1929-1930 Yearbook

V'([usic CVepartmentr---> "And mmiic loo- dear I1ll1sir! Ihal can louch Beyond all else fhe so1l1 Ihallo lles i: l1H1cll- ,Vow heard far off. so far (IS bil l 10 seem !.ike 'li e lainl, exq uisite mllsic of (/ dream." - Mo ore. "And Illusic 100- " a Inll' inll'rpn t ulion of w hi ch has rcsu ll cd i n a I'l'lIwl'kab l c ~J'owlh in th e Music.: Ikpal'tllll.'nt. Thorough and n:liubl<' training i s gi vcn in piano and llIuch enthusia sllI is shown b .\ ' the stud('nts in th eir J'l'spon,,(' 10 this influcnce. This is th l' s(,cond :\'('al' thai a junior class ha s !Jel'l\ attempted and it ha s b t'('11 a d{'eitil'd sliccess. ;\1 01'(' ini eJ'C'<;t than usual is lIIanifested in Vo ice. The Glce Clubs find tht, Chol'll s SliPPOl' t this pari o f the d l' parlllll'llt , and Ihe QU:lrtl'lt c are doing sp lendid wOI'k. Our Orches tra hHS s tt·adily imp l'ovcd th r ough the yenr and audiences ~ln.' dl' li ghtc( 1 ;ll their j)C'I'forllJ:LIlCl' in chape l. In :Hldition to till' re('it:lls , \' :u' ioll s l'ntcr l ainllwnts h<lvC bel'1l gjvt'n at which studcnts fro III this dellartllll' llt h :l\,C bet'n pl'l'sented,