definitions petit jean 2006 harding university searcy, ark. volume 82 ·Cynthia Noah: Editor in chief •Lauren Tish: Assistant Editor ·Breanna Wood: Copy Editor ·Austin Light: Copy Editor ·Russell Keck: Head Photographer ·Laura Brown: Layout Editor ·Renee Lewis: Adviser
Prying owoy, freshman Allen Sandlin removes a branch from a tree in Gretna, La., Oct. 8. After Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast Aug. 29, Harding sfudents collec ted donations, volunteered at evacuee sites and farmed teams that went to Louisiana for five weekends in the fall semester to help in the cleanup efforts . •(ou""1of JoshBundy Sophomore Gommo Sigmo Phi membersMonhew Perring, Eric Young and Keke Brooks and sophomore Chi Sigma Alpha member Steven Davis pray together Sept. 27 following a scrim– mage club softball game. "I don't know of a better way to bring a group of guys together than a little competition and a little sweat, " Brooks said. ·Jonothan lindsay
Sploshing oround, freshman Loramy Reed, sophomore Caleb McNiece and freshman Melinda Birdwell play in the fountain in front of the Benson Auditorium Sept. 13. The tounfain was also used as a bap– tistry throughout the year at various events, including the annual Lectureship and College Church of Christ-sponsored gospel meeting in September. ·Jonathanlindsay apening "
Holding 0chicken, junior Brett Keller walks around the Honors College Back-to-School All-School Party Sept . 2. The evening began with a picnic for all Honors College students and ended with a free concert featuring the band Big Smith on the front lawn. ·Amber Bazargnni At the end of practice Sept. 30, members of the volleyball team raise their hands to display unity before leaving the court. "Something that's really unique about our team is that we're friends on and off the court. and that's really hard to find anywhere else," junior Tiffany Morrison, Lady Bison volleyball player, said. ·Russell K"k
Performing0 Ilunl, junior Shawn Frazier. seniors Mary Catherine Clark and Sam Peters and sophomore Jillian Shackelford. hosts and hostesses. sing "Oh the Things You Can Think" from "Seussical the Musical" March 26. 2005. with members of the ensemble during Spring Sing. "This year's Spring Sing wants to remind you not to take yourself 100 seriously." Shackelford said during the opening dialogue of the show. oJell Montgomery open i ng ~
Singing the Destiny's Child song Sept. 28, "Emotions," senior Mandy Brown, freshman Betsy Dell and senior Abby Chandler, members of Belles and Beaux, perform a t the annual Lectureship. The group traveled to various states throughout the South and performed at youth rallies, churches and sang during Family Weekend on campus Oel. 8. ·Russell K"k While in geology cia ss Sept. 12, Dr. David Cole, professor of physical science and department chairman , and sophomore Brandon Dodds discuss different types of rocks. "Faculty enjoy talking with students about their subject molter and helping when needed," Cole said. ·AmberBazargani
Silting on 0swing Sept. 29, junior Andrew Leeper and his fiancee junior Becca Blackman take a break to talk and spend time with each other. "The swings are a great place to unwind after a long day and sit and talk and be with friends," Blackman said . •Jonalhan lindsay opening "
;'dedication honored bysenior class He uncovered a four-horned altar in Israel, owned a Fiat Xl9 and made rep licas of famous archaeological inscriptions. Dr. Dale Manor, associate professor of Bible and archaeology, was voted by the senior class as the 2006 PetitJean dedication recipient. Manor received his bachelor's degree from Pepperdine Unive rsity in biblical studies, a master's degree in humanities from the California State University system, another master's degree in archaeology from the Univer– sity ofAriwna and his docrorate in syno-palestinian archaeology from the University ofArizona. Before teaching at Harding, Manor was a minister. He began preaching in 1969 at the age of 18. He started teaching because of rhe opportunity it gave him to follow his academic interests. "I had been in ministry for a long time before lteachingl," Manor said. "With my academic pursuit, there really wasn't much direction to go using [my degreesl meaningfUUy in a ministerial scrring. I wanted, hopefuUy, what positiveelemcnt5 I could bring tobe multiplied larger than in a more restricted atmosphere. After all, the clientele changes ever so often." Manor also wanted [Q bring his study ofarchaeology [Q members of the churches of Christ. "One of my goals lurking in the back of my mind was [Q get into a uni– versity setting because no one in the brotherhood {the churches of Chrisd leading adiscussion group, Dr. Dale Manor, asso– ciate professor of Bible and archaeology, talks about guest speaker Landon Saun– ders' ideas with sophomore Josh Borgelt and other Bible majors during the Bible majors' retreat at Camp Tahkadah Sept. 12. "I have taken so many classes with Dr. Manar that it is almost like I have 'minored in Manor, tI, senior Caleb Borchers said . •Jeff Montgomery had a degree in archaeology," Manor said. "I thought surely that would be something people would find useful." During (he summers, Manor had been the field director for excavations in Israel. He had gone over to Tel Beth-Shemesh since 2000 and had taken students with him. "I enjoy getting people over there, preferably in small groups, showing them around, show them how to dig and everything," Manor said. "It's great fun." Manor was an example to many on campus. "What I love is that Dr. Manor has been a great example. a paradigm for me, of how to be a great believer, a great minister and a great scholar all at once," said senior Caleb Borchers, a youth and family ministry major who had taken Manor for eight classes and had gone to Harding University in Greece with Manor. Borchers also said that what was special about Manor was the ability [0 get to know Manor on a personal level. "One thing is Dr. Manor's approachability outside of the classroom, rhe ability to JUSt go to him ... JUSt go to his office ... see him in the hallway and have discussions with him," Borchers said. "The fact that he is so available [0 you ou(side of the classroom is something that is very special about him." · (ynlhio Nooh, editor in(hief
