1927-1928 Yearbook

Baseball Tilt' ba"'l'ball sq lwd j~ fOl'lull,lh' thi s !-. pring in ha v in g <l !'.qu.ul of \'l'knlIl S. :\10 1"1.' tlwn Iwlr o f lilt· itll'll i ll unifol'lH :In' l'X p ('r il'IH'C-'c l :tn d the IH'W IIwll'rial b lInll s lwll~' good . Th l' buildin g o f th t' ba!'.t'b:1 1I Ipal1l hm. bt.'l'lI a gra dual pI'OCl'!'.~ until thi s ~ (': 11 ' pr:wl ie:d Iy I h l' wholl' I( :lIn is t',," l)l'rienced. 74