2015-2016 Yearbook

s 0 C A L C L u B s Social clubs present the unique opportunity to be a part of something greater. The close, intertwined connections live much longer than our time here at Harding. Social clubs allow us to be surrounded by other college students who share a common goal. We are all striving toward graduation and adulthood together. While we may be hours from home, social clubs serve as our families. They celebrate with you in times ofjoy and mourn with you in times of despair. They are the first to offer up their time, their resources and their energy to help you. Social clubs are not about convenience, popularity, sports or a jersey. The relationships formed during club week extend much further than these aspects. Our fellow members are our dearest friends, closest companions and eternal bonds. Through our time at Harding, fellow members stick by our sides and help shape us along the way. Anna Winchester