2005-2006 Yearbook

Seniors Saroh Hernondez ond Nothon Hendrix tolk at the American Marketing Association and College of Business Admin– istration cookout Sept. I in front of the Mabee building. The fourth annual cookout offered students free food and information about the eight COBA organizations. ·Jonalhcln lindsay -U)~JAV.l--4JlarL£.U:L-..., Mir~Ir-~') AKINDEJI ADEFE AKINGBADE FRESH I Accounting. "I plan to work internships during the summer, and either work at an accounting firm, a bank or start my own accounting practice." JOSIAH PLEASANT SOPH I Business. "To use what I learn to further God's kingdom, to support my family, and to do and support the Lord's work." JAMIE RAUDALES JUNIOR I Marketing. "I would like to get a MBA. After that, I would like to work for a big company probably related with interi– ors/marketing or even maybe become a visual merchandiser for Pottery Barn." college of business administration il:l .