1929-1930 Yearbook

11- -- ,,: • I ••

"1 catch the jreshened, jrag?"ant b?'eeze "From drenched and dripping apple tJ·ees." --Millay. / \

Ex Libris

• . THE PEl~l JEAN 1930 VOlLl /\ tE V I 'Tearl Lat/WIll, Editor-in-ehie{ earrie t91son, cA rtis~ Everett c"})ans, G33usiness e?)'[anager PRINTING BY RU.SELLVILLE PRINTING COM PANY RUSSELLVILLE . ARKANSAS E N G RAVIN G BY PEERl.ESS ENGRAVING C OMPAN Y LITTLE ROCK, ARKANS".


DEDfCAl~ON ~o Georg~ 'leJ, Kieffer Beloved p~'ofessor of Harding College, a man who has won a place in Ott?' hearts becmtse of his loyalty, se1'vice, self sacrifice, and earnest endeavor to promote the intellectual and spiritual development of the yo~tng men and women of America, we dedicate this , O'he I930 'Petit 1earw


fOREWORD We, de staf', am announcin' to yo' dat dis sho' am some of de reco'ds ob de pas' year. We hab tri'd to make it a true account an' a compbanion to car'y yo' back to de moments ob yo' work an' play dat hab made dis year worthy to be 'membered. All de abents could not be r ecowded, but we hope dat de tings which we am to sho' yo' will win yo' aprubal-so de Petit Jean ob 1930 am now on.


ALMA MATER III the fool hills o{ 'he O:arks, Xear 1o Petit Jean: Stands our oforiolls A/ilia MlI.'er; llardillfJ is /tel' 1I0m(' , CIIORI'S Siuo the chorus! Sholll it loudl,,! f::cJllJitl(f Ihroll(fh 'he "ale: /lail 10 thee, belol1ed HarrUt/O! Alma Mater , hail! Christian .o; Ilt/lllal'd is hel' moUo; Chris/ioll life is ,'.. tressed; And ill ellerll branch of le(lrllitl{J J~'(/ch olle does his /)e ... I. lIurdill{J opens It/ide her portals, Thus ilwi : ill(l all Who would tread the Iwlll In klluw/edge; /leed tliell her call.

Wh er e fh e sac l'ed alld (Je(lIllilullh i ll(Js (I I luU (Iud !W l/ i ll S .'I fl a fl las: ," - Carl Sandblll'fJ,

"Shaft sholl' LIS h ow divine a Ihill {j a lUoman may be mode." - \Vordsworlli. 1enny CJ-eill CJ-eall

ScroggiYL.., GJeall . "f...~1 each man think himi;elf Oil (lei of Cod, IIl8 1II11/d a tilollaM, his fife (l breath of God. " - Hailey_

"While soliludc (Illd IJcl'fect silence l'ciyn('d, " - Thofl/son

", llll/where '"l' slI lIbemll ... darted thl'ouqh Spread 1I I lO /JOI' :wll (111(/ bille," - I..ollflf d/o/U,

IlThe {JI'O lJes were aod's firs t t emple." ~Jjr!Jol1l .

"A lid l ow-b r Oil/I'd 1'0('1\,') ilOllfj IilHldill!l o'er liI(' dl'l'l' ."," - p()Pl',

· - Ii\, 1 0/11 se(mlief' Ii " fIIl. 'S fhe prolld arch' . confllles." - Pope .

"'Tis di s/ali ce leJl(ls enc /mll/menl 10 t h e v iet tI," -Calllpb e ll,

BOARD Of TRUSTEES UFF ICEHS D. A. T una: !!, PHl~S mE:-lT W. T. SWEAT, VICE-P"HESIllE~T W. E. i\lclh;, KOLDS, SECUET ,\lIy.TnE,\ SU HEII .J. II. 1['\\\'I(I N5 D. A. TUC1{EIL B. r. H II ODES 0. F. l.OWEIlY I. . C. SEAllS .1. fl . flOSE " UG I/ lIoGa I.. I•. BELL J. n. ALLEN W. E. ~l t HE YNO LI) S W. T. SWEAT II AllVEY W. HIGG s . W. W. PACE BOAflll ~"': MflEflS CWUI, Arkan.wls Weldoll. Arkunsa<; M(JrrU'JJII, Arkansas Nee/ or , Al'kan.'ws ('(ISO, Arkallsas Mo rrilton, Arkansas /)(well/J ori, Nebraska Morrilt on , Arkansas PelT!} , Arkallsas Caliidell, Ar/;;flJ1SaS ti l/aloud, Arkansas Morrill un, Arkansas Morl'ilIull , AI'kansas WeldOIl , Arkansas ,1!o ,.rilton, Arkansas Mo rriltun , Ad.:an.'ifls

]. ']\( cArmstrong 'President

V¥Crs. J. N. c5\rmstrong COean of 'WarnelL

uo the Students of c;;earding C;ollege..; To you nnd the stude nt bodies of forllle r years 11:1J'(ling' Co ll cgC' owes IllOI'C' for its almost unparallcd SUCCl'SS Ihan to nn)' ot her group of hcllH'rs in all the wor ld. \Vc doubt if any olhel' in s tituti on hns evcl' had more s in ce r e ly loyal stude nt bodi es thnn I-lardi ng Coll ege has had in its s ix ycal'<; of ex istence. In evcry cmel'geney. afLcr fir s t mnking OUl' nee d known to God, we have gone to you and we have never been turn ed nway. OUl' gratitud e is without mcasur e. Hardin/Z College has malic a most int c l'cs ting hi stOl'Y. Financially it tws a lways been 011 the roc ks , never being ab le nl the beginning of any yea r to sec its way to the (' IHI ; but its lIl:lI1agclllcnl has ('uch lime trus ted in God and each time the victory bas been a ll but shlr tlin g. Through these s ix yea r s ou r en tire counlr·y has been st l"l,~glin g in wha t might almost be ca ll ed a money panic. In st ituti o ns of lea rning have been pressed as never bdo,·c b~' the inexo,·ablc- rcquirements of acrediting agencies, wh ich )"equh·cments are almost en li,·cly based on lIIoney. Ilowevc )" , Hardin g- Co ll ege is c losi ng he)" s ixth yea .· with th e highes t ~tnd firmest rating as an educa ti onal inst itution that H has evt'l" e nj oyed. Yes , I know it is " luc k" to thosc w ho look on, but to u s w ho know and bt'lievc in .Jehovah the exp lanation is s imple. The faith that has c limbed th e "A lps" beyond which Ilal y has lain ha s ha d its sen t in yOlll· facu lt y . Do you ,·clJlelll bel' Hobert E. Lee and his s tar v in g arl1ly-~ln a r llly that lived for IIlQJllhs o n " parched co rn ," or Gcneral .:\iarion who in vi ted thc English :!enCl"n J to dine w ith him w ith no thi ng to o rrer but a pota to se r vt'd upon a piece or ba,·k? For a g r e~l t er ca use than t' itlll'1' Lee's 0 1' Mari o n 's your fi1culty has li ved o n a "c,·ust" that Hardin g College might live and attain unt o it s hi gh I':lting. Tht·y have indeed been " foo ls for Chri st's s:lkc." Tlwl'l'fol"c we arc c los in g thi s s ix th ycar with th e s lr·o ngcs t teaching force, <.I nd with the mos t po ten tial stu dent body th e i nstit uti on h as cvcr had. Th e gt'llc l'al financial con diti o n o f Jlm·din g College is th l! bl!s t in its hi s tory. It s rating, as stated :lbove, alllong cducat io na l in s titutions is tht, firlll cst and hi ghes t it hn s ever had . This mean s that youI' credits, yo uI' dipl oma s, and YOlll· dt'gl"ccs are thc sa fes t evel" secur ed in these halls; but it means morc than thi s: It mcans C\'c l'y credit earned a nd every d eg rec co nfe T"l"eu in the s i x yca ,·s have been sll·cng th el1ed and incl"(~ ascd in va lue . So, in thi s fin a l work we bl"in g to you two 'ipecia l concer ns thai lie on our h l':u· ts an d on th e h ea rt s o f yo ur faculty. First of <III there is an indebtedness that hangs abou t the neck o f Hnrd i ng Co llege like a mill -s to n e. This stone Iliust be c ut loose that thi s ".p·eat sel"\' icc may go on, free tinct unh rullpel"ed . The o th cr ca r e is th e la ck o f an adequate support for yOllr facu lt y. These teac hers mus t have more than a "c,'us t" o n w hi c h to live. In th e las t analysis thi s means c~lI·e for en dow lll e nt , for th e re is no othe r" sa fe s upport fOI" s u ch an in s tituti o n as Harding College. But till the n we must take carc of this problcm by di,·ecl d o nat ions for thi s purpose. These two--the indebtedness and a d eq uat e fa c uity s upport are our problems. \Ve IHlIst wake lIIJ to th e scl"iousness of both. The vcry life of th e ins tituti on is in vo l ved . So we appeal to you to help LI S win a triumphant victory ovcr th e~~ OUI' deadly enem i es. In God we trus t! llHOTIIEH AND SISTEH AHMSTHONG.




"Come follow me and leave liI£' wurld to ils babbliJ/gs."

"\\ ' here the w oodlands bcn d to see tlie beJl(Jil1q hc(w ells bel ow. " . - Longfellow Classes

LOYD SMITH COlin ELL, OKLAI IO;\IA R. A. Mi. lIi story. Mil. I...·duca/iull Prl'sidl'llt Sl'ni o r Class; Skippl' ' ', Sub T 16; Pionl'er ; Ass ist;mt Business ~ltnw gl'l' Petit J(,HIl. "Oh ~ 8 tW wal'< good as sil{'- was fair. i\"olw-nOIl l' on ea rth above h e r t\s PUI't' in th ought HS ang-ds are To know hd' was 10 lovt, hi -r," -Sa Illuel H og('rs ETHEL BRABBZSON T lTC I';EH:\I '\~, AIIKA NSAS H. S. M j. Math emal ics , Mil. Physicul Sciences W. II . C. S(,{'I'('t:II'Y '27, '28; Tr :li llll:lkl'r Secn·t:lI'Y '29, '30; Class Secrctar:\' '29. '30; :\ lath-Sc icllcc Club '30 ; (;ennan Clu b ''2i; Go lf Club '28. "Sol ;Uo! ullwr wom e n nre Is !<h l' tha t to my soul Is d ear; II ("r .l;"lorloul'! f<\nd('S ('orne (rom far , i klh'al h till' s iln;o r ('\'enlng star". And yet her hcar't I s eve r' )lcar," - Lowell.

