2015-2016 Yearbook




E Y WEL ' '

s T u D E N T L F E Student life is the thread that weaves all of our college memories together. Once the stress of tests and grades fade away with time, we are left with the memories of eve1ything in between. From mornings ,vith chapel and chicken biscuits, to afternoons spent on the front lawn or hiking Petit Jean, all the way to late nights filled with Spring Sing rehearsals and coffee shared with friends, what we do with our time here defines us. All of the day-to-day moments that make up our time at Harding can end up being the most significant. What we choose to dedicate ourselves to will direct what direction our lives ·will go when we graduate. Jonna Hopper

D R EC T 0 N By Duiiid Solley B STl'DE~T LIFE

For years, the number of Spring Sing directors per club show was left to the discretion of each club. Starting in 2015, Spiing Sing director Dr. Steve Frye implemented new rules to restrict the number of official club directors involved. Under the new rules, club size determined the number of directors necessary to manage each show: two directors for clubs with 75 or more active members and one director for clubs with fewer than 75. "We're really streamlining the process and making the directors more responsible for directing the show," Frye said. "You can still have choreographers or music directors or costumers, but they aren't the directors like in the past." Frye said the change helped cut the size of the weekly meetings with all club directors down to 35 to 40 people, instead of over 100, making effective communication easier. "Because we do regular meetings with the directors, we were starting to get a little unwieldy with it because we would have eight or 10, sometimes 12, directors per show (under the old rules)," Frye said. "That's the 'too many cooks in the kitchen' approach to things." Men's social club TNT, women's social club Zeta Rho and friends won the 2015 Spring Sing sweepstakes trophy for their show, "Charlie and the Chocolate Tragedy." Club director junior Kyle Dingus said he felt the changes helped their show and the entire production overall. "Cutting down to two (directors) was really helpful," Dingus said. "Less people means an easier time getting along. Each person had their field of expertise, and we let each other stay in our respective lanes. Having less people made it a bigger workload on us, but overall I'd say it was a good move for the future of Spring Sing. There's more team chemistry when there's less of a team." Senior Harlee Stutesman offered a unique perspective after directing TNT, Zeta Rho and friends in 2014 under the old mles and again in 2016 under the new rules. Stutesman echoed Dingus' feelings and said she felt the change was necessary after seeing how things worked piior to the director cap. "Having a larger number of directors was great during our prep semester (in the fall)," Stutesman said. "We always had eight brains contributing ideas and playing off of each other, which made the creative process flow really well, but I do think fewer directors would have been beneficial during our more active semester (in the spring). The new rules allow a core group to be in charge of the show but give them the ability to delegate tasks to others with specific skills. All things considered, I think this is a change that needed to be made." Soplwmon• LCIIL'son P1tt.s, pluyiny A119us/u.s G/oop, is s1irrou1Hled by evil ginyerbreod men durinq ./er:( 11 Xiyhl (~{Spring Siny u·eek 011 }vfurch 30. 2015. Th<' show.feu/urecl an urmy ofOompa Loo1111ws who had lo reeluim the1rfac/oryfrom the Cl'il C'harli<' Bul'kel. I Photo /Jy Amandu Floyd Sophomore Knris Elliot and scnzor Benjmmn Stewart star in Delta Nu's '"The Sun Francisco Beal" un ~/\larch :Jo. 2015. The show won first place i11 the categories of music and staging. I Photo by Ama11da Floyd S PH I :'\ (; SI :'\ (; H

l M of FA N M UTE S E '/'hr ho~ls. lwsless(s und e11se111hle 1n•1form their upe11iny numher, "Dr. Jau. ·· 011 April 3. 201s 011 the Henso11 staye. The show.featured un ensemb/(' of 20 pe1'.{01·me1·s and eiyht i•ocalists. as well us two ho,·ts und t1uo hostesses. I Photo by Amundo Floyd Juniors Andrew Sweolt and 11higuil Seagle play Pl'ince Clwrnzing and Cinderella fol' "Bihhity Boppity Buchclo1··· on .\pril 3, 2015. The gl'(>UJ) inc/ud('d Iota Chi. OEGE, Chi K(lppu Rho. Phi Kappa Delta crnd 1'.i11y·s Men. I Photo by Amunc!u f/oyd Sophomore Kasey 1 'ttL·ton oncl senior Ster11 HwTis look for the nrn,·clerer of the maste1· of the house· during Reyina Sig mu Phi Jlu a11d Chi Si911w Alplw's show "1\ Party to Die For" 011 .\p,·i/ 3, 2015. The shcHL··s cl1reclo1s bused the storyline off the bourcl yame Clue. Photu hy Owen Brou•n Senior /;.elsey Sumrn/1 pe1:fonn., IH r solo "Original" 011 Apl'il 3, 2015. Sumrall rn-hostecl with junior Renee J\l(lynurd und se11iors .Juml's Jlrforywz u11cl Jesse Ilixson. I Photo by Ou•en Hrow11 10 STl'DE:'\T LIFE

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Sophomor,• .Jessica Lune lwqs o locul child d11ri11q her spriny break mission trip to Atlanta. in March 2015. Lane he/peel the u.fter-sclwol proyrum for 1rnd<'rp,-ivile9ecl ('/iildren by ussistiny u•ith homcwo1·k ancl spe11cli11y qualitl} time u•ith them. Photo courte~y of Stwu1111c1 D1Stefano 12 ST l' DE~ T LI FE

