2005-2006 Yearbook

For 011 the audience to lee, Dr. Jack Ryan, former director of Spring Sing, accepts tickets for a cruise at his final Spring Sing award ceremony as director Morch 26, 2005. Spring Sing administra– tors gave the c ruise as a token of gratitude for his 32 years of service. •Jell Monlgomery In their final long, members of TNT. Zeta Rho, Pi Theta Phi, Gamma Sigma Phi and friends sing "River Deep, Mountain High" by Celine Dian during their show "From Baltic to Boardwalk" March26, 2005. Members dressed in d ifferent colors to resemble a Monopoly game board. ·Jeff Montgomery Junior Sean Rodgerllearchel the stage for germs while he sings in Alpha Tau Epsilon, GATA, Kappa Gamma Epsilon, Shantih, Tri Kappa and friends' show, "Checkin' Inn," March 26, 2005. Rodgers sang a parody of "I Believe in a Thing Called Love. " ·JellMonlgomery spring sing lt'JI