J. C. SHEWMAKER J\IOIIHII.TON. A 11I\A:\'SAS n. A . .1/j. Mat hematics, Mil , /:,' dll ca/iUII Colleg'l' QU:ll'tl'l , '29, '3U; Glee Club. '29; Piolll'e r Club, '29, '30; ,\lnlh . Sciencl' Club '30 ; Sub. T. I(i Cluo. '30. " 'low heautifUI i~ ,Youth! I row bright it S'I('lWHI \Vith il~ ilIusion8, aspJr:Ulons, <i n 'a nUl ! 1100k o f ilf'ginnlngl-;, S tO!'y without I~ nd. Each mnid a heroine, and eac h Illan a f"lend !" - 1..ullgfellow, HAROLD PLATT HOS ICI. I\l lE, IIoU :\,O IS n. A. ,ll j ..l/alll£'malics, ,1/11. Hducalioll .\lnth ·Sc ience Pr l's ide nt. " I n lir~,'s Jo;Ill:l11 filings 11(" rCl:lolult. and gn'at To kt;'('1l th," musd(· trained: knOWt 'Jo< l thou wh~'1l falt. Thy measu r e- tnk",!:! or \\ hf'n 1'! 11(.. '1I JoHl}' to lIwe, "1 find thee worthy: do this d('('<1 fOl' me?" - 1,uw\::11.

EVERETT EVANS )IA ~S FI EL D , AIII \A:\,S AS n, A. M j . lIi story. ,1/11. /Ji% a ico! Sc i ences Ca mp u '} PI<l yc l's; Sub T 16 Club ; Pi o ll ec r Club ; Bu s in ess Mana ge r Petit J ell n , '30. "The man who conSt"<" r a t es hi ,., h ours B y \·\.I;0I'OU8 ef f o rt s And ,In ho n N<t f~inl , A t 0 11('(' h e draws t he sting: of lift' :l nd d eat h : li e w a lks with nature alld h e r pa ths a r e p~·u('e -Y ou n~. PEARL LATHAM SMITII Y II.LE, OI~ Lt\IIO ':\ I" lJ. A. M j . En glish . Mil . J:;({ucalioll W. H. C. St:crc tar y, '26; Tr<lilllwkcr Presiden t, ' 29; Glee Club, ' 27, '28, '29; Skee tel' S ta rr, '2 6, '27 ; Bison St<lff , '28, Class Sl'c r c ta I'Y, '28; EditOl '- in -chicf Pe tit .J ean , '30. " ' M u sic wa~ a t h i ng of the ~ou J-a rOIW- li p J)<,d s h ell t h a t m unll urcd of th e ete r nal l:If>fl-rt s trangI:' bh'd singing t he Hon gs of a noth er s h o r e, a nd so wa i'< si ll', " - H oll a nd .

J. R. WALDRUM J) ALI..-\S, TEXAS B. A . . Hi. lI is/orU. Mil. l~ dfl('ali () 1/ l'i olll'(:r Cl uh. '30; S.lIw r vis c r of Wo rk cl's . "FriO;'lld~h;p, p\;'('uliat' hoon of IH 'Hn.' n, The nobl{'~f 1l1ind'~ d t'light and pride, T.) IIwn and angt'l~ n nl}' ~hl'n, To all thl' lowl-r world d enit lI." -~amuel J ohmwn. MILDR ED MATTOX \\',\ LIlO, AIII{ANS ,\ S IJ. A. . Hj, Spanis h • .lIn. English li ollIe Ec. Clu b ; T w i n Q Clu b; Bookkl't' !)(' I' fOl' lI al"(lin ~ f:ollcgl'. "1-"01' s lw was j,'s' the quiet kind \"l1mlt' !latun-!; 1H' \'er \,an', I .ike sl rt'arns that keep ;)" SUIl11l1t>r mind Snowhld in .It·lIooary.' ' -1.OWel l.

PAULI NE GREENING c., -'Ill EN. .\ .\!-\.\" S,\ '\ n. S. Mj. ilIa/ h emfltic:), Mil. Physical Scicllces W. Ii. C. Clu b, '27, '28, '29, '30; Tr:d lmak t'r-.; :\la t h -Sci t'llel' Club, ' :H) ; Fr l! lI c h Cl ub , '27, '2~ ; Golf Club, '::!S. . FaIr laughs lIw morn and ~ort the Zl ph~-r lJlows, \Vhih- p,' (.udly rl sin!, 0',-1' the a:f;ur~' J"t'alm ] n gallallt I ,'jm t he gildN\ v.'ss . '! /-:'O.'fI, Youth on the prow, <tlld l 'It'a:.un' Ht t h l' helm." -(;"<ty. J . D. FENN :\1-:\\' :\ 1.\ 111';1-:'1', A J..\ IH\]\ n. A. ,Hj. h' lIg/i sh , '\/11. 1I; -; IOl'!/ O. 1\. Klu bbl', '29; Dnll ll:l lic Club. "\\ 'e lin- in d eN!s not y.:·an;; In lho u g-ht~ not bn',llhs; In f. ·\· l lng'$ not In fi~' url' s 0 11 a d iaL \\'t' !<hould eOUlL1 tim.- by Iwart lill'ohs. J h' most Ihl'S \\'ho lhiuks mO!:lt, ft"']!" tht, nohkst, He-ll;; tlw 1J,'l'it.'· - Halll'Y,

CHARLES R. TALKINGTON DOYEH. AIl I( t\ XSM i 11. .4.. J1/j. lIistory , Mil. EII {J Ii .'! " Trac hl'I ' in Publi c Sc hool Sys tem s of Arkall s as, Oklahoma and ~C \\' i\lu xi co. "On ly a. 8Wf't' l Hll l1 d rlu ouf.! !lOUI, J.. ikt- s... al:!oned lim l ll"r 11('\"' 1' gl\-('N: Hu t though th ... w holl> world tu r n!'; to ('Qal, T heil c h ie fl y li ve!) . " - 11.er b l.:r t CARRIE OLSON LEXI NGTON, OKLAIIO ~ I A I-J. A . . 1/j, I::: I/g/ish , .1111. ",'dllco/ion Ju (;0 Ju Pres id cnt , '3D; T n lilmakcr , '29 , '30; Petit .It' lln Arti s t. '29, '30 ; Dnlllwti c Cltlb . "To gi ld refhwd gol d , to paint 1IlL' IIty, T o t lll'oW H pt-' r fulllf' on tilt' \-101('1. T o :-;llloo1h tht' iet', or add HllotlH..'r hUL' Unto tIlL' rainbow:' -Shakt:spea l'c I.

JAMES S. HENRY Il oUSTON, TEXAS Special r;rw/uale Sfudent in Bible; PI' C-; ; (j ll .. C'()!leoe Wor k , (;enrq :a School of Te c huv/urJ!J; II. S. ;'1 JIt'cJw l/ical EflqilleeriJl!/. I !J'J8. (;kl' Club, '29, '3fJ; Leadt' r s' Tr :dnin g Class, '30; Math-Scil'llce Club, ':W, Sl'cr ~' lary . " 1 V/lIUt' seii' rl(:('-n ~Jll(' (":\11 pr'i:-'t' it IIH,rt', I t J.:'iY~·li le n thousand tlloti\'t·s to ado ...·; H(' It l'I'lIgioll!< m; it OIu,.;-ht to he, 'I'h.. !wart it humi,lt-l-i, and it h,,\\"~ till' kIWI"" -('(,I\>s.


IRA DYI(ES Cordell, Oklahofl/a P r csl d l' n t .JuntOl' C l ass Editor, Bi son , firs t te rm, '30 S ub T 16 Dramatic C lub j\lath-Sci l' ncc Cl u b Studt· nt Coach, '30 Be!:lt All Ar ound Boy, '30 VERNA ANDERSON (;raiulI, Califorllia Se(' !'e tary·TI'ca s urer, J un io r C la i'<li Preside nt . W . J l. C ., ':\0 Tra ll makcr

Jl UII' I'O .... :'; 1' 111 .\'0 1': 1( " ll uml, O l\ luhumu Qual'l(' tt t', 1 '~dilOl' Bi!"on s n . rl A ) I OI(I:: I.... \ .\' U 'I' HI,diU, J\IIII SII 'i 'V, I I. C., Tmilrnakt"',:.\lath-Scielll'e ~L "UI': T .A ' - LO ll l 'er r y \' II Il'. ,\ rku u s u s I , . E WI ~ t ' OS' I' t : 1l W lldlilu Full s. 'I" 'xu s Campus P layer!", Bi:-;on Slaff J\ I, J I I': U 'I' :';J II 'I' 1l Tn' lI lulI, 'I" 'x u s LOU EL I , ,,: .\' ,",0:-\ '1.' 1:: 1( " ' ' 'c h lill Fu ll ,o; , 'l'e XIIS Ju 00 Ju, Ca!ll I)US Players, Il ome E; c. ('lull

