1929-1930 Yearbook

eommercial crJepartmenr;-...., Th e COllllllcrcial Dcpa rtllll'nt , untl e r th e excellcnt direction o f ~1(,ssl·s. Fcnn tlnd Stap l l' ton, ha s b Cl' 1l o ne o f th e 1I10 s t ;lcl i vc Hnd effecti ve in the sch oo l. The ra ttl c o f typewriters, adding mac hin es, an d 'Hldrcssogr a phs, the ,'hythmic.JI senttch· ing of pen s, the hl'ad s bent int cntl y Ov('r ledge r s and <l CCQunt book s, give fi n impress ion of busi ness cf f ic i l' llcy Ih a l is not decei ving. Thi s yea r the elll'oll na' ill o f a d vH n ccd s tud cnt s w h o need wOl'k beyond the bcJ.tinnilll-{ co urses hus l ed to the introdu c tion f or th e cO llling yeti I' o f a Departlllent of Bus iness Administration o f full co ll eg iat e (" fin k leading to th e dcgl'cc o f Associate in Bli s in cs~ Administration, nnd qu:lIif y in g th e grafiutllcs for teachin g in comlll e rcia l co lleges a nd hi gh sc hoo ls, [t nd ror adlllinislnltivc pos iti o n s i n the busin ess wo rld. Th e :tn nll n l goes 10 IHl'SS thi s :\'C:II' befo re th e '\peed con t es ts nrc held , but [t numbcr ex pect to w in th e lIIedals ro l' speed w hi c h al'c o rref'c d by thc Und c r wood T YPc\\'l' it Cf' CO lllpnn y. PEAHL Af\l)HEY .IOIIN HfEIlM ILLEIl CO~nIEHCIAL HO:'(OH ST UDENTS