2005-2006 Yearbook

s sophomore Luke Griffiths holds his hond, junior Jeff Davis pews milk from his nose and mouth during a "Ga llon hallenge" at the F3F cookout Sept. 24. The "Gallon hallenge" consisted of drinking a gallon of milk in ne hour. ·Chelsea Roberson In the Peobody Hotel rest room in liHle Ro(k, sophomores Tony Doris and Shane Smith and freshman Jose lozano make sure their suitslook presentable Jan. 22. 2005. As part of a Floor Three Fellas event, the men bought suits at thrift stores and spent an evening out in little Rock. -Courtesy of Donny Bolemon Biting off 0 piece of steok, sophomore Steven Sawyer eats during the F3Fcookout Sept. 24. "There is nothing like hanging out with all the people you love and core about at the same time and at the same place," Sawyer said. ·(helsea Roberson juniorsri_