Scnio,· I,;,ai Bishop pla11s u ith children 1L'ho u•cn• purt uf the teum's m1ssw11 ejforts <iuriny u sprinq hrcok tnp tu ltluntu in .\lurch :.2<115. fhc yl'(1up worked in partnership iL ith C'1•111< rs Oulr,'Clt h. a , u111,1·of1t uryu11i/.atio11 focused on outn·och to com111w1ity chi/clr<'n. Photo ( r',ll"le~,, of '-.w•1.1111u [)iStejcuw HELPING GOES NEAR FAR By lfonnuh Perry In 2015, Harding sent 313 students on 18 different spring break mission trips, nine of which were in the U.S. Students met, mentored and preached to thousands of people in places like Ecuador, Texas, St. Lucia and Arizona. Spring break missions director Emily Hudkins said the number of students leading and volunteering in spring break missions had grown the past three years since she became director. "I am astounded by our student body every year," Hudkins said. "Seeing anywhere from 250 to 300 people willing to go on spring break missions is a very selfless act, and I'm just incredibly grateful." Sophomore Kendall Wallace traveled to Knoxville, Tennessee, and worked with an organization called Hope Central. The goal of Hope Central was to create a refuge for children of broken families. The mission team built relationships with the children by helping with homework, playing games and creating an herb garden. "Kids are very impressionable," Wallace said. "They want love, and it was cool to see how easily they clung to you. I spent a week with them, and by the end they told me they loved me. They were genuine about it." Senior Manuel Barrantes led a spring break mission trip to Jamaica. The 21-member team led vacation Bible school activities for children in the community and worked on a landscaping project for the church. Barrantes emphasized that even though spring break missions lasted a short period of time, God was still glorified. "Some people think this isn't important because it's a short time," Barrantes said. "I know it's short, but you can do a lot of things to bless people." Wallace and Barrantes encouraged every student to go on a spring break mission trip during their time at Harding. Hudkins said participating in a spring break mission campaign provided invaluable leadership experience a student could use in any setting. "A student once told me, 'To run your fastest, you have to run with those who are faster,"' Hudkins said. "He was talking about how he needed to surround himself with people who are measuring up to that higher calling. Not just in your day-to-day life here on campus but to take every moment you have free and push yourself to be better. That encompasses spring break missions. If I want to better myself, I have to serve. I have to pour out myself and surround myself with those that are doing the same thing." SP HI ~ (i B HE.\ I( C .\ .\IP.\ I(;~ S I :J

THE KAZAKH PULSE By :\ddison llul'st Four women made the trek to Central Asia to be the first Harding students to experience a summer internship in Kazakhstan. Through the Global Outreach missions program, seniors Brooke Kehl and Lauren Heffington, junior Anna Lowe and sophomore Abbygale Garrison spent their summer in Almaty, Kazakhstan. The four women interned with the youth group at Light of Jesus Church and worked with missionaries Sasha and Eugenia Metso. "It gave us a good idea of what a real overseas missionary might have to go through in a new country," Lowe said. "Going somewhere that no one you know has ever been before is challenging, but it caused us to rely on God for everything." Some of their main goals as interns were to form personal relationships with the congregation, prepare a weekly devotional with the youth at the church orphanage, the Lighthouse, immersethemselves in the culture, plan youth group outings and lessons and prepare an outreach camp for non-Christians. After the camp, the interns saw significant growth within the youth group. Not only did the interns form relationships with the youth but also with the youth mentors - workers who dedicated their time to helping the youth group and working with the orphanage. "That was one of the biggest things I took away from the internship and the church," Heffington said of the youth mentors. "Seeing how involved these youth workers were gave me motivation to want to dedicate my time and to be loyal to something that is bringing people to God." Kazakhstan was part of the former Soviet Republic, making it a relatively young country. The people in Almaty spoke mostly Russian and Kazakh, meaning the four native English-speakers had to find other ways to communicate. "The biggest culture difference for me was learning the value held in a smile," Kehl said. "It was uncommon to find people smiling at each other in the city. Friendly gestures such as smiles were saved for family and friends. A smile was never thrown away, but treasured and trusted." This was the first time Harding students participated in this specific internship. The women tested the waters for the new program and paved the way for future interns. Harding students and Kazakhstan locals join toyetherfor a en/or fiyht at Camp Pulse in .July. !fording interns took part in pla1111i11y and nrnniny the camp for the youth in /he area. I Photo co11l'tesy of Anna Lowe

Senior Laun 11 ll(/.finytn/1 holds u, hihl 011 her shoulcle,·s du,·iny frel' time in Kazakhstan in .July. The <Jl'Ollf) spent the majuf"itr1 of its till!c mentoriny local children and tel'nayers. I l'hotu co111·tcsy of AP lier L 'll't' Sophomon ,\b/J11gul! Uurrison uncl }'ulic1 I.kodot•c1, the teum ·s coordinatol' .fl'om Russia. hike the cu11yo11, outsulr- ,\lmuty. J..:cuukhstun. in .July. it'hell not u•orkin9. the qroup took time lo ex1,lol'e the n1yyed t,•nui11 in Kuzukhsl<rn. I Photo cow·tesy of A1111a I.owe Participa11tsfro111 Ca111p l-'•lf ·e •Jus,·)PI' a uroup photo in July. Four intel'ns. sent through Glo/J(l/ Oulreuch spe11/ sl\ 1 ·ceks i11 Kazukhstun working u•ith youth organizatio11s such as Camf) Pulse. I Photo cnul',c :..11 o.r \1111u Lowe S l':'\I .\I E H C.\ ~I P .\ I (; ~ S I ;;