, I, I [, I.I AX ,\ U n nE " ,lu Co .Iu ; Dl'arl1ati e Cl ub J. H ,\H\' EY -nYli f: S Co r ti e ll . O" l u lHJIIIII Oramflt l c ('l ub M A lt Y IJtEXf~ AOK I SS (100111111111, ) I hilsollrl Twin Q; T railmaker NQIt .\ I ,'-N JONES eva l lilli, ,\r 'Wn fj HS GI('f' Cluh; C'o ll f'KE' Qual"l e t I;;'I'HI'; L :-<f' 11 fl ,\ n t ! n n ~ ' rille. ~l lsso ll rl .Ill C.'I) .Iu; ' J'railrnak('J'; :'Ilalh·!icit:'IlC'(!; Ilolll i' E l'onO l ll i('S Cluh Gn'eu \' ll h' . ' 1' ('xlIs j ,eade r s T m in lng ('la:-<I:!; Dl'ama ti c C lub C,\ T II - t: nl ~' ''~ BEL l , ) l orrlllull. ,\rIWIIl'iIlS Dntmat!e ('lub ,'I urrlll UII . .\ rkllll s lI S Dramath: Cl ub

('Jli\WFOun Al..u;: x IIII ~iil ( ' II,III ... 1\lnlllll1ll1 Plon(: C' I', Book Sto r e l\lnnage l' M A HI'; I'; A U,\ JOIIXSOX JI"rrlll u n, l\rkllll ~IlS ,I u Go Ju, Oreheslrn FI(ASK A ( ' J( EHS 1, IIlI' rlll , K a ll SUiil Debating, Campus Plu yer LO IS :M r (:RECWH -,IHrlulV, OkluhulILli W. 11 , C., " l ath-S<:Ience "l~S'I' F.lt JOII~SOX :S lur ( ' lI r. ,'-rklill s lI S HOT )l eQnnJ)\' Il lIyn f's l III .. , J, o lli s l ll llli \V. II. C" TraillllakL'r GA ilY ~'II'1( E E Llnt u lI , IlIdlllllll J"ootbal l , Ba !i\:' lml l WENIH: LI. l'II11.I.II'S ( '01(1 WnlH, Jlldllgllll

~"'ns. J. U. WA LDRU11 )I A UY LJ; -.: HIG GS 1. 01' Angeles, Cullfo rllill 'V. H. C., T rallmaker 1, ll..l, IAX f' 1,E Vl: l .A '' '"U .\l urrll toll. ArkltliSIlS .lu 00 Ju , nrHmatlc Club HEIt 'l'ItA IlESl'>ON .Iu Cio Ju. Ad v{'rtis lng :\{::lnager Bison. Trallma'k e r )1 U ~ . .FOUl.lf: S )lorrlitulI, Arkuli s ll s Alumnl Se<.·reta t'y 1 I{ f : .\' E ]) I': V.: L II , '." E It n (' II,' c r, ('o lllrildu Business Manage r B ison. J o Go Ju , Trailmakc r , Home Ec., Bl:l:it All H.ound Gi rl ,\) HS. Kt:IFJo'E U

GEORGE EMP'l'AGE Mea/urd, Onlorio, Calida Pres iden t Sophomore ('lass Sub T 16 Debati ng llal'dlng-('ana d lan Cl u b Book !;tor e Manager ADRIAN HENDERSON flore sville. Arkansas Secn.tnry-Tn'~um l ·t' r Sophomore (' 1:I!'s S tude nt Teacher Favo r ite SlUdent, '30

I(A Y :-0 ')' '\ "I.El' ON'" " ' nit { ' It~· . ~ I ' (,x!ls Pion('er, Hu ... i ll('81l F aculty SErA (:'\UNEI{ Cli li co. Hllck. Arkllll sil s Ju Go J u, T railmaker Jl ollu r St ud ent Cu lt! Wnt. ' r, .lI' ""ls!>.i LII Ji Dl' batlng, l\ l at h -S('iencf' 01.,1';.'\ .110:-0": .lI,·(;Il.":nOI{ 1\1 II rill"'. Oklulllllllll \V. 11. (;" Tr·ailnmk t.: r (;11). Arkll ll slIs H[,TII ASS ..: }\n lilSS Goodman. j\]l ssurl 'frnllmaker, Twin Q t;Lr uE IIAIL ..; \" .M 111111. I\IIII~IIS PIOIl('{'r, Ba s ket Bail

J 1AU I E LOFT I S l'o c li h ollll1 ~ . ArkllIH'u s Twin Q, Tralhnaker A I, IJ E HT \- O~- A L I,,'I .. ~ X L o nl iil l -II I f'. K f' lIlu t' ky Sub T 16 JOYCf: ( ' OPE I.. AX n l. oul iil \- lIl e, K en tu c ky \V, H . C., T t':tilmakcr OH'\· II.. I. E NEWJ1A X <': 0 11 \\'11,)', Arku lI s fl s 1II ," A W Y ,\'rT Ho,)'c (l Cl 1y, TexlIs T wi n Q: T r a ilmakc l' CJl A IIL Jo:~ J" J\ 'I' I ME H 1:'n ul s r n ll e)' , Ok l uholUu Sub T 16 f ' H ANK .' ·: L I.• IS .'1(: lIll1o r (l , O ll lllrio. ('111111 01 11 JJ ard ing-Canad ian Club

C IlIUS'I'IXE 'I'E .llI'LE IIruu s wh' k, ' 1 ' f'ulu' S~I'c W. H . C. YAnSA. UA. rl S J . llll f' . l .o ul s lullil Sub T 16 Jt [," 1' II .'1 A I' L}~ nu s ll , nUIi SUS Ju Go Ju. 'l'rallma k e r VLAHI'; S{; Jo: lH"~ f{SCIi Wlt c hltn, J\UIIlWS Campu s Player s :.\1 It S . eL )\ Itt: X C f; JI.Elt S CH Wll c llllll, KIIII SIi S Campus P layer s NATII J\~' (; I, }; EK Hull s . 'J' e llll ~ss('e Sub T 16 JIILI)l(f; J) WILLIAJ1S '1' (J1II He lin, 'J' I'xa s 'V. II. C., Tra llm:lk e r

LOLA .\1 ATTIl EW:;< ]Iurrlltun. ArknlllOuS .Iu Go Ju XOU)IAX ,\ HXOI~ n Ilrlnkl cr. ,\ rklill SII S Football, Baseball AI~ '1'OS JJ(JI~ l, IS 1~ 1111!', J~ ulIlsllIlUI S u b T 16, L t' adens Trai ning Class :0; liE lUI A i'i Id l._ N IE It Ollklllll(l. Cllliforllifl. Dt'bati n !;. Gl('c ("l u b E .'IM . \ LI:olE W ,.i\ KEl-'tELH .'I urriltoll. Arkan s fl s 1(0\" WIIITI-'IELU (:1 CIU'U! ' . Ontario. ('Ilundu Su\) T 16; Il arding-Cana dian Clu b UOUEH'I' l' I~ OSE ."'ulOh,' lllc, T,'nllf'SsI'f'

=--.." -

IIEU\ .'1'\1-: HII ' Ii";-.U' 'I Uri' lit un, .'\ rtw II "a ... I<;\"E1.Y" ,IO IIS~OX Furl ('0111 ...., ('ulorullo LEI.\ ~( ' IIIt\IH; H Ih' rl1h ', ,\lI ,,~U II 1'1 BEn . \1I IIU(;Elt~ Ha 11"' \ Illl', ,\ I'kH lI .. a i'i HUIIHII-:.I\) IL\\' .lI I. \-.' rl1l1l1, 'I' cxu ... ,",IIEH .\ 01.:-00' I ,I ':-.I II I-{ tllll, (Jkll1hlllllll nIlOUI\:-o IIHOWS -'I \)1'1'111011, , \ I'klllli'illll 1..:-;. (' lI;\ ;\lIl1<: U:"I I. unl,;\ III,' , 1\"lIlnd,y 1I, - HEWI' III -STElt )1111'1'111011 . Arklllli'ill " 11.\ HULH LEW:-OA W JI c ,\ II sll' r, Oklll h"lIlU .\lOHIII;-. HI': ":U (11l1l1lIlull. ' I', 'XIIS 1' '\ I - I, l)l -X(' .\ X Luuh, Jilt'. liculu c ky

I'A)I"~ LI ,'L ( 'OLI.. I:-OS Jft'lI" "1;1111, 1\1111"11 -; i"i 'I'ASSEI . I, .JOXES 411111111lh, Tt' XU S HOBII I E LEE (:OOI .SBY I.hlllll .<; Io li. 'l'j ' l llIl':'M'" HOn) "' UUBES J l orrU'uli. ,\rkllll '<; lI s 1I ,\ Zt-: I. 1I0J)(:";S (lnl'(JII. t'HIIf(Jrllill 1)01\" 1\I . n ,\lU(' .lIUJU ' 1I1 1;: Ylrlurlll , II, ( ' ., t'all;Hht FI . OIU~ Sl'J:; LOWEHl" lJU\" ' IIII(Jrl. ~,"I'tJra ~ 1i1i BII, L -'JATUX Okluholllll (:11" Ok l llhollla C ia!!!:! Prt: lSJdenl ."A II \ ' XL\!. :-ouJlI \ 1111. 1II IIIa 1I 1I 1.1::0'1', \ U ' .N EA I, Curti ell. Uklllh(Jlllu I\ L JIEII 'I' .\1 UIII'I I \ ' II IJl' kclc .\' , -'I Jl"li g lill CESSA I-' ,\IIISII -'llIrrlllulI, ArkulI :' u s

01' '\1, )1,lTTIIE\\")o; ,ll or rillon , '\.rk nIl SUlO \ -£I,Jl'\ HI GOS ]lorrlltUII, I\rknnSIIS JI H~. W . " ' . l'ACJo; Morrilton, Arknnsns .1II1S. OOI, U .\ } : LY I'erry, Arknllslls J UAXITA BOY!) -!\I or rlll o ll, J\ rk n lI ij US LUTTI E .OII , I . I ~,"osnY '\~ h "' "1, ,\rkun ~IIS WILLA..\lAE .I)lIf: WEII\~ (;'o ru c ll , Ok lll.homn JIAItI ..: .\tAXWt~ I, L J\lrkluud, 'J' I'XIIS Il UT JI Jl AHT " ' e"okn, Okiaholllll J CA~ IT I\ HIIOJH~ S illorrlltoll. J\rk n ll sas L t: l ,,\ II US 'I' E It. )torrlllun, Arkullslls

