1929-1930 Yearbook

• MORRILTON HUB O.F THE PETIT JEAN COCNTRY :\lolTilton is Ih e COl!llty sc: rt nne! J)I'incipal mar'ke! of Conway County, located in th e h enri of Iht' ri £ h Arkansas Hi \'cl' vH lle y, with splendid ,"jvc ,' bo ttom lands 0 11 l'ilht'!' li id c and the fin es t co rn and co tton land in thc South . Sitmitcd in Ihe foo thill s o f the Oz:u'ks ", 11<"'c th c fin es t peaches, grapes, and strawberri es <In' ~ I'own. i\'lo rrilt on is 50 mit es fro III Littl e Hoc k , and within 65 Illiles of Il o t Spl'ings, wo rld fam ous h ea lth n' ')or t , with spk ndid sta te hi gh ways to bolh c iti es. :"lIon-i li on is a c it y of 5.500 sp lendid {' ili zl' ll s, a community noted for it s b cn utiful h omes . The ('ity sponso r s Botal'Y, Kiwanis, P a thfind er, and variOllS o ther c ivi c o n.~:lI1izalion') , toget h er' wi th an flcti ve CIIA:'IIBEH of COMMEHCE. Situated within G mi ll's of Beautiful Petit .Je a n mountain, the conference g rollnd s o f the Stall' Y. :'II. C. A., :'Ilon- ilt o n is an unus ua ll y fine place in which to li vC'. Morr ilt on is an i(kal pla cC' in w hi c h to ,'('a r ;\'O lll' fnlHil y. It s c hurc hes. sc hoo ls, nnd co ll egl' :lffonl opportuniti es rnrl'ly fo und in one comlllu nit y. The :'Il o rrilton CllA:'IlBEH of CO:\DIEBCE co ns ider s I-larding College one o f Ih e cOllllllunity ' ... gr eates t :-Isseis. ~I o rl'ilton has everything, including li ght .... W:ltC'l'. sewc rnge, natural gas , pa vcd streC' ts, hos pitnl . fi vC' sc hool s, 1I:ll'ding co ll ege, Carnegie Library, 10,000 s pindlt' Cott e n ~Iill . icc pl:lIlt, o il mill. 25,000 bilk s torage COlll prcSI;, South's rili es l eocH-Cola plant. handle fa c to r y, la,'gc planing mill, icc c r cam, bread and S:l ll SClgC' factol'ics. It AI. II UIE, President .I. L. LUCAS, Secretary MORRILTON CHAMBEH OF COM~'lERCE