2015-2016 Yearbook

J\Ic111bers of the "Sinqin' i11 the Rain" e11,emhlc yc1ther zn the O/H'lliny uct Oil Oct. 23 in the Benson Auditorium. The ensemble includecl 2R members and eiyht uocalist,. I Photo by Owen Brown Cosmo Brown, played by se11ior Jesse Hixson. U110 Lctnwnt played byju11ior Penny Turpi11. Don Lockwood played by senior Joi! Andretl' and Ko thy Selden pla.iwd by senior ,Jessie Pe1Zderyrc1ft. laugh ofter Turpin took a pie to the face 011 Oct. 23 in the Benson Auditorium. Penderqruft ond 4ndrew had the additional role of ucting in film clips that were part of the production. i Photo by 011•c•n Brown The cast of '·Singin· in the Rain .. pe1:forms its.fi1wl numbe1· "Sing in' in lhe l<ciin'' on Ocl. 23 ir1 the Be11son Auditorium. The technical crew made rai11full on staye, slcmtinq th<' stage so it would drain into a central gutter. I Photo by Kaw Fujisawa 110 .\IECO.\ll~(; ,\ll' SIC .\L 2:J