1944-1945 Yearbook

~ e.. ~t;:: nl.. e....c:L. -t-O HARDING COLLEGE LIBRARY by ~~"mb~p;~"- ~"-b


Administration Classes Religion Features Activities Sports Advertisements

This year will be remembered by many people as one of hardship and conflict. However , those who were fortunate enough to be at Harding have memories of a year of peace and happiness as fa,' as such is possible in a world at war. Lest you forget these memories, the staff has endeavored to leave with you a panorama of this year as you have experienced it . The most important part of our school-its spirit-cannot be printed in ink; bu t we shall have served our purpose if this spir it is renewed in your heart as you view the 1945 P e tit Jean. 100690

Tirelessly, unassumingly and unselfishly she has performed her work. asking no favors for herself and never seeking personal honor. Her joviality and dry wit have endeared her to all, and she has been thoroughly appreciative of every kindness shown her. Because of the unselfish service she has rendered us, we, the senior class , do dedicate this 1945 Petit Jean to MISS CATHERINE SCORE, OUf librarian . •


bb Hall Pattie Co

The Dean's Home Fishpond

Godden Hall

The President's Home Front Campus

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To THE CLASS OF 1945: Almost the entire time of your college career has been during the world's greatest war. The fact that you have been able to remain in college, and have been called upon to endure so little real privation. is a testimony to the great strength of our nation, which for two years has been producing more war materials than all the rest of the world combined. The successfu l termination of the war, which now appears in sight , and in which many of our Harding College boys have given their lives, will not lessen your individual responsibilities. A post-war world must be built anew. Our own American political and economic structure is under great strain, and will go through certain changes. The great need of the hour, at home and abroad, is for honest, sincere, capable devoted leadership in every field of human endeavor. The Christian religion. in which you have been grounded, constitutes the best possible foundation for such sterling leadership. An understanding of the Christ is the world's greatest need·- in fact, its one need. My prayer is that you will ever respond to the increasing calls of a needy world, guided by that same beautiful spirit in which you have responded to the calls of your Alma Mater during these four war years, with their increasing shortages of gasoline, rubber, food, and labor. May the spiri t which made "cotton picking" only fun fill yom entire lives with joy and satisfaction. Sincerely, GEORGE S. BENSON

W. K. SUMMITT, Ph.D. Registrar Education L. C. SEARS, Ph.D. Dean English FLORENCE M. CATII CA RT , B.A. Dean of \Vomen Pri'mary Ed1l,cCI tion F. W. MATTOX, M.A. Dean of Men Bible

B. F . RHODES. Sr., M.A. Histo r y WOODSON HARD ING ARMSTRONG. B.A. Speech S. A. BELL. B.S. (M.S.) Bible L. E. PRYOR, M.S. Social Sciences B. F. RHODES. Jr., Ph.D. H istory JAMES D. BALES. M.A. Bibl e NEIL B. COPE. M.S.J. Assistant to President Journalism MRS. S. A. BELL. M.S. Home Economics JESS RHODES, M.A. B!tsiness Administration JOHN LEE DYKES. M.S. Mathemat ics

JOSEPH E. PRYOR, Ph.D. Physical Sciences ADELPHIA MEYER BASFORD, Ph.D. Biological Sciences LEONARD KIRK, B.S. Music MRS. R. A. WARD Violin and Piano FLORENCE FLETCHER JEWEL, B.Mus. Voice MRS. B. L. OLIVER. B .A. PiaflO KENNETH N. KIRBY, M.A. Romance Languages w. L. BURKE, B.A. Greek FRANCES AULD, B.L.S. Library Science RUTH LANGFORD, M.F .A. Art

IVARD K. HALBERT Assistallt to President C.F. DAVIDSOc<, Jr.. B.A. Director of Res(!orch EDW IN M. HUGHES, M.S. Pr111cipal. Academy MRS. EDWIN M. HUGHES Secretary La President V IVIAN ROBBI II:S. M.A. Dramatic Arts MRS. HUGH RHODES, B.A. Business Administration ANN IE MAE AL STON, B.A. English CATHER INE SCORE. B.L.S. L ibrarian H GH RHODES. ~I.A. Physical Educalion DOUGLAS GUNSELMAN. M.A. Principal, Training School

