1927-1928 Yearbook

.\L· IlIlEY ~lILNEIl B. A. 1I01lll' Econoltlics ~Iajor :'.1011111 LTO:-..' , AIII{ANSAS \\", II, (', ('lul> 'Iollw i':('onomi('s ('!uh liard i ng Collej;t·, 1924,'28 "A ru.'TTY h t'a rt ,",Ol'!:l all till' wa)', Your :iad tin's In a milt-'--a." " 'W4Jl'th, ('ouragl', honor, these Indeed Y(Jur sUHl"nam:c and hirth-right ... rt;"," 22 EllA III YES B. A . HOIIIC' Economics Majul' ) IOHHILTOK, AItKANSAS Ilome Bconomi cs <;l ul. :Mi ssion S tudy Class .\ Jumo l I~di tor of th('- Petit .hmn .\l'k:t nSH8 Ch ri stian College, In:l-'24; Ilarding College, }925,'28 "Io;ndurance Is tilt' crowning quality. And patience all the pasRlon of Kn~at twarts," "So mild, so merciful, so st r ung. so ~OQd. S(' palil-nl . pcacdul, loya l, loving pure."