oll1h ('ol1t'Kt'" 1~1::! 3·'2l; IInl'dlnt.;" ('ollt'gt", 1~1::7·'2S "TIlt' lI1an \\ ho ('onst'c-ratc-s his ilutlr!oi B r v!g"rout< ,ffot'\;; Rnd a n IHlrwst aim, At fOIl"" h,' dl'aws th,' sting: of lif,- and death, II , walks with nat un' and Iwr llatilk artp,·:u·(·... 21 MHS. LLOYD O. SA:\IlEHSO:-.i B. A. Spanish }'Iajol" .:\lclHHn.TO:-"', AHI";:\:,\SAS , \ ~~Istanl E ditor of t ilt' !'.-l lt .h·an ("ollege Cluh ' 1','al"lH' I" of In termedlah' (;I"a(l,';; In 'l'l"al n ing 8<:hool \\'t'l:! t T~xa::; S tate :'\o flnal ("olit'got' . ("HnnJll, Tt.'XllS, su mlllt"I' of J:11!1 and ':!:!: Ilar'Pt' r <."011.'/-:"(', 1921·'2:\: Oklahoma .\ , & )1. College, Slll1watt' r, Oklahoma, sumnwl's of 1!t:!G alld '27; ll arding ( 'olkg'I', 1:12 1·':!" and '27·':!S: taught fin' Y('Hr"t<, "(I \\"oma n' in our h(jur~ of ,-;\!-<,. l·IH.'ertal n , ('oy, and hard to ph'as"" And nlrlabh' as th,' shad,· By th ... Iig:ht of (juin'ring a~pl·r"n mad,·. \\' Ia-n pain and anguish wrin:..: til<' hrow, A mlll!.sterin~ an", .. 1 thou '"