HERE New students packed their bags early and headed to campus on Aug. 22 to attend Impact, an orientation program designed to assist new Harding students with their transition into college. In the past, Impact gave students the opportunity to tour campus and ask upperclassmen questions. This year, Impact director and Dean of the Center for Student Success Dr. Kevin Kehl focused on making intentional connections throughout the weekend. For the first time, Impact was mandatory for all new students. Organizers strategically placed students in energy groups with others in their Bible class to form relationships with people they would be around all semester. At least one of the upperclassmen energy group leaders in each group also served as a peer guide for that specific Bible class. "Come Monday, there are going to be a lot of new things, however the familiar people in your Bible class would not be one of those things," Kehl said. "We're all focused on the same thing: welcoming students." Senior Impact co-directors Nathan Enix and Paige Whitman started working with Kehl in early December 2014. Soon after, they chose the theme for 2015, "You Are Here." The purpose of the theme was to challenge students to think about their role at Harding, whether it be a student, a friend or a servant. "In the end, being responsible for the freshmen having friends on the first day of classes is a really, really cool thing," Whitman said. Both co-directors agreed the job was hard work. From stuffing folders to setting up tables and chairs, there was a lot of behindthe-scenes work necessary to make Impact happen. "Everybody sees the big things like Throm (a throwback prom event), but I made a ton of spreadsheets," Enix said. "I actually spent about three days straight uploading files to flash drives." As a part of relationship building, students attended two themed dinners, a hypnotist show, a talent show called HU Spectacular and a community service project. Impact leaders introduced to students to service projects throughout the Searcy community, including the Pizza Ministry. Several upperclassmen organized the outreach program to build relationships and bring pizza to local children every Monday. On Saturday morning of Impact weekend, the Impact participants gathered in the Benson auditorium in preparation to serve the Pizza Ministrx. When a collection plate was passed, students donated $1,500 to the community. "We wanted the new students to be aware ofservice opportunities around them and what it means to be fully present, not only with their classmates but in the community they live in," Kehl said. I \f Freshman Sterling A!cMiehael rides a mechcrnieul bull on the front lawn during Impactfestiuities on Aug. 22. The event. called Inflatagunza, included in.flotable slides, obstacle courses and a climbing wall for students to enjoy. I Photo h,J Beeca Riley

COUNCIL REUNITES Founded in 1965 by Chancellor Emeritus Dr. Clifton L. Ganus, Jr., the President's Council celebrated its 50th anniversary as an organization this year. When it was first formed, the organization was called the President's Development Council, and it consisted of 65 men from around the state ofArkansas. Ganus appointed these men to help inform the Christian community about the university, its beliefs and its mission. Fifty years later, the organization had grown to 1,200 members who loved and supported Harding through financial aid, advice and leadership. Dr. Bill Hefley, Sr., a founding member ofthe Council, received special recognition during Homecoming weekend at a dinner on Friday, Oct. 23 and at the Council meeting on Saturday, Oct. 24, as part of the anniversary festivities. Hefley said he felt honored to be recognized by a Council he believed in so much. "When I was asked (to be a member), there was no question what my answer would be because I knew By Toria Pa1Tctt what Harding stood for," Hefley said. "It stands for all of the things that I love and believe in. I felt that 'yes' was the only answer I could give. I think 50 years has passed in a flash. The world so much needs this influence today, maybe more so than it ever has. My hope is that Harding will continue to grow, flourish, and have a tremendous influence not only in this c'ity, but all over the world." Emily Smith, director of the Harding Fund and advancement programs coordinator, was a chieforganizer for the dinner, meeting and tailgate held for Council members before the Homecoming football game. Smith said she received a lot of positive and appreciative feedback from those who attended the events and the founding members' families were truly touched. "People loved it," Smith said. "They were happy and joking about old times. It was a good time for people to get together and reminisce. They love to get together because they all share common faith and a common 20 STl' l>E7'T LIFE purpose, which is to ultimately help students come to school. It certainly made me feel more appreciative for those who signed up in 1965 to give and serve our school." Dr. Bryan Burks, named vice president of advancement in June of 2015, also played a role in the organization of the Homecoming weekend events. In his new role, Burks said he had restructuring plans for the President's Council moving fonvard. "I think we are at a stage now, after 50 years, that we are looking to restructure the President's Council to provide more opp01tunities for involvement, as well as the fundraising aspect," Burks said. "We made changes a few years ago to provide more financial opportunitie to be on the President's Council, so the giving side has already been restructured. What I would like to see us do is to restructure (the President's Council) so that people can be more involved beyond just their financial giving."

The student musical gl'oup lfrl/e-; and Bccwx pr1fc>1·m,\ its cw111wl concert.fol' lfomecc1111iny in the i\dministl'ation ,\uditoriu111 on Ocl. 24. '/'hey ended their sho1t1 tl'ith an inl'ilation lo alumni in the crndicnce to joi11 them unstc1ge for thei1·.f'inal song. I Photo hy Becca Riley Clwncellor Emel'ilus Cli.(ton Gcuws, .Ir.. yet a plute of./r>od ul the flomecomlnq tailgate held in the Ganus Athletic CenlC'r hefore the llomernml11g foot bull game on Oct. 24. The weekend also included a celebration of the 50th an11it1el'sal'y ,~(the President's Council. I Photo hy Owen Brown Seni()r Sydni Sansom, escort eel by her fathrr FP of fincrnce and CFO Afel Sans()m, walk down the 50 yard line during the llomecoming co111't 1>1·esenlutio11 dul'iny fw{ftime of the football game on Oct. 2-J. Despite weather l'lwllcnyes. the yame and ceremony went on as planned. I l'hoto hy Kazu Fujismt'Cl SC'nior Alyssa kee is crou•n,,cf 1/omccominq Qlle< 11 in thr Benson J\11ditori11m during chapel cm Oct. 22. Presic/cnt Bruce McLarty a1111c11111ccd the llomc•c·o111i11y results in clwpelfor the first time d11e to ll'<'<llhel' concerns. I Photo hy Ku111 Fujisawu II O ."\IE CO ."\II~(; i I

J\Ic111bers of the "Sinqin' i11 the Rain" e11,emhlc yc1ther zn the O/H'lliny uct Oil Oct. 23 in the Benson Auditorium. The ensemble includecl 2R members and eiyht uocalist,. I Photo by Owen Brown Cosmo Brown, played by se11ior Jesse Hixson. U110 Lctnwnt played byju11ior Penny Turpi11. Don Lockwood played by senior Joi! Andretl' and Ko thy Selden pla.iwd by senior ,Jessie Pe1Zderyrc1ft. laugh ofter Turpin took a pie to the face 011 Oct. 23 in the Benson Auditorium. Penderqruft ond 4ndrew had the additional role of ucting in film clips that were part of the production. i Photo by 011•c•n Brown The cast of '·Singin· in the Rain .. pe1:forms its.fi1wl numbe1· "Sing in' in lhe l<ciin'' on Ocl. 23 ir1 the Be11son Auditorium. The technical crew made rai11full on staye, slcmtinq th<' stage so it would drain into a central gutter. I Photo by Kaw Fujisawa 110 .\IECO.\ll~(; ,\ll' SIC .\L 2:J

