2005-2006 Yearbook

• group of Honors (ollege students enjoy 0 chili Jnch ot the Sears Honors Center Oct. 18. 'he Honors College sponsored 0 $2 chili Jnch every Tuesday for Honors College tudents. ·Russell K"k Facuity and students relax on the front lawn during the Big Smith concert Sept. 2. The concert was part of the Honors College Hillbilly Homecom– ing: "0 Student Where Art Thou?" -Amber Bozorgoni AMANDA ROYSE JUNIOR I Biology. "The classes offered by the Honors College are usually smaller and provide a more intimate setting where you can get to know your teacher and fellow students better." LUCAS MATTHEWS SOPH I Ministry. ..... The classes operate on a different level with more intensity and involvement. It is different from just cramming in facts from a textbook." JASON BALLENGER SENIORI Pollical Science. "The classes offered usually encourage more critical thinking. which often fosters a better understanding of the sub– ject matter. Also. chili day every Tuesday is hard to beat." honors college il :~.