(Ieoning his find, Dr. Dole Manor exposes the vessel so it and any other small artifacts that are associated with it are not dislodged in July 2004. Manor led five trips to the excavation site ofTel Beth-Shemesh, two of which included Harding students. -Courtesy of Dr. Dole MOllor Giving 0 leclure on "Archoeology ond Ihe Bible," Dr, Dale Manar speaks at the annual Lectureship Sept. 27. Manor earned hisdoctorate and moster's in archaeology from the University of Arizona and regularly gave lectures about his excavations and how the study of archaeology related to the Bible. ·lonarhan Undsoy dedication,·
While ploying on on inflotoble gome on the front lownOct. I, sophomore Mory Johnson hits sophomore Cora Helmuth at the Campus Activities Boord-sponsored Infl"table Friday. "We wanted everyone to come out to relax and have a good time," junior Jessie Ellis. CAB co-director, said. ·Jonathonlindsay division•••
lifehouse leod singer Joson Wode sings on the Benson Auditorium stage Aug. 25 for the first Campus Activities Board-sponsored concert of the year. "Having a concert in the middle of the week. at the beginning of the year. was something we wanted to try. and it went well; we sold out the Benson." Dustin Vyers. director of student life. said. ·Russell K"k
Holding thetronl miHer, junior Marissa Hallee, senior Emily Mor– ris and sophomore Kelli Blank work together to answer a question during the "Thinkfast" game show sponsored by the Campus Activities Board Jan. 21 in the student center. To earn extra points, Blank impersonated Celine Dion and sang "My Heart Will Go On." -AmiJerBOlargani students compete for cash F ase-paced pop culture mixed with witty contestants and a captive audience was the scene at the "Thinkfasr" game shows both semesters. Spo nsored by the Campus Activities Board, the "Think– fast" game show was a rime for students to show off their modern uivia knowledge and win some cash at the same time. Contestants received wireless transmitters that allowed them to buzz in and answer quesrions that were lic up on a big screen television. Anyone who wanted to play was offered a transmitter. Conresrams who wamed to increase their chances were allowed to play in groups. During the first round, conrestal1(s received points for correcdy an– swering pop culture-related questions. After each question, conreseants' transmitters were ranked on the screen. fu time increased, the questions were worth fewer points, and at the end ofthe first round, the four players with the mosr points went to rhe next round. The next two rounds cook place like more conventional game shows. behind podiums and wirh buzzers. A prize of $200 was awarded to the winner. "} had a good time," freshman John Stewart said. "Even though I had no cash to show for second place, I would do it again." Senior Phil Burrows won the November conrest and the $200. "I did what any sensible college student would do," Burrows said. "I wasted ie, and now I can't even remember where it all went; it left so quickly." Burrows gave credit for his quick wit and buzzer finger to his fam– ily. "J would like to thank my older brother," Burrows said. "He was always smarter than me and much bener at trivial pursuit. I really just want to thank him for not being there to compere against me because [hen he would have won the $200." Dustin Vyers, di rector of student life, said the game show, questions and rransmirrers wete rented from a Michigan-based company. "They come and bring all their own stuff," Vyers said. "It's great; they would even let us write our own questions about Hardi ng and slip them in there if we wanted to." Vyers said chat although there weren't enough transmitters for the entire school, usually there were more than enough for those attending that anyone who wanted to play was able ro. The CAB hosted the "Thinkfast" game show Nov. 5 and Jan. 2 1. Vyers said thar at least 100 to 150 people crowded the student center to play or watch rhe game. "We've been doing it for the last four semesters, and we always have a pretty good turn out," Vyers said. -AuslinLighl nnd AndrewDorsey photos continue on page 14 campus activitiesii'I
Slicing awatermelon, senior Derek Wilson, Stu– dent Associotion secretory, cuts a serving at the SA Watermelon Party on the front lawn Aug, 31, Members of the SA served students watermelon while introducing themselves and the SA's theme, "Share the Well." ·Amber Bazargoni and Hn,'riir,n Bee I Oct 21. "It was really hard: they had a lot of medical words," Dement said. -Jonathon Undsay
Auron Marsh, lead singer of Copeland, performs in the Benson Audi– torium Jan. 27 . Copeland performed with Cartel and The Rocket Summer for the Campus Activities Board concert. ·ChelseaRoberson The Good News Singers performat the All-School Retreat at the White County fairgrounds Aug. 26. "We have the All-School Retrea t in the fall to start everyone off on a spiritual note and to get refocused after the summer," senior Josh Bundy, Student Association president. said . ·Jonathon lindsay campus activities l"11
Leaning together, the women of Ju Go Ju, Ko Jo Koi ond friends perform as flight attendants in their show, "The Sky's the limit," Morch 26, 2005 , The two women's clubs won the John H, Ryan Sweepstakes trophy in 2005 for the second consecutive year. ·Jeff Montgomery Covered in face point, junior Amanda Raibley performs as a tiger in Chi Omega Pi, Delta Gamma Rho and friends' show, "The Fellowship of the Ring, " March 26, 2005. "The Fellowship of the Ring" received first runner-up for the John H. Ryan Sweepstakes trophy. ·leff Montgomery Spring Sing t s first d irector retires, leaves behind 32-year tradition Every spring semester students spent countless hours wo rking on costumes, choreography, music and developing teamwork to perform in front of crowds and judges as they competed for the Jack H. Ryan Sweepstakes trophy. Since its inception in 1973, Spring Sing was under the direction of Dr. Jack Ryan and attracted thousands of Harding parenes, alumni and