2015-2016 Yearbook

8tuclcnts guthc,· on the front /crn•n on Nov. 30 to witness tht crnnuu/ liyhting ceremony. President BrncC' McL(lrty /eel the co1rntdott1n to liyhling the <·c1111p11s with oi1e1· 1:20.000 J,liD lights. I Photo hy Owen Brou•n An influtuble reindeer uccompunies the lights and w,·eaths that decorate the ftont lawn for the 201.5 holicluy season. The reindeer made his debut in :2012 courtesy <>_{senior .'Hiclwel Canterbury cmcl alumni Corey Rhoades cmd Ryan Brown. I Photo courtesy o.f Corey Rhoades iu STl'DE:....T LIFE