By 2015, the Campus Activities Board had made I Heart HU Week a staple in Harding's Homecoming activities. The week featured five CAB-hosted events that reflected the reasons students loved Harding. The schedule included Midnight Madness, which was a new addition to the year's line-up, a concert by the musical group The Hunts, a free cookie give-away, a chili and cheese dip cook off, and a block party to end it all. Coordinating the festivities during one of Harding's busiest weeks made the event a priority for Director of Campus Life Logan Light and his staff. "We easily spent three to four months getting the entire week together," Light said. "It is one of the first things that goes on our wall calendar every year, and I begin to book the days in the summer. It is a pretty extensive task to pull off four to five events in a six-day span. My team was exceptional, and this year proved to be worth the work." CAB student director senior Phoebe Cunningham played a heavy role on Light's "exceptional" team. She noted the parallels between I Heart HU Week and Homecoming. "Homecoming is a time to celebrate Harding and the community it is," Cunningham said. "So going along with that, I Heart HU Week is an opportunity for CAB to create a fun and entertaining atmosphere for students to embrace what Harding is and what it was and what it will be." Junior Hayes McPherson participated in several CAB events throughout the year including Open Mic Night, Midnight Madness and CAB-hosted concerts. CAB designed the wide range of weeklong activities were not only designed to appeal to the wide range of students on campus, but to give variety to those who frequently participated in CAB events, according to Cunningham. "It's a whole week so it's nice to relax and enjoy events like The Hunts concert. That was a blast," McPherson said. "(Enjoying) good music, hanging out with friends (reminds us) of the fun possibilities that we can have on campus through organizations including CAB." Light said his team worked hard to plan and implement the events, and he was proud the student body had grown to expect the week of festivities each year. "I Heart HU is, when it comes down to it, what CAB stands for and what CAB is trying to deliver," Cunningham said. "It's a great celebration of what the community is at Harding here on campus and what CAB tries to instill in students because we are a part of each student's campus experience, or at least we try to be." Bu Jluc yhen C(l/"fer Vreshmun yuurd /.uch Vl"!JH'll dw1ks oi•er· President Bruce McLm·1y·s hl'ud ul AI1dnight Atudness on Ot't. 20 in the Rhoe/es-Reul'£ s Field House. The stunt was one of 111c111y et•ents ut the pep nilly dcsiyncd to i11trocluce the basketball teoms to the u111i 1ersily. I Photo /Jy Beccu Riley Singe,· Tol"i Jfrlly per.forms in the Benson Auditorium 011 Vov. -. Kelly ended her nutiorzu•iclc tour, "H'herc I Belony.·· in Searcy. Arka11s(1S. I Photo by Kozu Fujis(ltv(I

8tuclcnts guthc,· on the front /crn•n on Nov. 30 to witness tht crnnuu/ liyhting ceremony. President BrncC' McL(lrty /eel the co1rntdott1n to liyhling the <·c1111p11s with oi1e1· 1:20.000 J,liD lights. I Photo hy Owen Brou•n An influtuble reindeer uccompunies the lights and w,·eaths that decorate the ftont lawn for the 201.5 holicluy season. The reindeer made his debut in :2012 courtesy <>_{senior .'Hiclwel Canterbury cmcl alumni Corey Rhoades cmd Ryan Brown. I Photo courtesy o.f Corey Rhoades iu STl'DE:....T LIFE

Senior Michael Canterbury and alumni Corey Rhoades and Ryan Brown invested time, money and resources to purchase an inflatable reindeer during their freshman year to go with the Christmas decorations for the front lawn. During the fall of 2012, Canterbury, Rhoades and Brown were talking about the Harding lights at an open dorm night and thought it would be a funny idea to add their personal flair to the Christmas lights. "We were talking about the Harding front lawn lights, and then we started joking about putting an inflatable reindeer on the front lawn to go along with the lights," Canterbury said. "Then we realized this would actually be possible to do, so we got up and started knocking on every door in Stephens Hall, asking people if they would want to donate to the Front Lawn Reindeer Fund." The men started asking friends, the peers in their classes, people in the cafeteria and their chapel buddies for donations. They continued to raise the funds for several weeks leading up to the annual lighting ceremony. "We asked around for about a week or two for $1 donations," Brown said. "We ended up raising over $120. I would write eve1yone's name in a note I> .\ I LY LI FE ·~ 7 on my phone to have a list of every person that donated to the fund. Ninety-one people donated to it. We probably asked over 200 people. Alot of people just rolled their eyes, but as long as people thought it was legit and we weren't just trying to take their money to keep it, it was fairly simple to get people excited and full of Christmas spirit." After a few weeks of fundraising, they were able to pay for the inflatable reindeer in small bills and change and revealed the reindeer during the annual lighting ceremony. ''We ended up getting it in time for the turning on ofthe front lawn lights," Canterbury said. "Then I came up with the name, Bethel, and the reindeer is a girl. That night, we blew her up, and it was a huge success. We would put it up every night on the front lawn, and as the weeks passed, Bethel became more famous. I've been putting her on the front lawn for three years now." According to Brown, someone cut a hole in Bethel's hoof, making the reindeer unable to inflate and preventing their plan of passing down the lawn decoration. "The plan was to pass her on to a new generation," Brown said. "Michael is hoping to repair her, but it might be too late."