friends from all over the country every Easter weekend. But after the 2005 show and years ofdedication to the production and the people, Ryan, the trophy's namesake, retired from his position. "I liked too much ofwhat I was doing, but I just knew that it was time for me to leave," Ryan said. D r. Steve Frye, associate professor ofcommunication, and Cindee Stockstill, director of musical productions, took over Ryan's position as the new Spring Sing directors beginning with the 2006 production. "Dr. Ryan was a mentor to me," Frye said. "There is almost a father-son relationship with us." Spring Sing was one of the most influential, involved, student productions in Harding's history, Stockstill said. Because of those reasons, Stockstill said she enjoyed working on the production. "The beauty of this job is getting to work with the students - seeing the camaraderie, students working . r.' student life together on a common goa!," Stockstill said. Stockstill said Ryan often stated the importance of spiritual attitudes in the Spring Sing process. He empha– sized the Christ-like attitude that should be conveyed to the students in Spring Sing, to the backstage staffand to the audience, she said. "We want to emphasize the spitituallessons that can be learned," Stockstill said. "T he foundation we set with the students is much more spiritual than the audience can see." Stockstill and Frye said they wanted to use Spring Sing as a ministry. "Spring Sing is a ministry," Stockstill said. "l hat spiritual undertone of Spring Sing is what it is all abour." Spting Sing's new ditectors, though keeping with tradition, said they made small changes to the structure and administration of the production. "The audience should not notice the change," Stockstill said. "The mission ofSpring Sing, developing Chtistian leadetshi~, and showcasing the students' talent, will stay the same. Seniot Jillian Shackelford, 2005 and 2006 Spring Sing hostess, said while she would miss working with Ryan, she looked forward to working with the new directors. "Steve, Cindee and Dottie [Frye] are great to work with," Shackelford said. "Steve always has awesome ideas rolling around in his head. It's amazing what he can come up with." One of the changes for the Spring Sing process was the implementation of a Spring Sing Committee. This committee was composed of former Spring Sing directors and social dub sponsors. 11ley were responsible for helping the directors focus on spiritual guidance to the students, looking into new possibilities and features for Spring Sing, and involving more students. "Dr. Ryan provided a great deal of leadership and a sense of authority; our goal is to make it as smooth a ttansition as possible," Frye said. Ryan said leaving Spring Sing and the production side of the show was difficult. "J will miss being a part of a musical extravaganza that benefited the students," Ryan said. "I will also miss working with such wonderful people." Stockstill said more than 800 students participated in Spring Sing 2005, with 20 clubs creating six shows for presentation. Ju Go Ju, Ko Jo Kai and friends received rhe Jack H . Ryan Sweepstakes trophy fot their show, "The Sky's the Limit." -AndrewDorsey
For 011 the audience to lee, Dr. Jack Ryan, former director of Spring Sing, accepts tickets for a cruise at his final Spring Sing award ceremony as director Morch 26, 2005. Spring Sing administra– tors gave the c ruise as a token of gratitude for his 32 years of service. •Jell Monlgomery In their final long, members of TNT. Zeta Rho, Pi Theta Phi, Gamma Sigma Phi and friends sing "River Deep, Mountain High" by Celine Dian during their show "From Baltic to Boardwalk" March26, 2005. Members dressed in d ifferent colors to resemble a Monopoly game board. ·Jeff Montgomery Junior Sean Rodgerllearchel the stage for germs while he sings in Alpha Tau Epsilon, GATA, Kappa Gamma Epsilon, Shantih, Tri Kappa and friends' show, "Checkin' Inn," March 26, 2005. Rodgers sang a parody of "I Believe in a Thing Called Love. " ·JellMonlgomery spring sing lt'JI
= trCJrlS arm Campaigners return home to give back, minister .- For three students, spring break campaigns offered a chance to return home and work with local churches and residents. Senior Caleb Borchers, sophomore Kyle Dismuke and junior AshleyThompson traveled to their home congregations with other students from Harding to help their communities. "It helped more (hat it was in my home state because I love it up there," Dismuke, a sophomore from Natick, Mass., said. Borchers, who was from the Detroit, Mich., area, led a group of 14 who worked with the Lake Orion Church of Christ and focused on reaching rhe communities of Lake Orion, Pontiac and Detroit. "It helped strengthen my interest in working in urban areas," Borchers said. "The suburban church has done a bad job about forgetting the city." Specifically, the group worked with God's Helping Hands, a benevolence organization, and Grace Centers of Hope in Pontiac, which renovated drug houses in dangerous neighborhoods for use as recovery centers and children's homes. Borchers said the small community that stands now used to be a street ofdrug houses five years ago. Dismuke returned home to Massachusetts with a group of 15 students led by Mark Simmons to serve the Natick Church ofChrist and surrounding towns. 'X'hile in the area, the campaigners participated in events such as youth rallies and working at nursing homes. Dismuke said that the campaign's focus was primarily aimed toward the community. In Orlando, Fla., Thompson participated in inner-city work with the Concord and Midtown churches ofChrist. With her father serving as minister Stretching to reoch. junior Heather Wilson paints the trim of a community member's house in Snellville. Ga .. March 9. 