2015-2016 Yearbook

FROM INSIDE THE OUT On Oct. 2, the interior design department welcomed the Counsel for Interior Design Accreditation to Harding's campus and achieved full accreditation for the second time. The program first achieved accreditation in 2009, a process that reocurred eve1y six years unless the counsel found weaknesses in the depmtment. Standards were the same for all schools, ensuring students and future employers of the quality of each program. Students and professors alike played a part in preparing for the accreditation. As a part of the accreditation process, the department presented completed projects and exams from students to ensure the course material met the CIDA requirements. A select few interior design students interviewed with the visiting counsel members to discuss what they had learned and their understanding of the material. Junior Allie Howard said department galleries displayed exceptional projects to demonstrate the students' comprehension and skills. "As students, we have been preparing for the accreditation process for a while, even before we knew we were preparing for it," Howard said. "The projects we have done over the years were out on display for the Hy Addison llursl accreditation representatives to observe." Maintaining accreditation not only benefited the department, but its students as well, proving the quality of their education. Sophomore Shannon McCurdy said without a CIDA-approved degree and without taking the National Council for Interior Design Qualification exam, future designers could have trouble landing the job they desired. "If you did not graduate with a degree from an accredited school, you may not be able to take the NCIDQ test that allows you to become a practicing professional," McCurdy said. "So unless you want to do freelance home decorating, then you cannot get those jobs most of us want." Amy Cox, director of the interior design department, evaluated the CIDA feedback to improve the program curriculum. Although the task of accreditation was daunting, Cox said her students and colleagues encouraged them throughout the process. "The school has been so supportive of us," Cox said. "They have truly been incredible and have given us everything we need to complete this process. It has been nice to have the opp01tunity to hire new professors and expand the program." I O 2 .\ CA DE ~I I CS