2015-2016 Yearbook

l M of FA N M UTE S E '/'hr ho~ls. lwsless(s und e11se111hle 1n•1form their upe11iny numher, "Dr. Jau. ·· 011 April 3. 201s 011 the Henso11 staye. The show.featured un ensemb/(' of 20 pe1'.{01·me1·s and eiyht i•ocalists. as well us two ho,·ts und t1uo hostesses. I Photo by Amundo Floyd Juniors Andrew Sweolt and 11higuil Seagle play Pl'ince Clwrnzing and Cinderella fol' "Bihhity Boppity Buchclo1··· on .\pril 3, 2015. The gl'(>UJ) inc/ud('d Iota Chi. OEGE, Chi K(lppu Rho. Phi Kappa Delta crnd 1'.i11y·s Men. I Photo by Amunc!u f/oyd Sophomore Kasey 1 'ttL·ton oncl senior Ster11 HwTis look for the nrn,·clerer of the maste1· of the house· during Reyina Sig mu Phi Jlu a11d Chi Si911w Alplw's show "1\ Party to Die For" 011 .\p,·i/ 3, 2015. The shcHL··s cl1reclo1s bused the storyline off the bourcl yame Clue. Photu hy Owen Brou•n Senior /;.elsey Sumrn/1 pe1:fonn., IH r solo "Original" 011 Apl'il 3, 2015. Sumrall rn-hostecl with junior Renee J\l(lynurd und se11iors .Juml's Jlrforywz u11cl Jesse Ilixson. I Photo by Ou•en Hrow11 10 STl'DE:'\T LIFE