2005. The Snellville campaign spent two days priming and painting the house, Wilson said. -Oaniel Caceres . I::student life for the Midtown church, that service was personal for Thompson. "I've always been involved with inner-city work," Thompson said. "You get to offer the kids something they don't get at home." Having been aware ofinner-ciry mission work since she was 6 years old, Thompson had the opportunity to witness the effects ofhelping others over (ime in her home congregation. "If you just help somebody, even ifit's just a little bit, it can change their lives," Thompson said. Furthermore, Dismuke was impressed by the immediate impact that the Natick campaigners had on his home congregation. "The presence the church had there could be seen," Dismuke said. "I didn't really think people were going to be that receptive to what we had to offer." Despite the differences in location and types ofwork, all three campaigners said they benefitted from their campaigns. "1he gratification ofyour trip lasts so much longer when you do some– thing that's mission oriented," Borchers said. "I would definitely say to do it. I believe you would have as much or more fun doing that as a vacation experience." Thompson said she agreed that spring break campaigns were worth sacrificing a week of vacation from school. "You feel like you've done something for God instead of putcing H im behind," Thompson said. ·Jillion Hi(ks Hommer in hond. senior Caleb Borchers works to renovate a former drug house Morch 8. 2005. in Pontiac. Mich. The campaigners worked with Grace Centers of Hope to refurbish the house to be used as a children's home. -Cynthia Noah
Junior Ally Wilson enjoysa meal with her host parent ' s daughter. Arianna. March 11 . pODS. in Orlando. Flo. Campaigners stayed at the houses of members of the Concord Street Church of Christ during their campoign. •Courtesy of AllyWilson Overl ooking Fort Worth, Texas. senior Lauro Kaiser and sophomare Greg DeMario pray for their spring break campaign March 7. 2005. Fort Worth campaign members spent the week working with inner-city children and hosting a garage sale. among other projects. •(ourtsey of GregDeMorio spring break campaigns " '"
In Athens, Greece, senior Kendal Glover and junior Betsy Glover play with a refugee at National Gardens May 26, 2005. The campaign worked with the organiza– tion Helping Hands while in Greece. ·Courtesy of Jeremy Glover Humbling herself, sophomore Keely Alexander washes the feet of one of her campers July 10, 2005, at Gander Brook Christian Camp in Raymond, Maine. Alexander went with a group of 13 Harding students led by Shawn Daggett, assistant professor of Bible. '(o,rlesy 01 Shown Doggett Children store at junior Brondon Khanna and sophomore liz Pippins as they teach a vacation Bible school class June 2, 2005, in Singapore. Khanna and Pippins taught children about the conver– sion of the Philippian jailer from Acts 16. •(ourlesy 01Dwighl Smilh 1',{I: student life
l,king turnsplaying with aboll, graduate student Jeremy Glover entertains Fatima, an Iranian refugee, June 7, 2005. Glover and his campaign group focused on helping the refugees in Athens, Greece. ·Courlesy of Jeremy Glover Seniors Rachel Zetterburg and L,uren White, freshman Leigh Hutchinson and sophomore Abby Howard, from the New Zealand South campaign, mimic a road sign in June 2005 at Land 'sEnd. The group spent six weeks letterboxing in Dunedin and Inverc argill. .Courtesyof Leigh Hulchinson Athens, Greece, campaign assists refugees, families I magine leaving home and moving 2,500 miles from family and culture. Imagine living in Greece, a foreigner, seIl– ing sunglasses on the street to pay for living expenses. Imagine graduating from a Bible school as a Christian three years later and wanting to go home and share the good news. Now, imagine knowing it could never happen. This was the story of Simon and Nadesh, a couple from Cameroon, Greece. who moved to Athens to go to school to be missionaries and ended up tcaching 14 H arding campaigners a lesson in faith. G raduate student Jeremy Glover led Hardi ng's first summer campaign to Athens, Greece, May 19-June 19, where he and fellow students spent four weeks of their summer serving refugees and encouraging the church. Many of the campaigners had visited Greece before and some had even attended Harding's campus in Porto Rafti, but this trip was created fo r a different purpose. "When H arding students go to the Harding campus [in Porto Rafti], their primary focus is school and travel," graduate student Amanda Lemmons said. "We wamed to go back and work with the refugees a nd hel p the churches." The campaigners spent most of the trip working with people they met through the Athens International Bible Institute, located at d1e church, and Helping Hands, a non– denominational ministry located in the United States that provided food and recreation to refugees in Athens. When the group was not serving and talking to the 500 people, who visited Helping H ands daily, or spend– ing (ime with Simon and N adesh, they stayed busy in other ways. Some campaigners spent time in the Plaka, a market place in Athens, pass ing out botrles of wate r to men working. Sophomore Eric Aherin said this was his most memo– rable experience from the tri p. "The first day we went, we were only able to give away maybe four botdes of water," Aherin said. "By the time we left, we were handing our [more than] 80 bottles of water, and they all knew who we were." The female campaigners spent time with wo men from the chu rch. While they we re there, Nadesh found our she was pregnant and the campaigners threw her a baby shower. The group also visited Isaac, a local man who gradu– ated from the Institute while the campaign was there. He was sick and unable to leave his home so the group cleaned his apartment and sat with him. Senior Kristi Compton said she really enjoyed the time they got to spend with the locals. "Most of the people we we re with weren't G reek, but we got the chance to go visit a G reek youth group," Compton said. "Everyone is Greek Orthodox there; so it's really odd to find C hristians in the G reek culture," The youth group took the campaigners to the beach and they all visited with one another and sang together. "'It was so am azing in the shorr time we were there that we were able to get so close to people and really fo rm good relationships," Aherin said. "When we left, it was like leaving a f.1mily behind." -Maranda Abercrombie summer campaigns '~ .
