2005-2006 Yearbook

BRANDON TRIBBETT SOPHI Early Childhood Education . "I wauld like to do missions somewhere in the world and teach in local schools to support myself. I would like to teach somewhere in between kindergarten through third grade." HEATHER VALLS JUNIOR I Early Childhood Education. "After graduation, I plan to get my master's in either reading or special education to teach third or fourth grade, or special education." NATASHA TURNEY JUNIOR I Early Chitdhood Education. "I plan to teach third grade in an elementary school. Iwant to brighten the lives of the children I teach and show them love." Graduate studenl NOlholl– iel Klymhandsoul aquiz Dec. 6 in Special Educanon: Issues in Human Develop– ment. Klym used the quiz as part of an activity to illustrale the af– fects of Attention Deficit Disorder. -Jonathanlindsoy 3 i teach~r ' s playland ChildhOOd class. s(ve opmen J "e, i)' fJr&'OGts On +I .... udents Worked on wh J -l~e re<:(')1 ere a large variet~~~~~'r~c~e~c~e~Q~t~e!Lr__..____...._ ........._ available. -Russell Keck Yof Supplies were j £ j &13 Senior Rachel Rucker culsa butterfl y out of construction paper Nov. 9. Rucker used the cutout to teach a lesson on symmetry. -CynthiaNoah Senior Rulh BonIa presenls her Iheme board about author Laura Ingalls Wilder and the pioneers to the Eany Childhood Curriculum closs Nov. 29. Each student showed how they incorporated their themes with reading, math and science lessons. -Russell Keck