C. D. BROWN Bursar JUANITA R HODES. B.A. English and Business Administration. Academy MRS. L . C. SEARS, B.A. Primary, Training School MABREY M ILLER. B.A. Mathematics and Science. Academy MRS. L. O. SANDERSON. B .A. T 'ra inino Schoo l EARL SMITH MRS. I NEZ PICKENS Training School Ch tef Engineer MRS . BONN IE CHANDLER Dietitial1 MARGUER ITE O'BAN ION. B.A. Secretary to Mr. Cope M. D. CHRON IC Orchestra Director

u S . A. LAWYER G eneral Mai nte nance CARMEN PRICE Secre tary , Presid ent's Office MRS. J. H. DYKES Matron, Grey Gables MRS. T. J. TRAYLOR Manager , College Inn BETTY HUDDLESTON Stenog rapher , Bursar's Office MRS. A. L. BLANTON, R.N. Nur se

DALE LARSEN President SARA STUBBLEFIELD Secretar y-Treasurer WYATT SAWYER Vice-Presi den t , I Seniord

POLLY BOX Melbourne B.A. Major: Social Scie1tce and English Transfer Crom A"kansas Tech. '43; Speech Fest ival '44, '45; Arkansas Club '44, '45; W. H. C. Club '44, '45; Secretary-Treasurer '45; Secretary Junior Class '45; Who's Who '45. MARY ETTA ADAMS Searcy B .A. Major: Home Econom ics Graduate of Harding Academy '39; Girl s' Glee Club '40, '4\. '12; Chorus '40, '41. '42; Arkansas Club '40, '4 1: Dorcas Club '40, '41, '42: May Queen Attendant '42; Ju Go Ju '40. '4 1, 45; Las Atnigas '42. Seniord ROBERTA BRANDON - Nashville, T enn. B.A. Major: Physical Education aJld English Graduate Ward-Belmont Junior College '43; Transfer from George Peabody College ' -14; Chorus '45; Press Club '45, Girls' Sports Editor '45; Dramatics Club '45: \V. H. C. Club '45. President '45; Advertising Manager Petit Jean '45; Intramurals '45; Equestl'ian Club '.t5; President '45: Physical Education Assistant '45.

FANAJO DOUTHITT - Nashville, Tenn. B.A. Major Speech Minor: English Graduate David Lipscomb College '43; Campus Players '44 . '45, Secretary '45 ; Alpha P si Omega '44, '45; Gata Club '44 , '45, Vice-President '45; D, L. C. Club '44; Who's Who '45; Intramurals '44, '45; Girls' Sports Editor Petit Jean '15. CLOVIS CRAWFORD - - - Nashville B.A. Major: Bible and Social Science Minor: English Arkansas Club '43, '44, '45, President '45; T, N. T, Club '43, '44, '45 , President '45, Secretary - Treasurer ' 44 ; Men 's Glee Club '43, '44; Chorus '43, '44, '45; Intramural s '45; Student Preacher. KEITH COLEMAN SeaTCY B.A. Major: E1l0lish and Bible Minor: Social Science Graduate HardinJ2: Academy '41; President Freshman Class '42; Press Club '42. Business Manager Bison '43, CoEditor Bison '44; Chorus '42, '43, '44, 45; Lambda Sigma Club '42 , '43, '44, '45; Who's Who '45; Student Preacher,

WORLEY FERGUSON Searcy B.A. Major: Social Science and B ible Mino r : E'flglish and Speech Arkansas State College '39: Speech Festival ' 44, '45; Lambda Sigma Club '45; Student Preacher . ALBERT GARNER Pangburn B.A . Majors Speech and Bible Trans fer from Mi ss ionary Baptist Ins titute '44; Tagma Club '45; Speech Festi va l '45; Student Preacher (Baptist) . ROBERT BONDURANT HAWKINS Lexington, KII . B.A. Maj or: Histor y and Bible Minor : B iologicat Science Vice-Presi dent Freshman Class '42 ; Vice-President "K" Club '43 , President '44 '45- Chorus '43 '44 '45' Men's Glee C l~b '43, '44; Intra;llur~ls '44 , '45; Press Club 45 ; Speech Fes ti va l '43 , '44 , '45; Campus Players '43 , '44, ' 45 ; Sub-TI6 '42, ' 43, '44, '45 ; Circulation Ma nage r Petit Jean '45; Presi dent Senior Class (Spring Term) '45 ; Alpha P s i Omega '45; Student Preacher. Seniorj