Illusionist Donny Roy scans the audience as he looks for a vol– unteer to help him with a trick Aug. 19 during the Student Impact entertainment. Ray used a unique blend of clever card tricks, humor and faith to convey a Christian message, senior Randi Tribble, SI co-director, said. -Jonolhon lindsay Trying notto fall, freshman Kari Izard participates in a limbo contest at the Student Impact Luau at President David Burks' house Aug . 19. The luau gave new students the chance to meet freshmen outside of their energy groups. -Russell K"k "~'student life
Dressed 01 theIncredibleHulk, Butch Gardner, director of First Year Experience, stops to flex his "muscles" at the Student Impact theme dinner Aug. 20. Students, faculty and staff came dressed as their favorite super heroes and ate foods such as "Spider– man's Webs" spaghetti. ·Jonathon lindsay Entertainer alludes to Christ through card tricks I lIusionisr Danny Raywent beyond his job as an enrerrainer and took on his duey as a Christian by helping to spread the gospel message Aug. 19 at Student Impact, the fresh~ man and nansfer orientation program that attracted around 800 new students, Ray dazzled (he aud ience with man y different illusions, while at the same time always redirecting the focus back to God. Some of Ray's tricks included card tricks, pushing coins through a table and blowing up a balloon with a deck of cards appearing in it. Another [rick involved a ring that was special and vaJuable to freshman Sarah Goy. Goy's ring was put into a light bulb on a fila– ment. " I knew he wasn't going to steal or damage my ring," Goy said. " But when he took out a hammer to bLeak. [he light bulb, J JUSt started to think what I would do if he chipped my ring." Goy said she was nor only grateful for Ray return– ing her ring undamaged, but was also rhankful for his C hristian message. "I really appreciated [his Christian message) a lot because you don't see a lot of shows where people are wilting to pur the emphasis back on God," Goy said. Senior Nate Copeland, 51 co-director, said he knew that Ray had a Christian background, but did nor know to what extent until the performance. "I JUSt think it is awesome that he chose illusions and was still able to get the message out," Copeland said. Agreeing with Copeland, senior Randi Tribble, 51 co-director, said she enjoyed the performance. "It Vias encouraging to see someone have such a wlique skill, be able co do it in a Christian manner, and still be entertaining," senior Randi Tribble, co-director, said. Copeland and Tribble said they were grateful tolliy and his show because he helped emphasize the chosen 51 theme "Who Am J?". "[Ray] showed that no marcer what you are, who you are, or where you are, you can still always tell people about God," Copeland said. Tribble said Ray was a great example of how any talent could be used to glorify God. "NI ofus have different, rare talents, and it is some– times hard to see how you can use that," Tribble said. "[Ray] showed that we can take any aspect ofour own personality and use it for God's kingdom." Copeland said this was the illusionist's first year at 51, following in the foorsreps oforher acts including a professional juggler and a pantomime act. "1 think the illusionist this year just fit really well," Copeland said. "Even though I'm nOt going to be involved with Impact in the coming years, I am strongly suggesting they bring Danny Ray back." ·EmilyBurrowl Flinging off mud, sophomore Jake Wood shakes his head after par– ticipating in the Student Impact Silly Olympics in front of the East Married Apartments Aug. 21. After the mud fights, signs on the doors of men's dorms told students to shower in their own dorms to avoid clogging the men's community showers. ·Russell Ke<k Frelhman EllenMendenhall plonl5 atree as part of an energy group service project Aug. 20, Butch Gardner, director of First Year Experience, said there were 40 energy groups during Student Impact this year. ·Jonothan lind"y student impact '~1
Giving away his magic mirror,the Beast, played by graduate student Sam Peters, talks to Belle, played by junior Lindsay Hoggatt, in the Homecoming musical "Beauty and the Beast" Oct. 25, "Beauty and the Beast" was the rlrst musical to sell out in the Benson Auditorium, ·Jell Montgomery
looking over 0 note, sophomore Bethany Smith and freshman Melinda Birdwell weor mismatched clothes in the student center Oct. 27. Homecoming week offered students the opportunity to dress as their majors, wear mismatched clothes, and dress in black and gold. -JonathanLindsay . ~i~"""""""''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''~''' Ison No bison brings new tradition The Student Association added new excitement to traditional activities during Homecoming weekend, Oct. 28-29, with the Bison Bash, a group ofactivities held Friday night to prepare the crowd for the football game Saturday night. The new activities included the traditional bonfire, a band, a beat-boxing competition and a car bash, the reason behind the Bison Bash name. Senior Josh Bundy, Student Association president, said Homecoming week– end was changed this year because of a price increase of an old tradition. "In the past several years, the school had always hired a [live] bison to do tricks and entertain the Homecoming crowd," Bundy said. "This year, though, because ofa raise in cost, we JUSt thought it would be more beneficial to think ofsome new ideas to make inco new traditions." Sophomore Ryan Davenport, a member ofthe SA's Homecoming committee, said the SA strived to plan a weekend where students would support the football team. "We wanted an idea that would really srickand catch on with students," Davenport said. "I thinkwe did it because we were expecting around 200-500 students, and we had more than 1,000 show up [for the Bison Bash]." T he band Ol-Right, composed of graduate studenc C hris Casey, freshman Brandon Burcham, junior Seth Daggett and senior Matt Pruitt, provided musical . entertainment for the Bison Bash. "I really loved the band," freshman Samantha Cheatham said. "Ie was a nice touch because you could just mill around and listen to music." The Bison Bash also offered a b(m-boxing competition, which included a chapel announcement with President David Burks rapping, "Sit down, boy, and let me drop a beat, I'm Dr. Bizzle." Senior Scott Dueile and junior Parker Goats tied for the beat-boxing competition champion, and each won an iTunes gift certificate. Bison Bash attendees enjoyed complimentary hot chocolate and marshmallows to roast. "My favorite part was roasting marshmallows because I love the taste ofa good, crisp, burnt marshmallow," Cheatham said. "It was a really nice change from caf– eteria food." Although Bundy said the Bison Bash was a success because of the large turnout, some students wished some of the traditions could have stayed the same. "It made me sad the live bison wasn't thete to do his tticks," junior Laura Riley said. "I just really liked seeing the live animal, and plus, it was so exciting to see him run back and forth across the football field." Regardless of the loss ofthe live bison making an appearance during Homecoming weekend, Bundy said the feedback for the new activities was positive. "One ofthe SA's goals for this entire yeat is to serve the students in several areas," Bundy said. "I think we were able to do that, along with making it fun and worth– while for all who attended." -Emily Burrows photos continue on page 26 homecoming ' ''-1I
Roasling marshmallows, freshmen Bekky Robbins and Calherine McMenamy prepare 10 make s' mores allhe bonfire during Ihe Bison Bash Oct. 28. "I jusl liked how everyone came oul to show school spirit; it was a lot of fun," McMenamy said. ·Russell K"k Students fililheir ~oIes a t the Homecoming picnic in front of the Ganus Athletic Center Oct. 29. The picnic included food provided by Aramark, blow up games and pony rides for children . •J,ffMonlgomery
(ongrotuloting thenewHomecoming queen, President David Burks hands flowers to senior Erin Reese, Ko Jo Kai's representative, with her father, Joe Reese, watching Oct. 29. "I felt very honored to be Homecoming queen for Harding because I love this university, and the people mean so much to me," Reese said. ·Jeff Montgomery Beat-boxing contest cD-winner senior 5co" Dutile beat-boxes at the Bison Bash Oct, 28. Instead of having a live Bison, the Student As– sociation hosted the first Bison Bash, which included a bonfire, a car bash, s'mores, the band Ol-Right and a beat -boxing competition. ·R""II K"k homecoming,~.