II AIII.AX JIO~S O li:luil UlllU (.:l1y, Oli:lahul11ll II AHO!.!) 1I 0l.LOWAY Center .!II,lge, J\ rli:u n SIIS JO II X rAI.J ~X ' I TXF: J l orrlt t OIl. Arkan sas .E .U-'lt~ TT )IclHt: r XUL !)S .1IurrlltOIl, Arkun!>ll!> J\ 1(1, l t; IH C .IiSOS Cc nll' r IUIIgl' , Arli:lIll SII S 1)0 \ ' AL UEA N J\lrYl' ut e, 'I'exus HJ\LI'JI W ELCJ I Jlorrillull. Arklln:ms j, Ol' S .U IT 11 Utile, LoulshulO WILL 1.1 • . t-'IL\Lt; r l' ll el!>eu , Ok lllhullla IJEN WATKIS!'I Alwood, Ok lllhunlu FI·:I. IX 'I' AIIBET 'I' Ok l lll1OlIIl1 (' It y , Oklll h ()11111 Y}~ HI.J I N s 'rANL}: Y Monition, ArkllllSIlS

01'1"; WI'ANFlELH Xl'W HJulll l', J\rk ;III SIiS BII , LIE IIEST JI J\TTOX: Greell\' IJl e, 'rexlI !> Clal<8 S ecr e tary )1 it S. W . E. )lclUn' NOI.JI)S )lorrlllOIl, ArkllllllS .IEItH\' JONF.S ,\ IkllO. , ArklllusliS (' JlAHI.. ES WOOJ ,S LllitOll, IIHIlunu no ItO 'I' II.EA S-"I ' I' 1I lreXllrkUIIU, Arkllllsilli I'A t;LIX}; O ... UUL'IE It 'I' ll) uUra, ;'II h :s l!1 !S IIQ)1 rIlt (l l:-iI A fl AU'I' W e\\ o ku . Okillhomil llOJtJ)I~ X UHAHI.. E\' .UorrlltOIl, J'-rkUII l>IIS EVA JOJlXS 'I' ON (;ratoll. Cli li for lli ll LEA;'IIOX W . \I.J,ACE ",\(111. Okiliholllll


"J\\'If) FOWLElt Jlorrlllull, 1\rkllll "' II" G I'; Ui\I ,DINE: J)H }\liE ) l orrlltOIl, Arliuli su s .I O IL\' 11. )IA 1'1, 1'; •• Jr. Hllsil. Iillll SlI S .\lAXIE COA 'I'S <':011 1 11111. ArkllllSII S 1·' J tASIi I, I N J ,OW"; UY Un, CIIJlurl, Xl' lJrll Ska 1),.\ ,\IAT' I' II EWS 1.1I1II1Ir, ArkllllSU S

.J. T. LEWIFoI ('O~' illj(IOIl. l( e lllul"kJ' Gf: ItALlJl:"~ E HlloHE!'! j\IHrrllt,,". l\rkHII~ II~ S}\i\r A. nl:~ LI~ Xlorrilloll, Arkull s liS 1L-\ CJlEI . I ' UI C£ Hlllckwlltl'r, .\l I ~s tJ ll r l 1. f~ OX !'o\)'AJ.L Corde ll . Oklllll(llllll I..I-, OYf) )IATTIIE\\,:-; lU o rrilloll , A rkH II SHS

II {] Bt-: H'I' .\[t'!tt; , ' NOLl>:O- )Torrllloli. ,\rIOUII !<IIS J UAN r 'I' A H l) rtKE WItl'ilItU. I\nnSIlS n. l"IL\SK HIIODES, .Jr . JlnrrlllOIl. ~\r"nn SIiS SO\- t : LI, A Wt: S'I'BUOOKI'; 'l't'XllrIi:IlIlU. , \ .fIi:UII SIl S

J.OI!'; BEI . I, :U o rrlll(ofl, Arkllll~lI ~ ,\1.111;: 1('1' nOON :->1~' cll',M I ;;;~o llrl I.. C. 1)001. E Y J\II I IIII', I\rkIiIl SII S J)l{l'I)t: x ~ INf' I .A II{ Horse Cr"ek, SII~k" ( ' 1111111111 JOII;'; WIIITF'IIU.II Olellt'oc, O n larlo, CUIIIIIII1 C II ES' I' EIC. }\I . FOIlH Horsl' Cn'!'k, SlIsk., ( ' 1111111111 ,1 ,UU': 8 C. ' l ' ANKt-: U:->I , EY l"orriJlulI, Arkullioin s JIO)IA )11\']" 1'11 EWS 1. 11 11111 r, , \rk uIISIlS O UY OAI . I:: l\lt'ltt: YNO' : US ~l1orrllJ(llI, Arkllll Sllioi AI.HEU'I' II,\Wli IXS 1{I·t'lor, ,\rkan slIs ,\1)1)1 £ U. ' 1 ',\SI\f:USI~ t: Y -' I u rrllluli . , \rk ll li s li S JA .UES ItOUEH'I' ( ' UISI' C hlldr .. "s. 'l'csu s •

SE\' ,\ VAN" BOS I{ IHK ('Hh l rH l l o l'ill rllljls. ( 'ol orlil io (' I •.AHA lIEI.. LI': (lH }\Y .'lIurrlltoli. ,\rlillll !! II S .1IHI'<. AI , VIS 'I'EAflLJE .\ll1rrll tllil. ,\ rku II SU S \\'II.LU ,\I IIAHHI!'iO X !'i ,\l1'1'1I TI·X llrlillllll. 'rexli s 1.0HI·: S .t'r /\PJ.f; " 'ful llell.c .1\IIII SII S BlJHT J J\ C KSOS ,Horrltt o il . ,\ rlWl1 SlIliO ]U N H. ~.\t 1'1'11 UrullllliO, ArkulI s lI s .'JA~IL 1II ' IlIJt.E~TOX Ok lllll ulIIlI ('lty. Okl1\lIoll1l1 .ELIIEH'I' t{l- LE J turrll io ll , Arkllll!iI\ S .Jo'UY llf; \ ' SULUS _\l o rrlltull, ,\ rkull su s A I ' UH ..: \ - :o\IIEW-'I /\KEH .\I l1rrllloll. Arku lI sn s

ETHEL FOWLER FRA=-K RHODES c5\cademy 'Jeonor Students nOMA ~IATTHEWS

• The fi1lc$/ seeds of life plat/f ed ill fertile Il ea."!". Keeping step ill fhe march of life.

" Children, ny, fof'- 1)00111 , They iJrillfl thc'r lope with 111(' 111 When the,lj COllie, \\1 h,lj : he llJorld '.'i Fu'! of t hem , .~l1Id so IS hc(well, - Jl' (llt I n!Jeloltl " J)eep lIl eollilllf oflell li/1es il/ ch ildish p{a,lj ::- W hen I hOll (11'( a ma ll lI.e bo undless 1\'ol'ld ilia!! bp 100 I)l1Iall f o l' fhet' ," Sch i l le r,

~ligious Educatio~ Th e \,(' r y r cason for Ihe existence o f Hardin ~ Co ll ege p ro mpt s the facu ll y and th e students o f th e sch oo l to pl'ol11o l e e\'cry pl<lll w hi c h wi ll furth er interest ill 011 1' ~Ia s t l' r 's work. T o thi s end s i x Bible c lasses Jll cC' t cHeh d ay . Every "i lud cnl is requir ed to enro ll fo r o ne of Ih L'SC courses and I'cgulm' c!'Nlit is g iven fur th e wo rk. In addition to th e mOl'ninJ.,( and eve n i ng s(' l' v iccs o n S und ay :mel th e praycr1l1cl'iin g o n Wcd n csd ny evc nin g, ther e is a " }lo nci :1Y ?\igh l ;'\I cc tin g ." "'il l' Young men arc hl'l"c ~ i vc ll nil op po rtunit y to di sc li ss v ilal topi cs. Each s prin g a th rc(' wee ks' Ill ee tin g is held. Thi s yen .. it was co ndu ch: d by Bro ther W, S. I.OIll.! o f Chi cago. Annual Thanksgi\' ing program ex tl'nd s Ihr o u g- h f 0 1l1' d ilYs. During thi s meetin g many o f Ih e J.{ I'l'al est powc r s in Ih l' ('hurch vis i l LI S. Brolh('J' G. C. Brewc r o f Me mphi s, T t'Il Il l'SS{,(-', Wil ... Iht' c hid sjJl'<l kl' 1' o n Ih t· prpg r :.llI\ Ihi s yea I' .

w. \Y. PACE C. F OIlIiES B. F. H IIOJ )ES B. B. Sl'I.LI\·,\:-I G~held CWorkers Religious Education ~'aculty .1. :\. AII~ISTI\ONG (i. \Y. I(rEFFEIl lIi\1l\' EY W. HIGGS S. A. BEtL .J. J). FEN N

'The Leaders CC9raining c:lass Thl' 1l':ul t'l's' training c l nss is an o r ga nization cons i sti n g so l (, l y of youn g lIIen. It h as as its purpose Iht, denlopment of its 1Ill'llIln'rs in church work. It has !\O III l' vcr~' pl'aet i en] p rognllll 'j. Young preachers f,'olll thi s g " oup. tln d Qu t siill', nl so ,'ccciv(' pnlclica l trai n in g by }J1'c<lching- at points out fro III :\101'- .. ilion. .LDIES S J IEW1\Ii\[\:En .J A~II~ S !J ENIIY GA YLE QLlm Boy \\' IIITF I ELIl J)IIYf)E ~ $ 1 =--c 1..-\ 111 .J O II ~ \VlIII'FIEL!) ALBEIIT I-lAWI, I XS C II ..\IILES WOO LS FII .-\KI\ ELLIS 1\"011.\1 ,\ :-.' .JO:...'ES SII.EII'IA:-': I .. \KIEII BE;-.I' \\~AT]\ [XS ALIIEII'I' :\IL' llI'IIY BILL ,\I., 'PTOX (:I I ESTEII ELFOHI1