• HAROLD HOLLAND - Nashville, T enn. B.A. Major: Bible and English Minor: History Graduate David Lipscomb College '43; Men's Glee Club ' 44 ; D. L. C. Club '14, President '44: Chorus '44. '45. VicePresident ' 45; Sub-T-16 Club '44, '45; Alpha Honor Society '44, '45; President '45; Who's '''ho '45 ; "M" Club '45; Dramatic Club '44; Campus Players '45; Quotation Editor Petit Jean '45; Student Preacher; Favorite Boy '45. HOMER H . HAWS - - Owosso, Michigan B.A. Major: Hi story, English nnd Bible Minor: Biology "M" Club '37 '38 '44 '45 Vice-President '38; Band '37; La~bd~ Sigma Club '37, '38, '44, '45; University of Florida '38; Student Preacher. MONROE HAWLEY - Flint, Michigan B.A. Major: Bible and Social Science Minor: Mathematics Transfer from Flint Junior College '42; Debate '43; Co-Ed itor Bison '44, Editor '45; Lambda Sigma Club '43, '44, '45, President '45; President Junior Class '44; Who's Who '45; Student Preacher.

PAULINE JACKSON Newport B.A. Major: Business Administration Minor: Education and English Sapphonian Club '37: Arkansas Club '37, '44; Alpha Theta Club '44; W. H. C. Club '45. DALE R. LARSEN - - Albion, Nebraska B.A. Major: Bible Q nd English Minor: Social Science Campus Players '42, '44; Chorus '·12 '44: Lambda Sigma Club '43, '44, '45: President ' 44: "M" Club '43' Press Club '44: Oratory '44: Vice-President Junior Class '44: President Senior Class '45; Student Preacher. DEAN LAWYER B.A. Major: Social Science R11d Bible "M" Club '42; Men's Glee Club ' 42 , '43; Chorus '42, '43; Koinonia Club '43, '44, '45, Presi dent '44: Intramural s '42 , '43, '44, '45; Student Preacher.

"Photo by Signal Corps, U, S, Army" PAUL ALEXANDER PADEN Dallas, Texas German Club '27; Pre-Med '27, '28; Guard, Bison Football Squad, '28: M.D., University of Tennessee School of Medicine, '32: Intel'nship, Methodist Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee, '32; Colonel, U. S. Medical Corps. CHRISTINE NEAL Springdale B,S. Major: Pubtic School Music Minor: English. Chorus Accompanist '42, '43, '44, ''IS; Girls' Glee Club '44; Orchestra '42, '43; Gata Club '42, '43 , '44, '45, President '43, '44; Co-Snapshot Editor Petit Jean ''IS; Attendant May Queen '45. BETTY MAPLE - Cleveland, Kansas B.A. Major: History Minor: Education Girls' Glee Club '43, '44 ; Chorus '43, '44 : "K" Club '41, '43, '44, ''IS, Secretary ' 'II , '44; Intramurals '-l1, '43, '44, ' 'Is; Gata Club '41. '43, '44, ''Is, President '45; Co-Snapshot Editor Petit Jean '45; May Queen '44; Petit Jean Queen ''IS. SenioP6