, , T LIFE ST l' DI•. ~

I ~ TH.\ ~I l' H .\L S ~ H In spring 2015, Harding officials announced renovations would be made to several parts of campus, including the expansion of the Ganus Athletic Center. During the fall semester, the front of the building was fenced off, allowing exterior construction to begin. On Dec. 4, the GAC gymnasium locked its doors and was not scheduled to reopen until fall 2016. The renovation plans included new racquetball courts, a two-story weight room, added volleyball courts, a new game room and an indoor walking track; however, the renovations also affected certain aspects of student life. In an effort to accommodate indoor club and intramural sports, outdoor sports seasons were postponed until spring 2016 to be played while the GAC was closed. This meant moving basketball to the fall and shortening a few sports' seasons. Senior Taylor Sherril said the changes to her intramural volleyball schedule were a little hectic, but the season went as smoothly as possible. "It has seemed like there was a little bit of chaos sometimes, but not necessarily in a bad way because I think the renovations are extremely needed," Sherril said. "The GAC employees have been so good about keeping everything clean and orderly. They keep it almost immaculate and make sure everyone is safe." TI1e renovations also meant playing in a gym that was somewhat under construction. In addition to club and intramural sports, the GAC provided a facility for daily pick-up basketball, volleyball and racquetball games. While it was contained and kept safe for students,junior Jacob Meeks said the wood that had replaced portions of the walls made the gym much colder to play in. He believed closing the GAC would affect many students' daily lives, not just club and intramural sports. "I know personally I am going to have to try to find something else to do with my time," Meeks said. "There are a lot of people that go and play basketball every single day. I know it is going to impact me and people that have a routine of going there to play often, but I am excited for it, too, because I think it needs to be done." While all of the intramural season switch-ups did not make his job any easier, Tom Ritchie, director of intramural sports, said he thought all of the new renovations would be worth the inconvenience. "It will be an imposition, but hopefully when we reopen it will be twice as nice," Ritchie said. "We are hoping to bring more people into the building so that it becomes more of a gathering center for students. It will take some getting used to, but it will be a whole new recreational center." By ToriC1 l'C1rrett .J1111ior .Jake L~dd/c:man dribbles towcll"cl the basket in the Gcrnu., Athletic Center on Not•. 16. All intramurul onu club indoor sports. i11cludi11y bosket ball. wr,·e rescheclulecl to the fall to c1ccommodC1tC' GAC renovations planned for the spring. I Photo by Owen Brown Freshman Abbye Sheannire re<JChesfo,· the basketball during an inlrcrnwral game 011 Nov. 23 in the Carats Athletic Center. Shearmire was a member of the i11trwm1ral team "Bomb Squod." I Photo by Owen lfrown

On Sept. 12, nearly 500 first-year students spent their weekend at the First Year Experience retreat held at Camp Wyldewood in Searcy, Arkansas. The retreat was reconstituted three years before, and for the first time, all new students were required to attend. Events such as the First Year Experience retreat, Impact and the Freshman P(Reunion) are all hosted by the HU Square 1 office, a facet of the Center for Student Success. Dean of Student Success and head of First Year Experience Kevin Kehl said the retreat focused on issues new students faced during the first week of school such as finding their identity and getting plugged in on campus. "It made a lotofsenseto address alot ofthat through a retreat," Kehl said. "Get people off campus, expose them to something outside ofthe quad and introduce them to some beautiful spots that are very close by." To prepare students for the newness of college life, the FYE implemented peer guides. These 60 upperclassmen sat in on freshmen Bible classes and were accessible on campus to help and mentor the first-year students. Junior peer guide Kyle Dingus said the goal ofthe retreat was to build camaraderie with the freshmen and transfers, while giving them an opportunity to reflect on their first few weeks as college students. "As a peer guide, my job is to help the professor with whatever he may need," Dingus said. "But even more so to be a friend to the freshmen and make sure they feel welcome." Freshman Macy McClung said she gained new perspectives on ways to engage fellow students and the importance of forming meaningful relationships. 'The First Year Experience retreat has really helped me get a head start on developing connections in ways that I probably wouldn't have initiated on my own," Mcclung said. "It's so natural to get into a routine and not break out of your comfort zone, but I feel like the First Year E>..'Perience equipped me with a more open mind to trying to form bonds outside of my set friend groups and roommates." At the retreat, organizers split the first-year students into three large groups to rotate through different spots around Wyldewood for various activities. There was a devotional at Bee Rock, a popular hiking destination Freshman Brune/on Gomez break dcrnces ut the throu>hack prom, ''Throm." themed dinner on the Fnrnt Lmt•n on Aug. 25. "Nintendo" served as the theme.for the second of two themed dinners during Impact. I Photo by Becca Riley Freshmen and peer guides enjoy the view from Bee Rock on Sept. 12. The relreat fe(ltlll'ed guest speakers President Bl'uce AlcLarty and C1!11m1111s B. Chris Simpson. I Pholo courtesy n.f J\fryu11 Albe,·s :~ 0 S T l' I> E ~ T L I F E at Wyldewood, a dubstep remix ofthe Harding alma mater, a guest lecture by young adult minister B. Chris Simpson, games hosted by the Campus Activities Board and several lectures addressing pertinent topics. Head of the FYE Committee for the Student Association sophomore Cole Swearengen said he had a great Harding experience and wanted students to see all of the things Harding had to offer - if they were willing to give themselves to it. "At the beginning of school there's a little lull in the events on campus," Swearengen said. "Freshmen don't really know what to do, so this retreat kind of gives them an opportunity as they're starting to miss home to get together with everybody and kind of come back to that original statement of 'you are here' (the theme of Impact 2015)." Swearengen said he was glad Harding hosted the FYE retreat and wished it had started when he was a freshman. "Freshman year can be weird and it can be awesome, but this gives us a way to come back to the thought that we are united by Christ and we are united through Harding," Swearengen said.