<Business CJaculty .I. D. FE~N HlJokkecpill[J, 1'1/1'(>;uy HAY STAP I. ETO~ ShUl'llwfld, Spcllill(l I[lENE IlEVE I.II:11 YE Il COfllmercial I .ow :l I AUIl I ~E Il Ii ODES /JlIsiIlCS,'j ElI{flish BOYD FOIl BES Commercial Arithmetic

e ommercial elass ~l.\UY IliENE An l';INS ':\!OHIIIS HEED FIt,\;..;I·". I N L OWEIIY EI.L IS \VOOI>.\1I1) DON :\ It\c :\l uHC III E S ,\ :\I BEJ.I... fiA( I /EL Pl liCE J. D. FEi\N /lead of /) epartment PEAIlL AUDilE\, H AHIi ISON $;\111'11 H UBEII 'I' i-I UNTEII Jl llHEIiT :'I I(;HEYNOLDS (;EHALI)I~' E J )I~AI';E ALBEltT IJno~E AUnllEY WILEY AVOIIEY P ll l eE i\ l oHlu s CUNNI!'\<i Il AM 1 ~() lmEN BItAD L EY STAI':SELL .J O:-lES H UTI-I AN:--IE A[) I ~I:-"S I .OY I) :\L\TT II EWS ( ; EHA LD IXE HIl OIlES D A " If) FOWLE II .1 0 11 :-.1 I h ElH II LI.E I\ .J UI\:\'IT:\ B OYD .J U L JA G I 1E)~N J O li N :\ l.\J> LE F ilA Ne lS I h : I.O:\'G .1. T. L EW I S

eommercial crJepartmenr;-...., Th e COllllllcrcial Dcpa rtllll'nt , untl e r th e excellcnt direction o f ~1(,ssl·s. Fcnn tlnd Stap l l' ton, ha s b Cl' 1l o ne o f th e 1I10 s t ;lcl i vc Hnd effecti ve in the sch oo l. The ra ttl c o f typewriters, adding mac hin es, an d 'Hldrcssogr a phs, the ,'hythmic.JI senttch· ing of pen s, the hl'ad s bent int cntl y Ov('r ledge r s and <l CCQunt book s, give fi n impress ion of busi ness cf f ic i l' llcy Ih a l is not decei ving. Thi s yea r the elll'oll na' ill o f a d vH n ccd s tud cnt s w h o need wOl'k beyond the bcJ.tinnilll-{ co urses hus l ed to the introdu c tion f or th e cO llling yeti I' o f a Departlllent of Bus iness Administration o f full co ll eg iat e (" fin k leading to th e dcgl'cc o f Associate in Bli s in cs~ Administration, nnd qu:lIif y in g th e grafiutllcs for teachin g in comlll e rcia l co lleges a nd hi gh sc hoo ls, [t nd ror adlllinislnltivc pos iti o n s i n the busin ess wo rld. Th e :tn nll n l goes 10 IHl'SS thi s :\'C:II' befo re th e '\peed con t es ts nrc held , but [t numbcr ex pect to w in th e lIIedals ro l' speed w hi c h al'c o rref'c d by thc Und c r wood T YPc\\'l' it Cf' CO lllpnn y. PEAHL Af\l)HEY .IOIIN HfEIlM ILLEIl CO~nIEHCIAL HO:'(OH ST UDENTS

Theil Se/,v(' God IIlell. lrho se rve hi ... c r callll'cs. - .11 1' ..... 1101'10 11

Well eqllipped laboratories fo r to vel's of science a/ld /latllre.

/lewd!} i ll (t joy fo rev~I'. " - /'i.cat s.

CJinu cArts CJaculty FANNY MAillE !\ioul) \' Piano 1\ill s. n. B. SU LLI\' A~ Expression i\iHS . • 1. ~. A ID I S TIIONH Expl'('ssio ll H AIIO!./l i ,EWSAW Or c hes:l'(l .i\iHS. F. D. McNuTT Arl EXEN E BEN EFIELD Vo i ce NOII.\ IA ;.: JONES Quarlelles PE,\ HL L ATH AM Piano

'TJramatics ' ,' 1 (' I)ramali(' Cluh of ':10 has h l'('n on" of tlw tl)o!> t \h'{' l y oJ"ganiJlation;.: 011 the- ('ampu s. Th( c lub (-,o n s i slli of "The ('ampll s Pla y" r s" prop.'r, ;\ud a number (, f app r'(-nlil'·'!:!. Tht" E:-;:pres!'ioll ('Ins!; automatically b('('OlTIes a I )~\rl of til(' (·I u b. I~a('h yc>ar tlli !'; OI-ganizatlon spon~o r s it "('(l lh:'l;t' l.p'(·ulll Coun",," A brl ('f reylew of the sea!'on shows that !:lomp \'ery l:m('('('ssfu] pla y!; htl'" b('cll pl'l'l';{'nl€'d. "S<'<,ond C'hlhlhOod" was thl' rln;t play o f lhe !o;l,;tSOI) . Th.'l"e \n'n' th n't' produ(,tiOIl l';, two In .\ l orTiitoll and Ollt' in Conway. G. 'V. K kffer. " ' r ank A "k",rs, I .•m EII .,r. P o!')lt,!" li nd L.(wls F'o:'lter earrl \'d t il t' lU'ay ~- rol t'S. "Th(' I<:xchangl' ' ' was II \'(>I'y in le l'\·s tlng Ollt' -,u't u' ::f.\'uly with r ::1)'1.· Olt'l", Alton H u lli ~, L, C, Hl'fU'S, and L, C, D(I() I ~y playing, "The I{{,(,to l'" was anothe r ont'-u('t play with \ 1':\ ])y kt'8 al1d .,'e\'a Van Bos kll'k taking th (' It'ading panK In " Poo r OW Jim," Addi(' D, Tank el'slt'Y, [','o n Sma l l. and John \Vhitfldd play,'d s pl t' ndidl y, "The Spy" was gn'l'tl'ct with ~ U dl e nthu f<iam that f o Ul' produ('tio n s wen.' )..:'In'I1-3t l\ lorrilton, Little Ho('k, Batt'8\l\le and England, Addle Tankel' si{'y, ,\lrs. l ~ , C, HI:':ln;, Bil! l\Iatto x, anu I" C, St'ar>l took lIw It'nding rol,'s, "Th(' QW't- n' s Jlu sband" wa~ the las t play of th ,--' 1,..1I SOII, l ,iIIian Ardrey, th... It.-tiding lady, an d L, e, Hearf<, the leading ma n , we r l' SU PPol"l. 'd lJy a !-ip len did (:1st, 1\lrs, Car l 't'lt 1\1 r s, A nlllitrong )1,', Sears 1\lrH, Cathca r t r .ou Elle n Foster I ,ewi>l 1"0811.'1' Juanita Burk t' 1\\a l'y I,t'e I-U~n;s Addl,' p, 'l' a nk'--' J" f<It>y J o hn \ 'al{, lllin .' Hilly B"st i\ l atlox I., ( '. Hooky (; I:'raldlnt' Hhod "f< Mrs. Pact" I"a D y k es Opt,· Htl\llril·ld ('ank 01 >10 11 l-'<l n,...lIa l'ollim; S~'l\'ia Mo r.,lanel !:IUI'I .]l\("k!';"ll Callwl'in,- n.'11 Il al'\{'r j)ykt'S 1~lli !'; \""oodard F' i ()I't'llt't' ljlw \- I'~' En\llwlt J\ l elkYllOlds _\Tar \' :\l';ll l{toiJa i\l;\l' [) k l{!'; ()11 Expression C!lass ('harles Wool s I. lliian ('Il'\'dnnd C h('f<tt' r El fo rd Albert Il awkins Leon Small I )ol'"tlll'a Smith Lillia n Ardn.-y Altoll /I 011 I!'; 1\1:11'1., ~laxw~'l1 Hohhi t- J t'o Hay " 'ill n. Frlll('y F r a nk . \ ekel' s i\l r s , L, (" Hears

'Dramatic elub

Intercollegiate...; "Debate...; Th e o ldes t Hlid most dignified o f co ll c/-!l' ac ti vi ti es Iw s always n' cl' i vC' d cn - Ihu!oo i:l !\ li c !\UPPOI' ! at Harding. II t.T c hamp io n s h ave lIle l 1host., o f every co llegt' ill th e' slale and IIw n~' otlH'rs out s id e, an d nlways th e number of vic tories ha ve becn far in eXCl'SS o f the ddea t s. To paraphrase Challcer, " The purchcs is we i In' ttrc than lilt· rente. " F or these c h ~llllp i on s of th e fOl' ul11 no question h<l s bel' n too difficult , 11 0 !\yll og is lJl t oo knotty, no f<l ll ac:\' t oo s ubtle. In informal di sC lI 'is i o ll !'. that indcpcndcnc(' o f thought! what powcr of speech! when some master-bowma n cl ove the Ilwl'k, and we hun g 10 h ea l' " ' I' IH' I'apt o r a tio n flow in~ free F rom poillt lo poI nt . wi t h J) ' ) Wl"r and gT<lIX' ...\ nd mu ~h: i n t ill' b(lU nd ~ of law, T o whOl'l\' ('() I\c lu sio n ~ \\ Iw n W(' :-<aw T h e n od w i thin him li/;hL his face." Thi s yeaI' th t' sc h e dull' of intnco llC'l-!iatl' (Il-balt's was as fo ll ows: AffiJ"tll;lIivl' ,~. Oklahoma B;lplisl l ' lli \,l'r~ il y Affil'llwtivl' " .., . •\bilL'n e Christi:lll ColIl'ge Affi l"ll1:1 ti vt' "s. College of th l' 01.;]rks ,\ ff i I'lllali \'l' \"s, llL'ndri x- ll l'ndt'l'son :\t'j.(:1l i \"l' \'~. II l' n<! t' l' son Siale 'l' e<lt hl' r s Affirllwlin' \"s. O uac hita Colkgl'