o. R. PERKINS _ Ponta, Texas B.A. Major: Social Science Minor: English Texas Club '42, ' 43, '44, '45 ; Academy Teacher ' 44 , '45 ; Student Preacher. CARMEN PRICE BaiesvHle B.S. Major: Home Economics Minor: Science Chorus '42, '43, '44 ; Girls' Glee Club '42 '43 ' 44' Girl s' Trio '43 '44' Radio Ch~rus' 43 , "44, '45; Dramat'ic Ciub '42, '43, '44, '45; Campus Players '43 , ' 44: Press Club '43, '44 ; Arkansas C lub '42 , '43, '44 , '45; Ju Go J u '42. '43, '44, '45; lntramural s '42 . '43 , '44 , ' 45; Best All Round Girl '43 ; Secret a ry , Pres ident's Office '45; Secretary, P eti t J ean , ' 45. BESSIE MAY QUARLES Nashville, T en;l(-'ssee B.A. :VIajor: Business Administration Minor: Bible Graduate David Lipscomb College '43; D. L. C. Club ·44; Alpha The ta C lub '44, Secretary '44; Phi D e lta Club '45 , President '45' Chorus '44 '45' "M" Club '45; Pe'tit Jean Se~retary '45 ,

EDWINA RANSOM BLANCHE RICKMAN Lak.e City B.A. Major: English Minor: History and Social Science Transfer from Arkansas State College '43; Chorus '43. '44, '45; Dramatic Club '43; Mu Eta Adelphian Club '44, '45. ANN RICHMOND - Clevelaf1d, TenT.. B.S. Major: Public SchooL Music Minor: English Graduate David Lipscomb College '43; Girls' Glee Club '44; Chorus '44, '45; Ju Go .Iu Club '44; Metah Moe Club '45, Pres ident '45; Alpha Honor Society '44. '45; Who's Who '45; D.L.C. Club '44; Organization Editor Petit Jean '45; Attendant Petit Jean Queen '45; Girl Honor Student '45. Bradford B.A. Major: Business Administration Not Graduating Arkansas Club ' 44 , '45; Summer School '43. Seniord

SIDNEY ROPER Searcy B.A. Major: Bible and Engl1sh Graduat~ Freed-Hardeman College '43 ; Lambda Sigma Club '44. '45. Secretary '44; Press Club '44, '45: Debate '44, '45; Circulati on Manager Bison '44; Who 's Who ' 45: Academy Bible T eacher ' 45 ; Student Preacher. CLINTON RUTHERFORD - Le:tillgtoll, K y. B.A. Major: Bible a nd Eng lish Minor: Socia l Science and Greek Men 's Glee Club ' 42 , '43; "M" Club '42; Photography Club '42. Vice-President ' 42; Chorus '42, '43. '44. ' 45; "K" Cl ub '4 3, ' 44 , '45, Vice-President '44 , '45; Sub-T-16 Club ' 42, '43, ' 44 , '45, Chaplain '44, Quartermaster' t5; Busi - ness Ma nager College Inn '43; Who's Who '44, '45; Pho tographer Petit Jean '44 , ' 45 ; Dramatic Club '15: Business Manager P e tit Jean '45; Student Preacher. \VYATT SA\VYER - - Dallas, T e;'Cos B.A. Major: Eng l ish and Speech Vice -President Freshma n Class '42 ; Pres ident Sophomore Class ' 43 ; Chorus '42, '43; Sub-T-16 Club '42, '43, '44, ' 45 ; Texas Club '42, '43. '44. '45 , Pres ident '43 , Reporter ' 44: Poetry Cl ub '43; Campus Players '43: Int l'amural s '43 , ' 44, '45 ; Oratory '44; Debate '44, '45: Vice-Pres ident Senior Class ' 45: Boys' Sports Edito r of Petit Jean ' 45 ; Student Preacher. Senioro

RALPH STARLING Searcy B .A. Major: Biology and Bible Minor: Business Administration Men's Glee Club '42, '43, '44: Chorus '42 '43 '44- I nlramurals '42 '43 '44 45 ;' SUb-T-is Club ' 42, '43.' '44 ,' '45: Skipper '45: Arkansa s Club '42, '43 . '44 ; Student Preacher. BERTHA N, SMITH - - Clay, New York B.A. Major: Business Adm-inistration Not Graduating Cincinnati Bible Institute; Syracuse Secretarial School: Bursar's Secretary '42 ; "M" Club '42; Metah Moe ' 45 . MABEL SINELE Cave City B.A. Major: Social Science Minor: Mathematics Arkansas Club '42. ' 43. '44, '45: Mu Eta Adelphian Club ' 42. ' 43 , '44; SecretaryTreasurer '42, '43; Omega Ph i '45. VicePresident '45: Dramatic Club '45: 10tramura Js '42 '43 '44 '45' Who's Who '44, '45; Ca le~dar 'Editor p 'etit Jean '45. SenioP:J