N T E R N A T 0 N A L Few would say they came back from traveling the world the same way they left. It changes you, the way you think and the way you see things. Going abroad for a semester gives once-in-a-lifetime opportunities unique to college. Whether it is HULA, HUE, HUG, HIZ, HUA or HUF, the experience of learning a new culture and language is liberating. It permanently alters the lens through which we view life. There are multitudes to be discovered the moment we step out of our comfo1t zones. Jonna Hopper

"I could hear the very unique language of the jungle." - Katie Lynn Finch The Harding University in Latin America program ended its annual expedition into the Amazon Rainforest by traveling to a new destination located in the Tambopata National Reserve in Peru. The trip to the resort included traveling by motorboat across the Amazon Basin, hiking two miles through knee-deep mud and canoeing across Lake Sandoval, where they stayed at Lake Sandoval Lodge. Sophomore Anna Gibb,who attended the HULA program during the spring 2015 semester, said the weather in the rainforest was a challenge during longer hikes, but by the end of the week, the group had adjusted to its surroundings well. "The heat and humidity were intense, and as a few others passed me on the trail, I told them to tell my parents that I love them," Gibb said. "But we finally made it to the boats to take across Lake Sandoval to the cabin on the other side where we would be staying for the next week. Looking back, it was an incredible experience, and the sights and sounds and mud were pretty great, even though it didn't seem like it at the time." Senior Katie Lynn Finch, who attended the HULA program during the spring 2015 semester, said she vividly remembered the final leg of their journey to the resort. "I remember the canoe going through a natural door made of the trees and brush that opened to the wide, peaceful lake," Finch said. "I could hear the very unique language of the jungle filled with chatter of the night crawlers that were waking up and many other creatures finding a place to rest for the night. Although the jungle was noisy, it had a certain peace where the distractions of the world were silenced, and all that was left was God and his creation." The group took daily expeditions where they saw wildlife, such as, river otters, a sloth, toucans, red howler monkeys, tamarin monkeys and caiman. One day that stood out to HULA spring 2015 participant senior Sam Elander was when it rained so much that it kept the group inside the lodge all day. "I think our group bonded the most in the Amazon on the day that it rained heavily," Elander said. "We were able to relax in the lodge in hammocks, listened to the rainfall and play card games. Not being able to go out on the lake was a bit disappointing, but looking back, it was nice to have that time together." HULA director Pamela Hook said although they traveled to a new location, the Amazon excursion was always one of her favorites every year because of how the group was able to spend time reminiscing about their semester together. Elander enjoyed the solitude oftheir location in the Amazon because it allowed the group to relax and decompress before traveling back to the U.S. "I loved ending my study abroad trip in the Amazon," Elander said. "It was exotic, beautiful, and had a different culture than what we had previously encountered. Something about the relaxed atmosphere and friendly guides made it a nice way to finish HULA, even if we kept wishing it wouldn't end." The HULA group stal'ts their two-mile hike to the cabin where they would stay for a week at I,uke Sandoval Lodge on Jvfoy 26, 2015. They spent their time on expedit ions to see thC' unique ivildlife and explo,·e the rainforest. I Photo courtesy ofA.nnu Gibh Senior Allison Nolan swings on a hrcmch while exploriny the rainforest in the Amazon on May 28, 2015. Many students took the opportunity of beiny in the Amazon to eat /ocalfczl'es such us.fresh Br·azil nuts and termites. I Photo courtesy ofAnna Gibb 11 l' L.\ :L5

ASPIRING KENNEDY By Toria Parrett While many Harding students participated in an international program, few went on to direct one. Alumnus Lauren Bryan Knight spent four years working in public relations and marketing in the U.S. before moving to England when her husband and Harding graduate, Tyler Knight, was accepted into the Master of Business Administration Program at Oxford University. Upon moving to London, Knight began helping with the Harding University in England program as a way to feel connected. She was soon offered the full-time role of overseeing not just the HUE program, but also Harding University in Paris. Knight said it was a dream opportunity. "When I initially offered my time to help out, I never expected that it would eventually become a full-time role with overseeing both the UK and France programs," Knight said. "It was the dream job that I never dreamed I could have actually gotten." Knight also stayed connected to her friends and family through blogging. Her website and Instagram account acquired thousands offollowers as Knight assumed her role as "Aspiting Kennedy," her travel blog and Instagram handle. Knight later gave birth to their daughter, Viola, in 2013 and their son, Harrison, in 2015, prominent features of both accounts. "London and my kids are definitely the attractive part of my online presence," Knight said. "I want to be a voice that talks to people traveling to Europe in a way that they can understand. I try to be relatable with London as an awesome background." While focusing on her blog, being a mother and directing an international program sounded like a full load, Ashel Parsons, international programs administrator, who visited Knight with the HUE program in Iceland in 2015, said Knight did an impressive job balancing it all with a flexible attitude. "She really did a great job of balancing both work and family life," Parsons said. "It was really cool to see how she integrates those. All of the students loved hanging out with the kids, but she was so good at being present with the students, too. She was really easygoing. Everyone around her was always very calm, which I think was very key because so many things could go wrong with these programs." Parsons said it was not Knight's impressive 18,100 Instagram followers but her ability and willingness to do everything alongside them that impressed students. Junior Suzannah Thompson, a HUE student in fall 2015, said Knight made everyone feel welcomed and involved. "She is one of the most relatable people," Thompson said. "She is super easy to talk to and be around. She is one of those rare people that can inspire you without making you feel inferior." At the end of the day and despite her social media fame, Knight said her first priority was giving everything she had to those around her. "Each night I like to lay in bed and feel completely drained," Knight said. "I want to feel like I poured myself out that day in all that I did. If I feel that way, I know it was a worthwhile day."