"~;: student life Junior Josh tee leaps to cotch 0 disc in the East Married Apartments' courtyard Aug . 21. Passion for disc games such as Ultimate Fris bee helped spur the creation of Harding's own Ultimate Players Associa– tion registered team in 2003. ·Russell K"k Taking abreak after class Sept. 16, sophomore Jill Shackelfard and juniors Ashley Wiegand and Ian Thomas read the Bison . The Bison, Harding's student newspaper, was distributed nine times a semester on Fridays. -Russell Keck Looking for breakfast, sophomore Brad Lawing grabs a chicken biscuit after chapel Sept. 16 in the student center. With the addition of the 10a .m. chapel in the fall semester, student cen ter workers had to facilitate two after-chapel rushes. ·Russell K"k
Worshipping with other students, junior David Easter sings during a stairwell devotional Sept. 19. Students met for the devotional every Monday night in the west stairwell of the Mclnteer building. ·RUI,.II Keck SiHing in the shode, sophomore Jenna Roosevelt plays her guitar on the front lawn Nov. 5. Roosevelt was enrolled in guitar class where she learned chords and how to read music. -Jonalhan lindsay Additional chapel means extra 'free' time For the first time since the 19805, students received the opcion to scart their day with either a 9 a.m. or a 10 a.m. chapel. One issue, however, sraod between the two chapel sessions and the studenrs in each of chern: a 3D-minute break period. Because class times were altered to begin on the hour - compared [Q the former 9:45 a.m., 10:45 a.m. and 11:45 a.m. schedule - students in either chapel had an extra 30 minutes before classes began. "Every day I come to chapel and wait for those three wo rds: 'You are dismissed .' Then I sit and watch the gi rl a few seats down from me jump up and rush out of the Benson," junior Matt N iehoff said. "I always see her a few minutes later in the from of the coffee line, I guess she sprints out the door co beat everyone else to Java City." Some students preferred the change and cook advan– tage of the time. "Students get to do pretty much whatever they want for a whole half hour. What more could they ask for?" junior Mike Beck said. "Before class I can check my mail - sometimes I even check it twice just for fun." Not everyo ne tho ught that the'lengthened period was necessary. Students like N iehoff preferred to begin classes immediately after chapel. "We don't need the b reak, and I'd rat her just go straight into classes and get done earl ier. You can socialize in between classes," N iehoff said. Senior Whimey Degge said the change benefitted students. She said she did nOt mind that there were a few more people in the student center in the mornings. "It's important to have some time after chapel to become alert before your next class," Degge said. "There is also plenty of time to run back to your room in case you forgot somethin g. The student center might be a little crowd ed , bur we'll live." As for students with majors that required daily projects, the prolonged break gave them more time to complete their assignments. "An majors always have so many projects throughout the year, and sometimes we JUSt don't have enough hours in a day to complete them," senior Ivy Crosby, a graphic design major, said. "I see it as more time to [make] some improv~~enrs on projects that may help me get closer to an A. D aniel C herry, assistant to the president, said the chapel change was to accommodate all the students as H arding's enrollment continued to increase. "At this point, we could fit everyone in th e Benson with folding chairs and by seating peo ple in the pit," C herry said . "Bu t as we [Harding] grow, it's getting wo rse and worse." C herry said the only twO problems with {he adjust– ment were fi tting another class period into the day and getting people to sign up for the 10 a.m. chapel. "J see it as a welcomed change," Cherry said. "It gives the students extra time to get some things don e and to socialize." C herry said the 10 a.m. chapel would be removed spring semester; however, classes would continued to be scheduled at the top of the hour. •Julie Pye daily life ''''''
Hunters target their marks, enjoy success stories I r was early in the morning and the smell ofdew rose from the grass and caressed the air. The sun appeared in the east, and life began for all who had slept during (he night. The camouflage was on; the gun was cocked and loaded - ready for aerion as (he wind whispered the sound ofa day that had the possibility of producing a successful hunt. For three roommates, this was one scene that became a frequent pan of their lifestyles. Juniors Justin Sanders and David Saunders and senior Ryan Conn spent as much rime as they could hunting. The three looked forward every year to hunting season. Whether it be for deer, turkey, duck, squirrel, rabbit, goose or dove, they would rise with the sun looking for their next big kill. "It is just someth ing that yo u are raised on, and once you catch the hunting bug, it is all you seem to think about," Conn said. Hunting became a way of th inking for the three men, they said. Classes, football and social lives often took a back seat to the love of hunting that the men possessed. For Sanders, turkey huming was the type of huming he enjoyed the most, and all three agreed char tu rkey hunting was the most difficult type of hunting due to the unique aspects of the hum. "Turkey is the smartest animal that lives in my opinion," Sanders said. "It is like a big game ofchess. Ifyou move wrong, you lose, and ifthe turkey Sproying down 0 vehicle, sophomore Daniel Conniff and fresh– men Jonathan Williams help wash a car to raise money for Hurricane Katrina victims Sept. 17. Men on the third floor of Keller hosted the car wash and donated the proceeds to evacuees staying at Camp Wyldewood in Searcy. ·Amber Bazargani i'il:student life moves wrong, he loses." For hunting duck, pheasanr and dove, the three men used hunting dogs. L1bradors and retrievers were the rypes ofdogs used in bird hunting because of their ability to retrieve the wounded game. Saunders was responsible for training the dogs and researching the topic to better