SARA STUBBLEFIELD - MOTTison, Tenn . B.S. Major: Home Economics Minor: Education Graduate David Lipscomb College '43; W. H. C. Club '44 . '45, Vice-President '44; Pres ident ' 45 ; Chorus '44, '45; D. L. C. Club '44; Attendant May Queen ' 44; Who's Who '44, '45; Alpha Honor Society '44, '45; Home Economics Laboratory Assistant '45; Class Editor Petit Jean '45; Secretary-Treasurer Senior Class '45. GEORGE DAVID TIPPS, JR. Childress, Texas B.A. Major: Bible, Biology U1ld Social Sciel1ce Lambda Sigma Club '42, '43, '44. '45, Vice-President '44, Secretary-Treas_ urer '45; Texas Club '42. '43. '44, '45, Vice-President '44 , Pres ident '45; Men's Glee Club '42, '43, '44; Chorus '42 , ' 43, ' 44 , '45; Biology Laboratory Assistant '43 '45; IntramUl'als '42, '43. '44. '15; Equestrian Club '42. '43. '44. '45. President '44, Vice-President ' 45 ; Circulation Manager Bison '43; Business Manager Bison '44; Press Club '43, '44. '45; Assistant Editor Petit Jean '45; Who's Who '45; Student Preacher. DELILAH TRANUM - Webb, Mississippi B.A. Major: English Minor: Spanish Graduate David Lipscomb College '43; D. L. C. Club '44; Alpha The!a Club ' 44 , '45, Reporter '44, President '45 ; Chorus '44; Press Club '44 , '45, Circulation Manager Bison '45 ; Student Publicity Director '45; "M" Club '45. SenioP:J

TOLBERT F. MARJORJF: HARTZER WATERS - Alachua, Florida B.A. Major: Engl1s h. Minor: Social Science Oklahoma Club, ' 34. ' 35, ' 36. '37; Chorus '34, '35, '36, '37; Ju Go Ju '34. '35 '36 ' 37 '44 '45 Secretary-Treasur~r '34, Pr'es id~nt ,fn, '45: G i rls' Glee Club ' 35; Girls' Trio '35. '36, '37: Favorite Girl '36 ; Press Club '36 , ' 37: Ass istant Circulation Manage r Bi son '36; Radio Chorus '45. VAUGHAN, JR. - - New Orleans, La. B.A. Major: Bible and Histor y Mino r : English Sub-T-16 Club '42, '43. '44 . '45; Flagala Club '4 2, '43, '44 , '45, Secretat'y-Treas - urer ' 43 , President '44 , '45 ; Campus Players ' 45· Debate '45· Chorus '42 '43 '44· Men 's 'Glee C lub '42 '43 '44.' Or~ ch~stra '42, '43: Radio Choru's '44, '45, Director '45: Co-Snapshot Editor Petit Jean ' 45; Student P'·eacher. JULIA MAE TRANUM - - We bb. Miss. B.A. Major: Engli sh Mino r : French Graduate Dav id Lipscomb Co llege '43: Press C lub ' -14 . ' 45 . Bus iness Manage r Bison '45 : D. L . C. Club '44: Alpha Theta Club ' 44. P res ident '44 : Omega Phi Club ' 45 , President '45: Who's Who '45: Attendant May Queen '45; Favo rite Girl '45. Seniord