"He i s th c ~reatcst artist w ho ha s em bodi ed, in thc s lim of hi s wo r'ks, th e grea tcs t number o f th e grea tes t ideas, - Buskin " Th er c arc two kinds o f al' t is ts in thi s wOl'ld ; thosc that wOl'k bl' C:l USC the spi"it is in thcm , an d they cauDot be si lent if they would , and those Ihat SI)cak fl'olll a consc ie nti ous desire to makc HI}pal'cnt 10 ol hcl's the beauty that has awakened th e il' own admil'Cllion." j t;AN I' I'A BU III{E j 01::: L. H ECTon E'I' III-:1. S{; IIHADEII MHS. F. D. MC:\'UT'I' Direc tor Mils. TEAGUE CIIAWFOTD ALLEN - G" Cl' Il , l\l.-\II Y E U Z,\BETII J ONES

V'([usic CVepartmentr---> "And mmiic loo- dear I1ll1sir! Ihal can louch Beyond all else fhe so1l1 Ihallo lles i: l1H1cll- ,Vow heard far off. so far (IS bil l 10 seem !.ike 'li e lainl, exq uisite mllsic of (/ dream." - Mo ore. "And Illusic 100- " a Inll' inll'rpn t ulion of w hi ch has rcsu ll cd i n a I'l'lIwl'kab l c ~J'owlh in th e Music.: Ikpal'tllll.'nt. Thorough and n:liubl<' training i s gi vcn in piano and llIuch enthusia sllI is shown b .\ ' the stud('nts in th eir J'l'spon,,(' 10 this influcnce. This is th l' s(,cond :\'('al' thai a junior class ha s !Jel'l\ attempted and it ha s b t'('11 a d{'eitil'd sliccess. ;\1 01'(' ini eJ'C'<;t than usual is lIIanifested in Vo ice. The Glce Clubs find tht, Chol'll s SliPPOl' t this pari o f the d l' parlllll'llt , and Ihe QU:lrtl'lt c are doing sp lendid wOI'k. Our Orches tra hHS s tt·adily imp l'ovcd th r ough the yenr and audiences ~ln.' dl' li ghtc( 1 ;ll their j)C'I'forllJ:LIlCl' in chape l. In :Hldition to till' re('it:lls , \' :u' ioll s l'ntcr l ainllwnts h<lvC bel'1l gjvt'n at which studcnts fro III this dellartllll' llt h :l\,C bet'n pl'l'sented,

i\'enl Garner J,oi:-; i\I « in'gor" .\Iaurlne H hodes 1·'Jort'n('(- Lowery (,len I {ost:' :\I<:('n'g"l'l' F "'''''1 1'1""'1, M C>.!~ , . , .Jwlnila Rrl .vd LottIe HJJllngsly 1';",tht' l" Sul li van Lola l\ I lItl hcws J'aulhw (,a r'dner 'Piano L (Ir{'n t' Tapley l,aUI"II Lou l"('I"g"uson I\'arl L atham ' l"ma\Vya tt (; (' raldin ~ Drak e Maurie)" ~\kK] nl y I ;t-lIwyJ D (' illl .\lasscy ]{oht' rl ('IOS l' ,Ju a nlra Hho(j (,s A <ldi(, I). Tallkt'l"sJy

Junior "Piano (;lass PEAIU, J.,\TII" 1\ I , Direc tor JIIEN E I3l1m MAillE \VEAII EI\NESTI NE TO)'IPSO:" EHA \V IIIT )'TOHE OnA DAVIS "11I , nIlE)) VA N METEII ~ l ost\DE1'\E TO)'II'S01'\ I LA HEDMA N

'Voicu EXE :'-:E BENEFIELIl , Director LII.LI AN AUDIIEY AI-nEB'!' VON ALL'\IE~ Lo u EI.LEX Fosn.:H J. LEW IS FOSTEII I.EOTA O 'i':EAL EXCE:-.'E BE N EFIELD .\lIIS. ELY E :\I ILlXE \\'AliEF II:I.)) .LDIES II EX Ii\' D .\ :,-: B. S:\IIT II E .M :\ I ETT .\l C liEY ;o.IO I.IlS Fn .-\NK A C I i:EHS

"SOI/(J cOllsecrates ( rllill fIlHl liberty." _ Shelley. "(;(; (/ is (he filii hoI' of IIIIISic: lie laid Ihe keu~ rlO/c of all h(/t'Jlionies;- Alld lie made · l's so that we could hear' olld IIwlerstanci." _ Brainard.

lI ' hy read H'1I£'11 faels coufllse fllld blur (Iud (fe! all IIII/rfd/ed ill I he heM/?

"To Hue so as 10 look II/JOII f}a.~l existence is 10 live twice ." _ Martial.

"The FI'oUc architec t ure of SHOIV. - Emer .wlI .

Tile world wails "For help.Relol led , let /1S wor'" sn /Veil Our /l)od, shflll .~/ilf be beller fa" nllr {OIlC. And still 011" {OIl C be ... II/eda for OUI' lUork." - 111 r .~ . JJrollJllill(/.

"All the world' ,.; a stage And all fhe men olld women merely plo!Jers," - Shakes/JNlre. "SCC0I1d Childhood" "The SP!J"

". hut $0 ll elJer ell(lillff - /Jill alII/ails desce lldill {}. " - So ll'"Y.

• CPeti~ Jearw cA.nnounces CJfonor Students 'p'&va GarneT ~oy "Whitfield 93est cAll c5\round Irene P>evelhymer Ira "Dykes GJavorites &5Cildred "Williams cAdrian c:J-eenderson

~c. ... ~ .. "'\.\.\ -... ~ c .... "t-.\-,...',\ eo""", ~,c.. "'""""',. ...,,,""", a __ ~ ""'(~ .. , co, \ ,_ -"" """, ., ... ""co,,- ,,-0,,""" " .., b_c .-.,. .... , lrtf ..... ,, __ .:,~\ .... • \ "'''''_ ""c. .... 1. ,~--..\.c "~ -.a~.\ ~"'c:.. . ,,-...~"" ~ , -n" ~ ...'\ '\ ~ \,a,. 'f' ......: , ~ .. " \ :... • t • " Co" \0 '- • ,. '" """-' "'" " - - \~ " ....

~oy 'Whitfield

Irene..> <;Be1Jelhymer

Ira 'Dykes

V'tfildred 'Williams

cAdrianl CiJfendersoTL

"(;feamill g -COlllflillS radiant ill fil e SIIU." - Bf_frl ci {j h . Athletics

GJootball "Rgj)iew of thGi SeasorL., In sp ite of the Illan~' diffi c ulti es w hi c h con fl 'on l('d the "Bisons" of 1929, they have IUl'ned in :l veJ';\' crcdit <l bl c r ecord. Ha rdin g College has never been represen ted by a t CfIllI o f which it W: IS proude r', W11(: 11 foolh:1I1 practice bC/.!:ln in th e full , Coach Arn o ld found that lIot a !Clll'!' Illan of 1928 h :1I1 ,'ct urned . He [need Ih e problem of buildin g a team f rom altogethcr inexpcrienced material. This h e did- fllHI the l3isons fini s hed th e seaso n with o nly onc defcnt. Due to th e to t :1 1 lack of exper ien ced Illen, we were forced to c:1I1 ee l th e regu lar co ll ege schedu le , and the nc.:w program ('onsistcd of grimes with sccon dal'Y t cat1ls or with hi Uh school t ca llI s of good r:.lnk. Even with this sch edul e the Bisons wcre c ul-wci/.! hcd in evcry gnme and the opponents always h :I<_1 more football exper ience. Of Ih e s i x hanl ·fought g:UllCS of the scaso n there w('re fo r the Bi so ns thr ee vic to ri es, o n e defeat, nnd two lies. The first ellco unter W:lS wil h the Hendri x Bull -Pups. Few teams have appnrcntl", been as out-classed as th e Bisons, whell th ey too k the field. Howeve r , the ir fight and d eil' rminati on made lip for thi s fa ct and th e batLlc ended in a sco r c le'is (Ii'aw. Th e secon d con les l was w ith Ch~lI'lestoll Hi gh Sc hoo l. Tnkin~ to the ail' in th e las t minut es o f play, th e Bisons sco r ed on a pass, Bradley to McC lung, to tic th e Charleston team, 6 to U. A fiftY-YHrd I'un by Bradley in th e l<l 'i t <Iuarter was th e tlll"ill of th e g:1I11e, In Ihi 'i contest th e Bi so ns prov ed that th ey had a I'ea l pass in g combinati on with a grea t passer in Bradl ey and exce ll cn t r eceivers in 1lerl'ick, ;\lcClung, and Huby, At .lanesboro Co ll ege, the li eI' d met keen oppos iti o n , Th e Collegians we l'e out fOI' revcngc for last yea r 's deCeat and th ey showed a fight th at was exct' t1 ed o nl y b~' that o f th e 13isOllS. Th ei r pa<;sing combination Sillipl y bnf fl ed th e Bnlves and th ey wc re forced to take dcfl':lI, 13 to 12. The Atkins Hi g h School te[lm o n t!leil' OWn fi e ld provC(1 f:lst and hard , b u t having gai n ed exper ience i ll th e p l'ccedinJ,.! ga mC's, th e Bisons took th~ bOllt ve r y cHsi ly. 19 to O. H,lI'd ing n ext IIlet ))al'<.l:.I 11 e1l c, IIl're th e 1il'I'd opened up H s ll'o ng deft'nsive attack nnd beat down s tr ong o ppos iti on 10 win, 24 to 12, In th e la s t ga lll e o f th c seasoll the Bi 'io ns in vnded the Clal'ksville ca mp. The opponen ts eluded th e Bison ta ck lers to score fi ve tou c hd owlls against :l sing le encounter fo r th e henl, winn ing, 37 to 7, We III li St say :Igain thnt I- I a l ' din~ takes pride in thi s I'CCOl'fl. But s h e ta ke'i evell more pride in th e qual iti es o f th e squad that is composed of good, c lean, hard fi ghtin g, co ur;l ueous boys. -'Jany of the men had neve l' :' la.\'ed football befor e, yet they co ndu c led th emse l vcs lik e ve te!,(lll s befOl'C th e se<l'So n was over, Tot a l- I3IS0NS, 69; OP PONE:,( TS, 64.

