1929-1930 Yearbook

'TJramatics ' ,' 1 (' I)ramali(' Cluh of ':10 has h l'('n on" of tlw tl)o!> t \h'{' l y oJ"ganiJlation;.: 011 the- ('ampu s. Th( c lub (-,o n s i slli of "The ('ampll s Pla y" r s" prop.'r, ;\ud a number (, f app r'(-nlil'·'!:!. Tht" E:-;:pres!'ioll ('Ins!; automatically b('('OlTIes a I )~\rl of til(' (·I u b. I~a('h yc>ar tlli !'; OI-ganizatlon spon~o r s it "('(l lh:'l;t' l.p'(·ulll Coun",," A brl ('f reylew of the sea!'on shows that !:lomp \'ery l:m('('('ssfu] pla y!; htl'" b('cll pl'l'l';{'nl€'d. "S<'<,ond C'hlhlhOod" was thl' rln;t play o f lhe !o;l,;tSOI) . Th.'l"e \n'n' th n't' produ(,tiOIl l';, two In .\ l orTiitoll and Ollt' in Conway. G. 'V. K kffer. " ' r ank A "k",rs, I .•m EII .,r. P o!')lt,!" li nd L.(wls F'o:'lter earrl \'d t il t' lU'ay ~- rol t'S. "Th(' I<:xchangl' ' ' was II \'(>I'y in le l'\·s tlng Ollt' -,u't u' ::f.\'uly with r ::1)'1.· Olt'l", Alton H u lli ~, L, C, Hl'fU'S, and L, C, D(I() I ~y playing, "The I{{,(,to l'" was anothe r ont'-u('t play with \ 1':\ ])y kt'8 al1d .,'e\'a Van Bos kll'k taking th (' It'ading panK In " Poo r OW Jim," Addi(' D, Tank el'slt'Y, [','o n Sma l l. and John \Vhitfldd play,'d s pl t' ndidl y, "The Spy" was gn'l'tl'ct with ~ U dl e nthu f<iam that f o Ul' produ('tio n s wen.' )..:'In'I1-3t l\ lorrilton, Little Ho('k, Batt'8\l\le and England, Addle Tankel' si{'y, ,\lrs. l ~ , C, HI:':ln;, Bil! l\Iatto x, anu I" C, St'ar>l took lIw It'nding rol,'s, "Th(' QW't- n' s Jlu sband" wa~ the las t play of th ,--' 1,..1I SOII, l ,iIIian Ardrey, th... It.-tiding lady, an d L, e, Hearf<, the leading ma n , we r l' SU PPol"l. 'd lJy a !-ip len did (:1st, 1\lrs, Car l 't'lt 1\1 r s, A nlllitrong )1,', Sears 1\lrH, Cathca r t r .ou Elle n Foster I ,ewi>l 1"0811.'1' Juanita Burk t' 1\\a l'y I,t'e I-U~n;s Addl,' p, 'l' a nk'--' J" f<It>y J o hn \ 'al{, lllin .' Hilly B"st i\ l atlox I., ( '. Hooky (; I:'raldlnt' Hhod "f< Mrs. Pact" I"a D y k es Opt,· Htl\llril·ld ('ank 01 >10 11 l-'<l n,...lIa l'ollim; S~'l\'ia Mo r.,lanel !:IUI'I .]l\("k!';"ll Callwl'in,- n.'11 Il al'\{'r j)ykt'S 1~lli !'; \""oodard F' i ()I't'llt't' ljlw \- I'~' En\llwlt J\ l elkYllOlds _\Tar \' :\l';ll l{toiJa i\l;\l' [) k l{!'; ()11 Expression C!lass ('harles Wool s I. lliian ('Il'\'dnnd C h('f<tt' r El fo rd Albert Il awkins Leon Small I )ol'"tlll'a Smith Lillia n Ardn.-y Altoll /I 011 I!'; 1\1:11'1., ~laxw~'l1 Hohhi t- J t'o Hay " 'ill n. Frlll('y F r a nk . \ ekel' s i\l r s , L, (" Hears