RUBY JEAN WESSON - - - Nashville B.S. MajOl": Biology Minor: French and Chemistry Intl'amurals '42, '43, '44, '15: Chorus '42 '43 '44 '45- Girls' Glee Club '43 '44'; Ju ' Go 'Ju Club '43, '44, '45, scc~ relary-Treasurer '44, Vice-President '45; Strawberry Queen '43; Girl Honor Student '43, '44: AIpha Honor Society '44, '45, Vice-President '45; Who's Who '44, '45; Best All Round Girl '15; Editor Petit Jean '45. WYMER WISER - - Wartrace, Tennessee B.S. Major: Biology and Bible Minor: Ch.emistry Graduate David Lipscomb College '43: Sub-T-16 Club '44, '45; D. L. C. Club '44: Intl'amural s ' 44; Biology Laboratory Ass is tant '44, '45; Alpha Honor Society '44; '45; Boy Honor Student '45; Who's Who '45; Stu dent Preacher. JOE WOOTON - GOTC, Oklahoma B.A. !\1ajor: Social Science and Bible Minor: English and Speech Lambda Sigma Club '32, '43, ' 44, '~5; Intramura ls '44, '45; Oklahoma Club '42, '43, '44, '45; Student Preacher.

LLOYD WHEELER Vice-President POLLY BOX EVAN ULREY Presiclent S ecretary-Treasurer Junior~

LAURA LEE ARMS, Celina, Tennessee "Cast all your care on God; that anchor holds ." ENGEL LEE AWTREY, Paragould "She is clothed with strength and dignity " LUCIEN BAGNETTO. New Orleans, Louisiana "The true nobility is in be ing supe ri or to your previous sell." BILLY BAKER, Nash ville , Tennessee "He spake, a nd into every heart his words Carried new strength and courage," BONNIE BETH BERGNER, Isabel, Kansas CLAIRE WOOD CAMP, Trenton, Ke ntucky " [ have a heart with room (01' every joy." "To those who know thee not, no wards can paint: And those who know thee. know all words are Caint!" JOHN CANNON, Washington "His love si ncere , h is thoughts immaculate." GENEVA CLEM. Melbourne MARGIE WAYNE BROWN. Searcy "Smooth runs the water where the "Great works are perfonned not by strength but by perserverance." LOYD COLLIER, Bonnerdale "1 have a great need oC Christ; but I have a great Chris t for my need. " ROBERT COLLINS. Oneco, Fl orida brook is deep." JuniOPd "A good hea rt , .. shines brie-ht and never c hanges, but keeps his course truly ." WILLIAM B. COLLINS, Oneco. Florida "Zealous, yet modest." Marvin knows horses won't bite (Editor's Note: But horses do bite) . , . Now fOl' a place to go ... Coy Sybil , .. 200 ton limit! ... Oh, Lucien. you're just flattering me ... "Don't fence me in" ... Throw it ; we'll catch it.

ORDIS COPELAND, Newark "The glory of young men is their strength." PREWITTE COPELAND, Valdosta, Georgia "And happy is he who trusts in the Lord!" FRANK CURTIS , Lead Hill "Never idle a moment, but t hrifty ~lOd t houghtful of others," CLINTON ELLIOT , Chickash a , Oklahoma " H appy the man, and happy he alone, He, who can call today hi s own:' GAY GOLDEN, McMinnv ille, Tennessee "Little deeds of kindness. liltle words of love, Make our earth an Eden like the heaven above." EVAN FARMER. Lebanon, Tennessee "A good man never dies." MARY HARGRAVE, Toronto, Ontario. Canuda "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthu sia sm. " JOLLY HILL, Crossville, Tennessee "Getting what you go after is called success; But liking it while you are .l!etting it is happiness." J MARVIN HOWELL, Manqa • "Of manners gentle, of affections Mild; UntOI'~ I n wit a man, simoli citv a chi ld." VTRG IL LAWYER. Seorcy "Laurel crowns cleave to deserts . And power to him who power exel'ts." Big brown eyes and a friendly smile- Claire, of course, .. Dot moves her wardrobe backs tage for "Spooks". Don ' t wink at me like that, Future, .. Don't you wish you could do that . Mary '! ... Ina's flabbergas ted , but Bessie May's taking it calmly ... Do I look alright? ... What a sense of balance!