. . c:Basketball EJC'Vl'll m('n who \\, (Tl' dl'lPrtllill r d to make a winnin g ba sk('tball knill, if poss ibl e. r cpol'tl'd to Coa ch Dyke s ful' thl' fir s t w Cl'k o ul o f the 1929-:W sea so n. With but 01H' 1l't1 t' I'IlI:1n and no l :l six-footel' 0 11 th l' squad th e pl 'ospec t s fol' :l 'i u(' ('{'ssfu l s{'a'lO Il \\'(' n ' 11 01 "l'ry bright. That iJas ket· ball is a ga ll lt' o f spl'ed al1tl Iha l then' was ;111 abundance o f s!H'l' d o n the squ :ul wns the only hop I..' ( 0 1' ;1 w inning It' ;l1I1. :'.l o l (linJ,{ thi s spL'C'd inl o n smoo th working 1l':ulI was th l' 1;ls ).; 10 bl' '1('{'olllpi is lw(1. Vido/ 'il's 0\,('1' gn llll' 'i and Sl'un's of :·Hil points to Ih l' o ppolll'nt s' 273 i s t ('s tilll on~' c f how wc ll Ihe Bi so ns s lI ('('('t' d e d ill IIwil' ('Horts. A :Ui · 29 "ielol'?!' 0 \' 1.'. 1' thl' st ,'ol\g Pl'o pl<..' s · T rllst Compan:\' I t'am of Li lli e Hoc k was th e o nly gallI(' pl ; I~· ('d h~· the Bi so ns befo r e the holida ys. A week aflel' th e h o lid ;l~· s, th l' Bi so ns pla Yl'd on s uccl' ..,s i \,(' nights in Lillk Hock and EI Dorado. Tlwy 10!'.1 the fir s t game to th e P('op les' Trus t Comp<ln~r , 36-20 HIHI WO I1 the I:ls t gn lll c frolll E I DOl'a d o ./unior Co lI l'ge, 54-47. After th ese gnlllcs thl' Bi so ll s wel1 t 0 11 a 1';I111p :l ge . Thl' Thu n d e rin g' li e I'd s ubdu e d ,\. O. U. W., Lilli e HOl: k , 39-27; EI Dorad o ,JuniOl' Coll ege, 49- 17; and S tcriin j:! Departmen t S tores, Little Heck , 4G- IO in the onle r name d. Th e Co ll l'ue of the (harks halted th e vic t or iolls m:lI'Ch o f th e li eI'd in :1 thrillin g game w h ich (,IHle d 27-2.1 , (ha rk s, Thl' Bison s l'cco\'cl'('d, ho wC've r , and 1'('vl.' I'scd th e (kcision b .v I/l(' sco r e of 25-23 the foll ow ing wCl.'k. Th l' 1;ls l two gaml'S Wl' l'C ~ plil w ith Subi <1cO Co llege. T hc f irs t galli C' W:lS a \' ic loI'Y fO l' lI a r d in g, 40-25, Il1 l' la s t l' IHl e d wit h 35-27, Sub i.!co. Elevt.'n men I'ccciv(' d 1(' lI pr s fo r th e i l' work o n th e CO llr t. All Ih ('..,(' mC' n wi ll be cligib ll' fo r pla~' Ill'x l ),l':lI·.

Von. ~\\I'll(:''!\ "P1.\ehe'r Bnd\.~ CUe n.y Me. Kee O"t~ G)3aseball Winter WOl'i I' uther (k· l ibt:ratl' in lIl'- k nowll'dging: the arr i va l o f hi 'i sueCl'SSOI' Ihis ~·l'al'. thll~; 11('('(''isita t inJ,{ ;I d eby ill Ir aini ng fo r that Illo:-.t sl'Il'ia t i Glln l (If :111 AlIll'l ie' l ll sporl s- Basebn ll . l 'nda llnted , how(' \, ('I', our n('w cO:lch, ~orlllan A1'1101d , "ealizing that the Bi ... oll henl l1et-'tletl act ion and knowinJ.{ Ihat basebn ll eanl101 be plaYt-'d dfl' c! i \'('!y among peak s :Inti eallllons. St' t about to Il'1110\'(' the inc rt ia of Ihe boys and Ill(' topogl'aphien l UIH'\'('lln('ss of the fidd a ll ill Olll' p,·oc('ss. Il a t s an' off 10 him for hi'i unquestioned success . Aboul the middle of :\Ial'ch lile I'('j.(u lnr ~. eas c li s' \\'ol'lwul hegall. and was en tered illto frol1l ti l(' fil· .... t wit h zenl :llltl in l t:l'est. :\iuch lillle has been u '>ed ill d('\'l'iopingdficit'lley with Ih l' o ld eluiJ , but Il o t to t h e lH'gll'cI of fiL' ldin g practic l' . :\ Iol' l' :lIH! Iw tl l' r lllatt'l'i:d Ih ,1 1l hail bel'1l Ihc tlghl a\':lilable has appearpd I'l'gu lal'ly fo r prndicl' :lIld it S(,('IIIS thaI l'\'e l'y ; hing ~ ;() illt s to the cl e\'t' lol)llIl'lIt of the s tl'(lll~­ ... t {'Iu b in Bi so n hi s tOI'Y, On till' lII ound Ihi s SCflson, Von AI1Il11'11 :1111 1 DUIlC:lIl, bolh soulhj)<lws, al'(, ai<i('(\ h .\' Ilunlt' l' who flings 'elll fro III the rig ht. VOII'~ s low h a ll. Dunk's SIWt-'d, a nd HUIltl' r 's right -h andet l \'al' id y Illake a hafIlin/.! cOll1b in <l t ion whell delivl'I'('d aeco I'Il - ill g to till' :ll> le dil"('ction of 13r:l{l1ey, c:l rl'- 1<1 IH'1' of Ih l' I'l'.~ i o n behind th e p late, AI fil's t b:IS{', i\ienick, co-vete r an w ith B1'll dl n ' . of a ch:lll1p ioll'ihip hi/.!IH;c hoo l l l.':tlll, exhibits ab ilit y propheti c of conHnll.1i di s tinction.

Around second snc k Bl'own ;Ind V;II - cntine vic fOl ' honors with thl' SCO I'CS nbout eve n, Both piny f:lsi ball and wou ld loo k uooLl on any college lealll. The short "top posilion is occ lIpi ed by Huhy, that cnl'l"ol-loppcd l\li ~s i ss ippiall who ta c klcs evcrything fr olll c lub bi sc uit to debaling Ch~Ullpioll - w ith apparelltly th e samc gusto. "Buc k" occlipil'S th e o ld " ho i cor ller " with appropl' iale fcn' l'lley. Th e outfield is tcnd ed a lt el"Jla t e l~' b~t Chambers, Ho lli s. liulllcr, Cri~p, :'Il('1\ ('l'. Fraley and Hcnd e r "io n. " llu(III" co nfi nl's his p,'efer e nce to the " bi g mitt ," while Chades \Vool s is gellcral utilit y Illan. As a team Ihe Bi sons wie ld a nl l'an Slick , "Buck," " Dunk ," "Brow II ," " l-knd " and "Johnnie" poling mosl of thl' lon:,.t Olll'S. As thi s goes to press thc c lub ha s l'JIgagl'd Arkansas " Tcch" ill two COlli bat s, the first :l victory fOl' Tech with u s('OI'(' of 7-6; the second {,llsily Won b y /lardin g 6-2. III the la s t gallic "Dunk's" s pl'l' il y and c rooked ball WH"i, for' th e most !lou't, a dark mystery and toge tlH'r wi th th e fill l ' s upport of hi s team llIal l's, sl'l a PilCt.' 100 ficrce for Ihe opp os iti on. . Insp ircd by the ncw fi e ld <Inti co nfi - dent in the ability o f Coach AI'110ld, the Bisons will make the game int t' l'cs tin g" foJ' allY competition.

"O'er the hl/ shed deep fh e yellow beam he /l1I 'O IU,') . " - Bl'yo n,

G, t.c t ;?~ &.: dj. • .. '2,..... • .. doL" " __ ..... ~~ • .f . t;J " ~ ...... c.. ".../- Jr_ .(k/JJ:<'ob '" ~tA : '" .... ;.;. ? ~ B.a.L /fiu;' . f..


\ Le 3ma\ jltt<Y\ hurnh· JR \<'.lar..."" \J~1VI.es 5hoemakel E • ,It" " I. ~ ~.


