1929-1930 Yearbook

IlltEAD IS YO UIt BEST FOOD EAT MOItE OF IT MOLL BROS, BAKERY No rth Divi si on S treet SA~ ITAnY - PUIlE PBO~ I PT DELIVEIlY PHONE 424 C()w'teous, PTompt, Efficient, ApPTeciative, Helpful, Safe Wc invite and appreciate yO LlI' bus ine'is. an d arc JJre pared to h :mdle a ll mail e rs pCl' t a ill in~ t o s;lfc and con<>;cl'va ti vc banking. We ApJlrecio/e r Olf r Patro llage FIRST STATE BANK COl ' II"I"/!S), - Sl iIll' ICI::- S;\ Fin' Y Mon'ilton, Arkansas THE HAPPY "HOME PLATE" :FAMILY FOB THE HAPPY HV~GHY STrDENTS Therc is s uch a bi g 01<1 good falllily of " ll olllt' Pin Ie" food s. Always <l tr eat for th e hung ry co lle/.!l' s tudent s. I{pcp a few ca ll s in you I' "OOIli fo r those aftcr-schoo l lunches " IF IT'S IIOME 1'1,;\ 'IE , )'01 ' I,NOII' IT'S GOOD" ASK YOUB (;nOCEB FOIt " IIO~I E PLATE" Scott-Mayer Commission Company 8 10 East !\Inl' kh :lI11 Sh'cel Littl e Hock , Arkansas