BESSIE MAE LEDBETTER, Shelbyville. Tennessee "A truer, nobler, trus tier heart. More lo\'ing, or more loyal , never beat Within a human breast." INA LEONARD, Petersburg, Tennessee "Worth, courage, honor, these indeed Your sustenance and birthright are." CARROLL M. LINN. Melbourne "Faith is the force of life. " Junior~ RUTH SUE McDEARMAN, Gallatin , Tennessee FORREST MAGNESS, Alluwe, Oklahoma "A Christinn is God Almighty's gentleman." "The age of saints, let us thank God , is not yet pas t." MARCELLA McGINNIS. Melbourne " Fairest and bes t adorned is she Whose clothing is humility." LEWIS MIKELL, Morriston, Florida ··It is a good di vine that foHows his own instructions." MADGE MILLER, Searcy HShe opens hel' mouth in wi sdom. And kindly counsel is on her tongue." MAXINE O'BANION, Swifton "Patience and gentleness is powe r." DOROTHY 0' EAL. Hugo, Oklahoma "The mos t ma n ifest sign of wisdom is continued cheerfulness." Jus' bein' la 7.Y ... Greek architecture ... Please think it over Prewitte! ... Catching any whales ... See sumpin '? ... Heavy, heavy, hangs over your head, Enge l Lee .

DIAMOND PERKINS, Ponta, Texas "The reward of one duty is the power to fulfill another." ALICE BECK RICE, Cherry Tree, Pennsylvania "Give her the due reward of her work." SYBIL RICKMAN, Ravenden Springs EMMETT SMITH, Newport "Eloquence is painted thought." "Self conquest is the greatest of victories." BONNIE SUE ROPER, Searcy "A wife is the peculiar gift of heaven." BILL SMITH, McCrory "The creed of the true sa int is to make the best of life, and make the most of it." METTA DEAN SMITH , McC,'ory " Faith is necessary to victory," DOROTHY JOHNS STARLI G , Searcy "Grace was in all her steps, heaven in her eyes, In every gesture dignity and love." J. WOODY STOVALL, Mount Pleasant, Texas "Trust in God and do something." EUGENIA STOVER, Portiand, Oregon "The Lord loves the pure in heart." The two Bonnies . . . Evan and nature.. We three ... What are you doing o n the Junior page, Buddy-Oh, pardon us, Mr. Tolbel·t Fanning Vaughan, Junior ... See something, Bob ... What were you say ing, Lucien? .. Carefree and s ingle Dot.

ALBERT STROOP, Nashville, Tennessee "He is most powerful who has himself in his power.1I J MARILYN THORNTON, Blackwater, Missouri "Beauty is the mark God sets upon virtue." unior~ BETTY SUE TRAYLOR, Searcy "A sense of duty pursues us ever." JAMES TURNER, Searcy "Silence is the perfectest herald of joy." JIMMIE VAN DYNE, New York, New York "Enjoy the present hour, be thankful for the past, And neither fear nor wish th' approaches of the las t." EVAN ULREY, Dearborn, Michigan "He is complete in feature and in mind With all good grace to grace a gentleman." SHIRLEY VAUGHAN, New Orleans, Loui siana "A virtuous gentlewoman. mi ld and beautiful." GLADYS 'V ALDEN, Neosho, Missouri "How sweet and gracious, even in common speech, Is that fine sense which men call Courtesy." FRANCES WATSON. EI Dorado "A gracious woman wins respect." LLOYD WHEELER. Spencer, Indiana "Commit your business to the Lord; And your plans will prosper." Going off the deep end, Laura Lee? . .. Looks clean to me, Loyd ... Couple of WHC' s in checks, ,Surprising, isn't it, Marilyn? ... Going somewhere, Clifton? .. , Ross will hear {rom this!! . , . Whatsamattah, need a shave?


LEONA ANDERSON Howard, Kansas B ILLIE BAIRD Searcy MARGUERITE BARKER Bartlesville, Oklahoma KEARBY SUI'; BENTLEY Fort Worth, Texas COLIS CAMPBELL Searcy JOSEPH CANNON Toronto. Ontnrio, Canada NELDA CHESSHIR Nashville JEANNE CHOUTEAU Nowata, Oklahoma WESLEY COWAN Searcy DOROTHY DAVIDSON Searcy MARY LEE DENDY Jackson, Mississippi JACK DILLARD Bergman JESSIE FAYE DUNCAN Searcy DONALD EARWOOD Mobile, Alabama CHRISTINE EDWARDS Hubbardsville, New York What the freshmen don't think of the sophomores do ... Now, isn't that fine ? ... Gee, glamour girls! ... Dot and Pat can really "sling hash."