HUE Director Lauren Bryan Knight plays with her two children at Skaftafell National Park in Iceland dw·ing the fall semester. The group hadjustfinished a hiking expedition and paused to enjoy the view. I Photo courtesy ofAshel Parsons

Junior Danielle Henslee looks out at the city of Corinth, Greece, in July. During their time at HUG.. ~1; gr~?\1~tl;tl many of the same places the apostle Plnd had walked over 2,000 years ago. I Photo co11rlesy OJ ruic ise H Alumnus and HUG assistant director Silas Hefj1ey waits for students outside the Veria Synagogue in Veria, Greece, in the fall of 2015. One of l-leffley's goals as assistant directo1· was to impact students the way he was during his time cis a IlUG student in the spring of 2013. I Photo courtesy of Seth Welborn :3 B I ;11 T E H ;11 AT I O ~ A L

Behind each Harding University study abroad program was a group ofleaders who made overseas semesters the life-changing experiences they were for hundreds of students. In the fall of 2015, Harding alumnus Silas Heffleybegan his new position as the director's assistant at Harding University in Greece. Heffley, an Arkansas native who attended HUG as a student in the spring of 2013, saw the position as a springboard for sharing his faith. "I applied for this job because I wanted to help future (HUG students) have as meaningful of a semester as I did," Heffley said. "Choosing to study abroad in Greece was the best decision I made in college. The experience as a whole completely changed the way I view the world around me. More importantly it changed the way I read the Bible and it brought a new clarity to some spiritual questions I was struggling with at the time. I cannot fathom a more meaningful endeavor right out ofcollege than to help more young people through the same journey." Former HUG Director's Assistant Stephen Chandler described the position as "a job that is somewhere between a camp counselor and a youth minister in a foreign country." Chandler spent four and a half years at HUG, working from January 2011 to July 2015. He recalled the time he spent with the HUG program and the opportunity he had to pass down wisdom to Heffley as he embarked on his new journey. "During our talks, I told Silas that even into my last year at HUG, I would sometimes lie in bed at night and start laughing to myself because I would think, 'I can't believe I get to live in Greece and show this beautiful country, its culture and history to students. Is this real?"' Chandler said. For three months, students at HUG traveled across the Greek Islands and Europe. For the director's assistant, each semester consisted of showing students sites and sounds they had never seen before. According to Chandler, ancient ruins and temples became a regular sight to see for students and teachers, making every trip a new oppo1tunity to learn and explore. "One of the things I'll miss the most is being around ancient a1tifacts regularly," Chandler said. "While working at HUG, it was no big deal to eat a Ill'(; :H) gyro by a 3,000-year-old temple or run in an ancient stadium. Aside from the big ones that we take the students to, like the Parthenon, I would try to go to as many other small ones as I could, especially if it was in a famous Greek myth." Clay Beason, head director at HUG, understood moving to a foreign country. Heffley said the Beasons played a vital role in his transition to a new home away from home. Moving residences and changing jobs were two things Beason, his wife, Loren, and their daughter understood well. "While the changes were challenging at times, of course, the benefits of this new time and place for our family outweigh passing up this opportunity," Clay said. "When we count our blessings, we know that this move was valuable for us, and we are continually thankful for the confidence shown by the leadership at Harding in us as we adjust to our new lives at HUG." Though the transition to a new home across the ocean required creating a completely new normal, Heffley looked forward to the excitement of molding young minds and the unexpected experiences to come.

J\ tc1h/e of puintings CII'<' priced crnd l'eocly to be sold for the llea,·ts After IIIZJ1111<fraiser in th<' Ml'lnteer· Rot1111cla 011 Feb. :26, 2015. The et•<'lli was the g1·oup'sfi11ul project toyethe,· following their semeste,· i11 Zambia. \ Photo courtesy of Kaitlin Uchida IIIZ students gather for a picture hejol'e the lfrarts After HIZ.fu11draiser on Fe/J. :26. 2015 in the Mclntee,· Rotu11da. The money from the fundraiser went lo the Hczt>e11s at Namwicmga Mission. an orphanage the group worked with during their time overseas. \ Photo courtesy of Kaitli11 Uchida Junior Audra Stanley admires the view from a mountain above the city of Mbulu . Tanzania, on Oct. 11. In addition tu their time in Zcimbia, the group also experienced ci safari in Botswana a11d a two week trip to Tanzania.\ Photo courtesy of Matthew Be11tley '• 0 I ~TE H :'\,\TIO~ AL

Hearts After HIZ served as an important part of the Harding in Zambia program since it began in 2007. The event was an annual fundraiser hosted by the previous year's HIZ group, benefiting the Havens of Namwianga, or the Havens, a group of four orphanages for nearly 70 children in Kalamo, Zambia. The fall 2014 HIZ group hosted the fundraiser in the spring of 2015. Students who participated in the HIZ program sold artwork, T-shirts, coffee, chai tea and arts and crafts from Zambia, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya and various other places. The group also recorded and sold an album of songs learned during their time in Zambia in various languages, including Tonga. Shawn Daggett, director for the Center for World Missions at Harding, assisted the HIZ participants during their fundraising efforts. He noted the importance ofthe fundraiser as well as the students' commitment to assist the Havens. "Hearts After HIZ rallies the commitment to missions of newly returned HIZ students into meaningful, eternal good," Daggett said. "When students participate in the Harding in Zambia program, their lives are changed as a spiritual adrenaline pumps through their transformed selves." The Havens orphanages ran solely on donations. HIZ participants focused on raising funds to support the orphanage's daily operations and sharing their experience in Zambia with others on campus. "Hearts after HIZ is an attempt to harness this enthusiasm and zeal to continue to help God's purposes ... the group typically sells various things brought back from Zambia, in addition to things they have made," Daggett said. "All the funds raised go directly to support the Havens orphanages at Namwianga Mission." Planning for the event began when the students returned at the beginning of the spring semester. Students sold items they purchased while abroad, created various items and sought to teach others about the Havens orphanages. They also fostered a cultural understanding of Africa. Senior Drew Howerton attended HIZ in the fall of 2014 and assisted during the Hearts After HIZ fundraiser. "In the spring semester, the past fall's HIZ group will get together to plan Hearts After HIZ," Howerton said. "Location, timing, supplies and costs all have to be planned out in advance. Shirt-designing and CDrecording are important. Many of the HIZ group's members will get together to craft, paint and prepare things to sell. (The event) also brings a bit of a taste of African culture to Harding students." Junior Sarah Littleton, a HIZ program and Hearts After HIZ participant, brought the life lessons she learned in Zambia back to Harding in order to support those she cared about at the orphanage. "It is a wonderful thing for the HIZ students to see hundreds of other Harding students supporting their efforts and desiring to love the people that mean so much to us," Littleton said. "I would say that that is the thing that helps us the most: to be the link between these two groups of people that we love." Photo cou,·tesy of Mull Bentley