achieve success. He read several books about dog training and talked to dog-training enthusiasts about various techniques. "The number one thing to do when training a dog for hunting is to be consistent," Saunders said. "You have ro teach obed ience from rhe starr, and everything else will be built upon that." Along with dogs, they also used an array ofequipment to ensure a suc– cessful hunt. Four-wheelers, guns, ammunition, bows, arrows, various game calls and camouflage were some of the items used. The equipment that was lISed depended on what the men were hunting and weather conditions, they said. Another key elemem in a hunting excursion was eating what was killed, Conn said. The men are what they killed in eirher a duck stew at deer chili. "It is just not hunting for love of the sport ifyou do not eat what you kill," Conn said. "C'mon what can possibly taste better that a big bowl of deer chili on a cold day?" .Barkley Terry Tolking over their meol, junior Molly Truax and sophomore Brittany Baranovic eat at Shorty Smalls in North Little Rock Oct. 22. "We go to Little Rock because there are more restaurant options and more to do," Baranovic said .•(ourtesy of Brooke light
Sining on the edge of Sugar loaf Mountain,~ophomore Jonice Yotes ond senior Krista Wells take in the view from the top Oct. 9. Wells and Yates were among 46 other students who participated in a Sunday morning church service held once a semester on the mountain top. -Rosa Colon Stalking their prey, juniors Justin Sanders and David Saunders hunt for duck with their dog Oct. 22 in West Memphis. Ark. The men said that one of the best parts about hunting was eating what they killed. ·BriMoni E" ns
i'Ji'; student life Looking through the dugout lence, junior Amanda Weaver watches her teammates bat at the all-star softball game Oct. 12. "All the teams were pretty equal: there was good competition," Weaver said. -Jonathon Lindsay Running downthe lield, senior Philip Booker tries to weave through the defense at the all-star flag football game Oct. 5. Each year's schedule ensured every team and season was different from the last. ·Jnnalhon Lindsay Returning avolley, graduate student Shathar Langston jumps to the net at an intramural volleyball game Nov. 2. Volleyball was the last team sport played during the fall semester. ·Russell Keek
Director of Men's Intromurols Jim Gowen speaks during the intramural award ceremony in chapel April 26, 2005. Gowen said more than 17 students worked toward earning their second jackets for the 20052006 school year. ·Jell Montgomery Tipping the boll for 0 foul, freshman Ashton Long plays in the women's all-star softball game Oct. 12. "I had a lot of fun and met a lot of good girls," Long said . ·Jonothan lindsoy Jackets, points, awards motivate competitors I n the f.111 of 2005, amo ng the students who signed up to compete for an intramural jacket, 17 students returned fo r a second time to comend for one more jacket. Byearning points through participation, students were able to win various awards at the end of the year. Despite the large number ofreturning jacket-holders, Harding imramural sports were accessible to both casual and dedicated players. Some players participated for recreational enjoyment, entering only the sports they liked, while morc serious players. by participating in everyacdviry offered, were able to contest for awards such as a letter jacket in intramurals or even the Intramural Athlete of the Year Award. Intramurals at Harding consisted of a wide range of acdviries, including team sports such as volleyball, foot– ball, softball and basketball; individual sportS like tennis, tacquetball and an annual cross country run; as well as skill ac(ivities, which were recreational sports like archety, jump rope, and the football pass and punt competition. Team sports played an important role as they held the possibili£y ofearning an intramural jacket in a single sport. The number ofpoints earned by a player in each event depended on how well the individual placed. At the end of the year, all the accumulated points of a player were tallied and ranked from highest to lowest. Those wi th the highest point rotals received an in– tramural letter jacket, and the parricipam who obtained the most points received the Athlete of the Year Award in the categories of male and female. The intramural department also recognized the athlete with the highest point rocal in the skill competitions as the Skill SportS Champion of the Year. Jim Gowen, director ofmen's intramurals, said a great aspect ofearning a jacket in imramurals was that players did nOt have to win every game, but simply had to show up ready (0 compete. Few people earned more than one jacket because of the dedication, devotion and time required to actively parricipare in all of the intramural activities. On average, nve to 10 men earned a jacket from the intramural departmem each year, Gowen said. Athletes wanting to eam jackets had to earn a toral of3,000 points throughout the nine-month academic calendar. Scheduling time for the activities was a difficuJt task, sophomore Casey McDonald said. McDonald, who earned a jacket in the 2004-2005 intramural season, said rhat athletes sometimes had ro play up to nve events each week, depending on the season. "Every week is very busy, and you must be very organized to be able to accomplish the feat ofearning a jacket," McDonald said. Graduate student Cade Smith acquired numerous honors due ro his dedicarion ro Harding intramurals. Smith played intramurals since he was a freshman in 2001 , earning three jackets in four years. Smith received the awa rd of Intramural Athlete of the Year twice, as well as the Skill Sports Champion of the Year three times. "The great thing about intramural spores is that you do not have ro be a great athlete ro take part in the activities; you just have ro show up and give it your all," Smith said. Smith said intramurals led him to find many new friends. Intramurals were popular among students as 80 percent ofmen and 70 percent ofwomen participated in at least one sport offered by' the intramural department. ·BarkleyTerry and Russell K"k intramurals ( ft.