• ('r:1wford All.-n .J. I). Venn AHKANSA8 i\orrnan Arnold .I, X. Armstrong: :\I r !ol.. 1. X. ,\rmstrong: Eth.,j Hrabhzl<oll ~ I H;de ('oats I.. ('. Booky En'l'('lt )o:\'anS Ne\'[L (:arner I'aulllw (;r~'(>ning ,\1 11\'1'1 Hawkins Ad ,'j"n 11 "11(\",r;;o n :-\onnan . I on~·s f,,'I'a ld .I01lt' S -'Iario Loftis Homa l\Jatlh€'ws I la l\!altIH.. WS /'.1 iss I ~thd ,\\('Clun' On'illt· Nl'wlllall H( 'ulah H ogen,; llpit: Htandfi .. ld \'l' rna .\nd erson Ila:'1<"1 Jl odges Eva Johnson :-'!II'l')n:lll I.a. Ni,'l' l\lar~ Lt" , Hig-gs C.\ XA UA. Ch,-sl,,)" Elford Frank Ellis t;, 'u rge };mptage lJon l\1<:'--: urehlt' Dryckn Hinclai r H oy Whil fi.,ld .John Whitfield CO I-, OJtADO I relle Be\'d byrnel' Nt'v:! Van Hoskirk Elli!'; \Voodwo l'd t a :OH V I i\. ( : 1'0\'('1" B. Dasher JLJ-, l SO IS J larold Platt eollege..; elub l X nl ,\ NA 1\1II J' y Z\'p:d ('harks ,Yo.. ls lL \ S:-OM" F r:lnk .\('k,·rii I 'eil 1'1 Ani ny Lillian .\rdn'y (,Iy{h' H:llh'y ,IU<luila HUI'k,' 1\ l rs. ('alhea l't I 'arnt'iia ('olllnl-l ]{uth l\l a pl,· ,I ohl! .\ I all l(· S~'I\'ia .\Iorl'i:wd I\: I-: ," ' I,("( ' I{ \ ' I •. S, ('h,lmh"rs .I(,~·(", ('OIlt"1a I\d 1' ;IUI I)Ul1('an ,I. T, I" 'w ls A\I .. 'n \ 'on ,\1 11l1t'1l J.. O t l l :-O l kSA Alton 1l"lli l-l [)or{,thy l\ I I'Quidd y \'anla ]):~\Ili Loy Smith .' 1 1(": II l (l ,\ .s , \lh",·t ,\ lu" p h y J II :-OS I :-o:-o II ' I' [ lid,' !! (,anlJlt'r J' aullnc (:anl n.·r ""(' I1<!t·1I Phi llips Sldn.,y Huhy J II S:-oUL'H l .\Iar~ I n·n\.· Adkins ]{u lh ,\ntlt· .\ d klmi .\ Ib,·rt BOf)!!e J';th.,l Sdl1"adt'1" J....·l:l ~:kh r adl'" l\ E U HAS 1{1\ F IIII"\' IH'I' 1 ,')11 d')' J.'I 'a n klin I,owery O J( J.J U JIQ .' IA Bt'J"lhn Bl' !lSt!1l W'lI lie .\ I ,t(: 1)I'I' \\'I' I'Y ] I',l ! )yk,·:,j lllln'",y n yk('s Will D. Fnlley l\fasil Il u dd ll'fHo n I{uth J l a rt ,'irg-inia Ji art Ernest Ku y k end a ll Charles Latimer l ','a r] L atham f I,u'old L {-wsl.\w F, \\r. -' Iattox -'Irs. F. \Y, -'lallo)!, Il a ri a n .\I0iiS Gh' n H OSI' -' l eGn'gor Lois -'ld;'·t'go.. Ca n 'i" Ol!io n F]'ed Olson .\ II 's. O'X('a l 1.('oUl O'Xea l I .oyd Smith ,\1 rs. Lo}"d Hmll h Ll'on Smull F elix Tal'belt ( ;l'amoll \Vallace B t:'1l \Vat kins '1'£NN1~ SS In~ Xathan Clt:'ek ]{ob,'rl ('lose I{obbil' Lee GoolsbY F anny -' Iarit· l\loody T.EXAS Doyal Bean .\. 1\1(:('haudl'on Ja ln"'s /{(,hl' r t Cris p L ew is Foste r Lou EIIt.'n F'OSlt'r 1\ 1rs, ,I. O. (lanett J.'lossil' Jlal'wt'll Jalll€H H t'nry Stand sell .Jon ..s B illy Best )Iallox: ~'] ,U'ie )[axwell (,ayll' 011' 1' Hobbit' Jo H :\y 1\ lorri s H eed Dort hea. Smith Burton !:i p ringer H,l~' !:ita pleton Allk]·t Smith ~lildred Willi a m s Irma \Vyatt

"PublicatiorL "l\gll BUIITON SPIlINGEH __ _ IliA f)YI,ES III I-::-."E BE\' ELIIY:'oIEIl .1011 :-.' :\I /\I'LE HEIITIIA UENSON i\llss GAIID:-.'EII ~liLl>lIED \VILLI,u.I S BEULA I I H OG EllS FLOIIEf-,' CE LOWEny "Ill S, W, W, PACE CIIAIII,ES LATll\IEIl !J3isorw Staff Rdilor Edilor Business ,l[atj(J[J('r Circufatioll lllanaqcr AdfJet'lisiflfJ Mana{J(' t' Fac ulty Advi~er 00:-': ~1A(: :\l uIIC I-lIE LEWI S FOST EII l\'OIIi\l,\N ./O:-.' ES P .DJELIA COLLINS HALI'II \VELS II CPetit---> Jearw Staff :\llIs . .I. o. (; "\II11ETT FaclIlIy Adl1iset' PEAIlL I.,\TIIAM Editor CA 1111 II': OLSO:-': Arti~l EVJ.:JIETT EVANS BlI~;J/ess Mal/aner 11 ,\ 1\0 1,1) PLATT ETIIEL BII,\nnzsoN MILDIlED :\L\ 'I'TOX Circulation Manager I ,{)Y I) S:\'iITII .1. H, WALDIlU:'oI

SEPTEMBER We ha ve nil obeYl'd th e en ll and h ave com e ba c k to Ilardin g. Such a joy in g r l't'i ing o lel fl'il' lUJs, meet· ill g new o nes, laugh in g, la lki p~, c t c. St ud en t -Facu lt y 1"l'Cl'pti oll n .'v(" ti s Ihe fael th:l! we arc r cpn.'scnlcd b y seve nteen s tat es and Canada. Classl's oq,.(:lnizc- pt,ppy c lnsscs make tl peppy sc hoo l. Clubs -a r e rev ivcd nnd gt.'IH,' r al pl ans for Ihe )'t.':lI' nrc outli ned. We (' al in new p icn ic .;;Iy lc just at fir st. In c id en t - a ll ~' , th i s thorou g- hl y p rc ll:.lr l'S us 10 ('!ljo:\, Ihe dining h:1I1 aftl'l" it is "l'dolle. OCTOBER We J,!O to wo rk in ca rn es t. 'rhe Sub T l O i s laun c hed. The 1l11'1lI1)L'r s c l aim tu be a h n nl~' , hut not a 11011"1 1 lot. Lcw is Fos ter, ha vin g hi s Ph. D. in C:unpus o logy, cnd eavors t o hl'lp hi s fcllow s tud ents . i\ol on ly d ocs he s:\'lII pathi zl', but h t· calTies orr th t· be ll w hi ch e nds ~ot'ial hOlll', W, It C. llwkcs ,Ill o r g:l n ize d dfort 10 find :l box o f jl'\H' ls hidd ('11 l1e;1I' :'Ilorrilt o n, An t'x c itin j.( tr e ;lSUI 'C hu nt! Q's arc v is ited iJ y ~ h os l ... J 1:lI lu\\,("e1l n igh t. 'I'll(' ~~' IIII1:1s iulll is !hp sC(: l1 e o f a lIl<l squ (,I'ade par t y . .Iu (;0 .Iu 's wert' presen t as well a s gob lin s and witc h es. NOVEMBER Pictures nr(' taken for the annual. Dry· l:nlll s ailors sail high·way craft :l nd th e S ub T l G makes a Ir i l) to .:\cL)Q, Pi o nee l's take lIlJ an ol d tnlil. lIardin g Alumni Association is o rganizt,tl. W e com£' to the co nc lus io n that we ha ve a worthy foo t·ba ll t ealll. The Henl, trampl es- on l y o n ce d ll l'in~ til(' season is it ddentt'(1. FI'(~s hmc n an! happy , beca use th e Sophs boasted of Baskr t BHII champi onship too soo n. Th e Thank s~ i v in ~ meelin~ is ve r y in sp il'n ti ona l. \\' e hit vt' Illllllt.'I'OUS g ut's ts. "

DECEMBER II nnlin g-Canadinll Club Illakes its first ttppCflntncc 0 11 the campus. Bis o lls are victo ri o lls in season 0lh' IH'" wit h Peoole's T"lIs! Co. They present a Slh'l'dy \(oHm ,lIlll ;\I'C' kading 3fi-2U whell the whistle blows, "The I-Jau nt l' d Ii ollsc" delight s a lar ge ' llIdi l'IlCl'. It i s the open ing IlIIllJll(.'r o f the l.yceLllll , presC'lllcd by II rll' lcquin Liltle Theatre of Batesville, an d sponsored by the Camp us plavcrs of Harding. Th e PiOllf.!C' I'S entertain c{'!"Iain ~' o l1ng I,.dies. Chl'istllJ:ls s pi"it is in the nil'. Days St'('1ll t' llllk~~ . but slowly and s urely the lIoli(la~' s appro:lch. Thl' Y : II 'C hCI'c. JANUARY Aftel ' all, how gl<)(1 we al'e to ge t bn ck to Ilal'tiing! Wt' breathe fr el'i ,v :.ftcr QUI' rush. Ch ri stlll:-ls leaves no I)(' I'III : IIll'1l1 injul'il's. Traillllakl'l's arc at it again. We:lr~' ? Yl'n. HapPy'! Yes. 011, it's a grcat lifc. TIll' SIlOW hrin gs ncw s po!'t. Co-cds bra \'e \\' l'a tll l'!' fo.· nt'w thl'ills in s ll'i ~ h rides. During Ihis z.... ·ro ",cat h er we ha\'(' plenty of h eat. Vaccination is the popular thing just now. arc making thl' llIo!-.t of it- <.IlIti how'? FEBRUARY "Sl'l'ond Childh ooc t," fI thrce act l'OIllC ti y, givcs l'\,l'r~' b o d~' , e\'cl1 the pessillli s ts :I hearty lau /.!h. F:Il'ully n:11l1CS 1I0nor S tull cni's, Studcnts \'o te 011 Collel,H' Fa vo rites. Excitement rlillS high until th c winnl" ' s nrl' announced. Opil' Stanfield ,J1H I I-Iar o ld PI;11t arc found (JhI~' ­ in g rook. Bi so ns swalllD Sieriin q 40- 10. Ih: 1'l1 loses first gallic with C. of 0, 26-25; wins rdurll game, 25-23 . .Iu Co Ju 's arL' boys' \'all'nlines. ;\Iiss Pcebles <111(1 I. oyd Smith spring theil ' su rpri sc. (Editor's n o ll' : The artist didn't put Illul'h over I Il l' edi tor', but there :H'C cXl'eptions 10 all ru!t-s). S0111e