2005-2006 Yearbook

Alter tuning hisguitar, junior Kory Olson, member of the bond Indio, waits for the performance to begin Sept. 16 at Vino's in Little Rock. Vino's was a close location that offered shows for students to attend . •Courtesy01 Kim Toliver In the middle of the floor, sophomore Vincent Ching mashes during the Becoming Saints concert at Vino's Nov. 28. "It's good exercise, and it keeps the legs loose," Ching said. -Courtesy of KimToliver Die-Hard Fans Students travel to see favorite bands When the weekend arrived, many students participated in the £}'Pica! movie screening or shopping trip, but some Harding studenrs went our oftheir way toanend concertS, even if it meant lIsing a full tankofgas to get there. Senior Melanie Swiner said she tried to go to coneens as often as she could. "\Xfe went (0 Nashville, Tenn., to see Death Cab for Curie in concen, and it was absolutely fabulous," Swiner said. "Five people were jam-packed into the car for five hours. but it was well worth it. I think more Harding srudenrs need to go to shows because it's an experience everyone should have. It's something you can't describe," Sophomore Stephen Sawyer, avid concen-goer, said he had gone to more than 50 concerts in his life. His f.worire li neup was Further Seems Forever, Anberlin, Autopilot Offand The Movielife. "It's exciting to see a live performance - to see how they perform the songs I listen to a lot," Sawyer said. "After a good show, I fee! like I got my money's worth, and I wam to go to another one as soon as possible." . SophomoreTina MaX\vell s..'lid she liked concerts ofbands such as Mac and Sugar Cult. However, she said she went to shows for a different reason than most people. "Why do I like concens?" Maxwe!l said. "Hon– estly, because I like the mosh-pit. After shows, I have a lot ofenerg)"" Even though Sawyer and Maxwell attended con– certs regularly, they said they did not look forward to large crowds at venues. ''A lot of the bands that I really like have gotten pretty hig recently, so it's hard [Qget to a show because rickets are expensive, and it's really crowded, and I don't li ke that; it rakes away from the experience," Sawyer said. "lllere are so many kids at the shows who don't really listen to the band's music, they're just there because it's 'the cool thing to do,' and their friends are there." Max\vell said she disliked crowds that were not fl.lls of the bands performing. "There are Harding kids who go because it's juSt something to do, but they're not really there for the music," Max\vell said. "It's annoying when you go and see a lot of studenrs who don't even know the bands." For students who wanted to see concerts and did not wam to trave! fur, there were venues nearby. "Vino's in Little Rock is probably the closest place that hasconsisrenclygoodshows," Sawyer said. ''There are also good shows in Memphis and in Nashville, if you're wilJing ro drive that far." Upcoming bands could be found in more places than Vino's. Anyone with a compurercould find out what bands were worth the drive to see in concert. "If someone tells me about a new band, I go to Purevo lu mc.com," Sawyer said. "1 [also] keep up wich bands by checking out their Web sites on a regular basis." ·Julie Pye saphamares l[I~.