2015-2016 Yearbook

"SOCIAL MEDIA HAS CHANGED THE PROCESS OF JOINING A CLUB DRAMATICALLY. - ADAM BAKER Before the club process began, members of each club wore their jerseys once each week and talked to potential members about their club. With the advancement of social media, club members also expressed their club pride through Instagram accounts, Twitter accounts, Facebook statuses and YouTube videos. Senior women's club Zeta Rho president Lauren Heffington took advantage of the opportunity social media presented to attract new members. "Utilizing social media is critical to the social club process for both sides - the club and the prospective members," Heffington said. "Members use social media to put a name with a face and to even get an idea of what a girl may be like based on what's going on in her profiles. Members also get a chance to attract interest by posting pictures from past club peak moments that make future members want the same type of memory and same type of club vibe." Heffington, along with many other Zeta Rho members, changed her profile picture during the club process to a club-themed photo in order to further promote Zeta Rho. Senior vice president of men's social club Omega Phi Adam Baker felt the use of social media had drastically changed the induction process by how quickly and effectively a club could communicate with potential members. "Social media has changed the process of joining a club dramatically," Baker said. "We can now share sign-up lists, slideshows with pictures of the new members, and even send out mixer invitations electronically." Along with seeing jerseys on campus and attending club mixers, the additional exposure social media provided helped potential members finalize their club rankings. Senior Jordan Loukota directed a group of senior members from women's social club Pi Theta Phi in the production of a music video spoof to the song, "Salute," by Little Mix. "The purpose of the video was not only for recruitment, but for senior bonding and to let the underclassmen know we are all in and excited for this year," Loukota said. Freshman Allie Lowe said she was attracted to one particular social club because of its presence both in person and on social media. "When I was going through open houses and mixers for clubs, seeing the pride the women in Pi Theta Phi wore their jerseys with and posted pictures on social media with definitely drew me in," Lowe said. "I knew pretty quickly that the fun and pride I saw in those women on social media was something I wanted to be a part of." Freshman Megan Harley sports American fluy-themcci ful'c J)Clint CII Shantih's "Muricn" jfrst-1·01111ci mixrr 011 Sept. 17. Shcmtih also hosted their t1·aditio11al ··on111ye Olympics·· mixer uncl u mixc•,· featuring their "'.favorite things.·· I Photo by Heccn Riley AL CLUBS