1929-1930 Yearbook

GJootball "Rgj)iew of thGi SeasorL., In sp ite of the Illan~' diffi c ulti es w hi c h con fl 'on l('d the "Bisons" of 1929, they have IUl'ned in :l veJ';\' crcdit <l bl c r ecord. Ha rdin g College has never been represen ted by a t CfIllI o f which it W: IS proude r', W11(: 11 foolh:1I1 practice bC/.!:ln in th e full , Coach Arn o ld found that lIot a !Clll'!' Illan of 1928 h :1I1 ,'ct urned . He [need Ih e problem of buildin g a team f rom altogethcr inexpcrienced material. This h e did- fllHI the l3isons fini s hed th e seaso n with o nly onc defcnt. Due to th e to t :1 1 lack of exper ien ced Illen, we were forced to c:1I1 ee l th e regu lar co ll ege schedu le , and the nc.:w program ('onsistcd of grimes with sccon dal'Y t cat1ls or with hi Uh school t ca llI s of good r:.lnk. Even with this sch edul e the Bisons wcre c ul-wci/.! hcd in evcry gnme and the opponents always h :I<_1 more football exper ience. Of Ih e s i x hanl ·fought g:UllCS of the scaso n there w('re fo r the Bi so ns thr ee vic to ri es, o n e defeat, nnd two lies. The first ellco unter W:lS wil h the Hendri x Bull -Pups. Few teams have appnrcntl", been as out-classed as th e Bisons, whell th ey too k the field. Howeve r , the ir fight and d eil' rminati on made lip for thi s fa ct and th e batLlc ended in a sco r c le'is (Ii'aw. Th e secon d con les l was w ith Ch~lI'lestoll Hi gh Sc hoo l. Tnkin~ to the ail' in th e las t minut es o f play, th e Bisons sco r ed on a pass, Bradley to McC lung, to tic th e Charleston team, 6 to U. A fiftY-YHrd I'un by Bradley in th e l<l 'i t <Iuarter was th e tlll"ill of th e g:1I11e, In Ihi 'i contest th e Bi so ns prov ed that th ey had a I'ea l pass in g combinati on with a grea t passer in Bradl ey and exce ll cn t r eceivers in 1lerl'ick, ;\lcClung, and Huby, At .lanesboro Co ll ege, the li eI' d met keen oppos iti o n , Th e Collegians we l'e out fOI' revcngc for last yea r 's deCeat and th ey showed a fight th at was exct' t1 ed o nl y b~' that o f th e 13isOllS. Th ei r pa<;sing combination Sillipl y bnf fl ed th e Bnlves and th ey wc re forced to take dcfl':lI, 13 to 12. The Atkins Hi g h School te[lm o n t!leil' OWn fi e ld provC(1 f:lst and hard , b u t having gai n ed exper ience i ll th e p l'ccedinJ,.! ga mC's, th e Bisons took th~ bOllt ve r y cHsi ly. 19 to O. H,lI'd ing n ext IIlet ))al'<.l:.I 11 e1l c, IIl're th e 1il'I'd opened up H s ll'o ng deft'nsive attack nnd beat down s tr ong o ppos iti on 10 win, 24 to 12, In th e la s t ga lll e o f th c seasoll the Bi 'io ns in vnded the Clal'ksville ca mp. The opponen ts eluded th e Bison ta ck lers to score fi ve tou c hd owlls against :l sing le encounter fo r th e henl, winn ing, 37 to 7, We III li St say :Igain thnt I- I a l ' din~ takes pride in thi s I'CCOl'fl. But s h e ta ke'i evell more pride in th e qual iti es o f th e squad that is composed of good, c lean, hard fi ghtin g, co ur;l ueous boys. -'Jany of the men had neve l' :' la.\'ed football befor e, yet they co ndu c led th emse l vcs lik e ve te!,(lll s befOl'C th e se<l'So n was over, Tot a l- I3IS0NS, 69; OP PONE:,( TS, 64.