Prince Charles shakes junior Co/in Escue's hand on Nol'. 5 i11 Du11edi11, New Zealand. Locals told the HUA group about the royal visit to Nen• Zeala11cl so the students could witness it Jo,· themselves. I Photo courtesy of Colin Escue '• 2 I~ TE H ~ .\TIO~ .\ L

Every fall, a group of students traveled through Australia, New Zealand and parts of Asia as part of the Harding University in Australasia study abroad program. While every group experienced the mountain of New Zealand and the Great Barrier Reef of Australia, the fall 2015 group also got the chance to see the British royal family in person. Junior Leigh Chickering remembered the opportunity vividly because class was canceled for the occasion. "We were staying at a university in Dunedin, ew Zealand, and we heard from people at the college that Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla were coming to the train station down the road from us," Chickering said. ·'So we were able to get out of classes for what we called a 'Prince Day' so we could go see them." The group got a chance to see Charles, Prince of Wales, the son of Queen Elizabeth and the heir to the throne ofEngland, as well as his wife Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall. Some members of the group, like sophomore Jake Black, said they felt star struck upon seeing royalty. "I was super excited to be in the presence of royalty because I had only heard of them in the news and in magazines," Black said. "But once I actually got a chance to see them, they just felt like normal people to me." 11 t · .\ Some of the group, like junior Colin Escue, even got to shake hands with the future king of England. "I didn't even know what to say to him when I shook his hand," Escue said. "He had a really firm grip and a super deep voice, which was a little overwhelming to be honest. I was at a loss for words." The loss for words did not last long. On a whim, the group began to sing together loudly for the royal family the only song they thought appropriate for the situation. "We were standing right by where all of the news stations were and Gunior) Kailyn Willis started singing 'Royals' by Larde, and we all joined in," Chickering said. "Apparently singing randomly while waiting for the prince is not a common thing in New Zealand, so all of the newscasters started to swarm us and asked us to start over a couple times. We didn't sound great but it was an awesome moment." Multiple ew Zealand news stations broadcasted the HUA group's rendition of Lorde's hit song so the students, and countless others, were able to see their spur-of-the-moment tune to Charles and Camilla on television. "Our singing was awesome... in our minds at least," Black said. "But to the locals I have no clue how we sounded."

'•· '• I "1-'' 'I' I' i.., ~HNATl07'AL

TIUr nircclor H.obhie Shaekclforci t!'aches students ut the Piauu Vavona in Rome, Itu/11. 011 Fi>/J. 26. 201 :::;. The stuluc sta~1c/ing hehind Shc1ckc(forc/ wus the Fontana dei ()110/lro fo'i11111i. ll'hich r·(•p1·escntcd_f(ll//' coritincnls in one statue. I Photo cow·tcs11 of Brcrndon Rickett Bt/ All'x Winyrove I Claire llc'.fflcy In 2015, worldwide social media network Instagram boasted over 400 million active users monthly according to the company website. Over 1,400 of those users followed Harding University Florence Director Robe1t "Robbie" Shackelford (@roberteadshack). With the help of visiting professor Jeremy Daggett, Shackelford started his Instagram account in the spring semester of 2014. Shackelford said Instagram provided him a way to keep up with loved ones and estimated over 1,000 of his followers were former students. "For me it has been a wonderful way to see past students," Shackelford said. "Many are married and have families, some are sta1ting families, some are getting married, some are traveling the world with their work and some are busy at school." Each morning Shackelford posted a video of his surroundings saying, "Buongiorno a tutti," which meant "Good morning everyone," in Italian, and included the hashtag #italianphraseoftheday. Shackelford said he learned to use hashtags because they made it easier to send messages of encouragement. He estimated using about 100 different hashtags regularly. Senior Rachel Anzalone, who attended HUF in the spring of 2014, said her favorite thing about Shackelford's Instagram was seeing people and places she missed and reliving fond experiences through his frequent photo and video posts. "My favorite hashtag that he used was #thecreativecreatorstrikesagain," Anzalone said. "Because to me, that is just Robbie in a lll' F '1,3 nutshell with his personality and his loving soul and the way he appreciates beauty in creation." Anzalone said Shackelford left numerous encouraging comments on her posts, all of which reflected his caring spirit. Junior Kami Adams, a spring 2015 HUF student, said she was always on guard while overseas for fear Shackelford would capture an embarrassing moment on camera. "You had to be on your toes at all times," Adams said. "But at the end of the day, it didn't matter if you were or not because he was probably Instagramming anyway." By October 2015, Shackelford had posted over 2,300 photos or videos, often multiple times each day. Many students, like senior Brandon Helms, who attended HUF in the spring of 2015, and sophomore Seth Jernigan, who attended in the fall of 2014, saw Shackelford's frequent posts as glimpses inside his joyful spirit. "Robbie's Instagram is a live look-in to how he takes in the world around him," Helms said. "It reflects the pure joy that stems within him at every moment of the day." Jernigan, who returned to the HUF campus in the summer of 2015 for a two-week teaching internship, believed Shackelford's social media activity served as an instrument to reveal his love for his students and passion for his job. "I think it reflects how he fully invests in everyone and everything he does. He doesn't do anything half-hea1ted," Jernigan said. "It also reflects how he is aggressively seeking beauty in everything he does and wants to share it."