Taking abreak, junior Erin Neal, senior Tim Pruitt and sophomore Eric Young talk in the student center Nov. 16. Pruitt suffered from a heart condition called tochyorrhythmio. ·Amber 8azargani Enjoying lunchwith her dog Lakota, freshman Molly Rummel eats in the cafeteria Oct. 12. Rummel waited for two years to receive Lakota who she said helped her cope with her juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. -Amber Bazargani I'~ ! student life
Standing an thefrantla, n, junior Don Goines and sophomore Sean Callihan discuss the construc– tion Nov 17. During high school. Callihan battled and overcame chondrosarcoma. a type of bone cancer. ·Jonathon lindsay / ::::,- . overcomlrq Disabilities strengthen relationships for some Freshman Molly Rummel, her mom and her dog Lakota made their way through the student cemer to the mailboxes. They waited as smdenrs swarmed around them, making it difficult to maneuver. Rummel dropped her mail, and Lakota picked it up and gave it to her. Rummel and sophomore Sean Callihan had much more to worry about than getting up in time for chapel each morning. Despite the pain and difficulties they faced daily, these Harding swdems looked ro the future with support from thei r friends, families and pets. Rummel was diagnosed when she was 2 years old with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, which affected he r entire body, she said. "It has gonen progressively worse over the years, but I'm still able to do a lot ofth ings," Rummel said. "I have medication that I take to help with [pain], and I've kind of [become] tolerant of the pain over the years." Rummel also had osteoporosis which made her bones brittle and prone to breaking. "I'll JUSt begetting started towalking on my own again, and I'll break something," she said. "There was a time where every six or eight weeks, right as I was recovering from one broken bone, I'd [break] another one." About five years ago, Rummel broke her hip and was in rehabilitation ar Arkansas Children's Hospital in Little Rock. While she was there, a woman raid Rummel abour an organization that trained dogs to help people in wheel– chairs. Rummel signed up to receive a dog and was on the waiting list for twO years. Then, three years ago, Lakota came into Rummel's life. "She's trained to pick up things for me [and] go get things for me around the house," Rummd said. "Sometimes she can pull my chair. She helps me in everyday life." . More than JUSt helping around the house, Lakota was a conversation starter, which made a difference in Rummel's life, she said. "She helps people warm up to the fact that I'm in a wheelchair," Rummel said. "She's go tten the focus off the faCt mat I'm d ifferent than other people and made it easier for them to (alk (0 me because of her." Sean Callihan played baseball all rhmugh high school and planned [0 cominue playing in college. After a running practice his junior year, his leg was sore and he noticed that his hip was swollen. His farher (ook him to [he hospital where his leg was X- rayed. The doctor said the injury looked severe, so he sent Callihan to see a specialist. Callihan visited several doctOrs, even traveling from Atlanta to Nashville, Tenn., to get a second opinion. They found our it was a chondrosarcoma, a type of bone cancer. A tumor the size ofa softball had grown into his hip socket. "When they cur it alit they had to take the bottom half of my pelviS off and they did reconstructive surgery in the joint," Callihan said. A year later, his hip gOt infected wim E. coli, so they had ro perform a second surgery to take me screws out. "Now there's no cartilage in the joint, and it's like permanent arthritis every day, every step," Callihan said. "It's really painful. I have a bunch of pain medicine but I try [~Ot to take it because I don't want to get dependent on It Callihan said it was difficult not being able to play sports, but his friends and family were a constant encour– agement and support to him. "It's hard because you have to go back and be depen– dent on your parents for pretty much everything again when you have something like that," Callihan said. "So my parents being there is nice to have." Losing his dream of playing college baseball was a difficult reality ro face, but his friends have helped him through, Callihan said. "}have a ton offriends here, and I love it, and I wouJdn't leave them for anyrhjng," Callihan said. "They've really been there for me; they've been really su pportive of me." With the help and support ofthe people around them, these students persevered through pain, everyday difficulties and differences to persist through daily life at school. "Friends have been amazing here at Harding," Cal~ Hhan said. "They've helped me get through the times when it really hurt." ·lennifer Allen non-traditional students cJ.1I
Sharing a laptop; senior Christian Contreras and sophomore Elisa Garcia, Walton Scholars, work in the student center Sept. 12. Harding University was one of three schools in the United States that offered the Wal ton International Scholars Program to international students. ·Russell K"k Talking over lun(h, Chinese freshmen Yiqun Jia and Xiaohua Chen eat in the cafeteria Sept 20. Jia, frorn Hunan Province, Chino, was on exchange student from the Chong Shan University of Science and Technology. ·Jonathon Lindsay Soccer brings kickers from severol notions together One challenge ofgoing to college was overcoming homesickness. For students living in the United Scates, it was rather easy, but for international students who did nor go home every break, it was much more difficult, O ne group ofstudents from rhe Walton lnrernarional Scholars Program found that playing a SpOrt they have always loved, soccer or fucbol, was a way to reconneCt to theif home countries. Junior Keylor Campos, from Costa .Rica, said when playing, he and his friends sometimes used shoes and other items to mark goal poses, [0 make it feel more like home since this was how they played in rheir countries. Senio rJaime CastrO, from EI Salvador, said from the first day he arrived at Harding as a freshman in 2002, he had played wirh his fellow international students. He said soccer was how he got to know people. "Soccer is something I have loved all my life," Castro said. "By getting together and playing, it makes me feel more at home, more comformble and less homesick. Soccer is a big thi ng in Costa Rica. It is tradition. By getting to play here and having fun with my friends, it i'r.~ st uden t life just makes me feel like I'm at home." Castro said the international students starred gathering to play soccer about five years ago and played either on the front lawn or the so~::cer practice fields almost every afternoon of the week, regardless of the weather. "We try to play every day no matter the temperature, depending on our schedules," Campos said. "Sometimes we've even gotten frozen from playing too long. It is JUSt fun." With added humidity, Castro said the temperature added a weather challenge w the front lawn version of the SpOrt. "E1 Salvador has che same hot temperatures, bur not as much humidity," Castro said. "I've never experienced this type of weather before." Castro said that he could see people from different countries and how they played the game. Even though the majority ofthe people who regularly came Out to play were from other countries, Campos and Castro said char the games were not exclusively for international students. "I think I'd enjoy it even more if more people would come out and play," Campos said. "In [intercollegiate soccer's] off season, some [members] of the Harding soccer team come out and play, but everyone should at least give it a try." Sophomore Jake Wood, though nOt an intercolle– giate soccer team member, took advantage of the open call to play. "I really missed playing soccer," Wood said. "-The international students were the only people on campus who played soccer on a regular basis for fun." From playing soccer, Wood was able to learn a few things from the international students. 'Tve actually learneda little Spanish and some awesome soccer skills from these guys," Wood said. "Even though we come from completely different cultures, we can all bond through playing a game we all love." Wood said he saw the real reason that everyone came together to play soccer. "I've gained new brothers in Christ," Wood said. "We hav: different backgrounds, but we're really all rhe same. -EmilyBurrows