2005-2006 Yearbook

Gathering around in a circle, students pray together in the Mclnteer Rotunda before driving to Little Rock. Nov. 4 to help at the Lighthouse and Salvation Army shelters. Since the fall of 2000 some students spent their Friday nights visiting the homeless in Little Rock. -Jonolhonlindsoy Waiting to leave, sophomore Elizabeth Meeks and freshman Amanda Rogers talk before traveling to the Lighthouse. a Little Rock homeless shelter. Nov. 4. Students purchased c lothes. food and wa ter. and gave the items to the people they met at the shelters. ·Jonathon lind",y Sophomore Megan Speaker sits with a homeless man at the Salva– tion Army Nov. 4. " ... You go and serve people while loving people and being loved by people." sophomore Lucas Brown. a Friday night participant. said. ·Jonathon lindsay juniors ';