DORIS EPPERSON Denver, Colorado EVA FLOYD Nashville FRA CES FRY Lake City CATHERINE FRANKS Oil Trough JAMES GANUS New Orleans, Louisiana MARY BELLE GAR",ER Calico Rock DEW ITT GARRETT, JR. Searcy PATRICIA HALBERT Chicago, Illinois JEWELL HANES Griggs, Oklahoma MARY ADA HARRIS Greenway MARYANN HAZLET Hudson, Colorado THELDA HEALY Fort Collins, Colorado THERMAN HEALY Fort Collins. Colorado ROBERT HELSTEN Berkeley, California LOIS HEMI 'GWAY Detroit, Michigan Let's watch that waleI' ... \Vell what are you looking at, girls? ... Now let's don't be wasting our time standing around on the campus ... Now about that money you owe me . . . Really! ! Dot!!

ESTELLE JACKSON Newport ANNA MAYE JOHNSON Searcy DORIS .JOHNSON East Prairie, Missouri DOROTHY JEAN KING Athens, Alabama MAXYNE LAMBERT Cardwell, Missouri MILDRED LANIER Galena Park, Texas VERNON LAWYER Searcy CARMON LAYMAN Kansas City Mi ssouri BETTY LOWE MRS. FRANK ( Bernice) LEAV ITT (Special Student) Searcy Fairview, Montana BOYD LOWE Fai l'v iew, Montana CHARLES RAY MILLER Searcy ROYCE MURRAY Dallas, Texas REBA FAYE NADEAU Oregon City. Oregon RALPH L . NOFFS INGER Wichita. Kansas Reba Faye, you look swee t . .. Well, what do you want? ... Contented Jamesafter dinner, I guess . .. Sophomores, remember you 're in co ll ege now . .. Pledges ·loafing ... Well , al right!

WADE OZBlRN Ash Flat ARTHUR PEDDLE Toronto. Ontario, Canada ROSEMARY PLEDGER Bee Branch ERNEST PORTER Fort Wood. Missouri JANET REA Cordell, Oklahoma IMOGENE RICKMAN Searcy ANN SCARBOROUGH Cors icana. Texas ESTHER SEWELL Emerson CHARLES SHAFFER Wichita, Kansas OPAL FAYE SHAFFER Viichila . Kansas I. H. SHAVER (Special Student) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania MARGARET SHANNON 'Vichita. Kansas BETTYE JEAN SIMPSON England MARGARET SMART Toronto, Ontario, Canada DOROTHY ANN SMITH Lucy. Tennessee Darkies ! - no just sophomores ... Now Therman's a good man for some girlsright, Doris . .. Carefree Ann . . Jo's Crom Arkansas - no s hoes . .. Before the outing - how will they look afterwards?

lOA RUTH SMITH Roosevelt DERREL STARLING Imboden DALE STRAUGHAN Glenwood HELEN SUMMITT Cardwell, Missouri RUTH SUMMITT Cardwell, Missouri SAMMIE E. SWIM Wichita Fall s, Texas JUANITA THOMPSON Dyess LOIS VAUGHAN Granite, Oklahoma BERNARD VETETO Amity REATHA VIRGINIA WATSON ashville ROBERT WEBB Guy WARREN T. WHITELAW Toronto, Ontario, Canada JAMES WILLETT Coffeyville, Kansas Who's the \'ictom, Charles? hard day in the classroom Three of a kind. MARY JANE WRIGHT Searcy GERALDINE YOUNG Bartlesville, Oklahoma .. Some sit and think-others just s it ... After a .. Hope that l'ock doesn't start rolling, Bob .

LOU DUGGER Sec re tar y B ILL FOGG Treasurer JESSE VANHOOSER President JOE DAN T IPPS Vice-President

DORIS JEAN ABNEY, Paragou ld SARA ADAMS, Guthrie. Kentucky LAVINA ALLEN. Alicia JUANITA ANDERSON, Howard , Kansas ANNABELLE ANDREWS, Harrison SUE BAIRD, Williford JOHN D. BALDWIN , Cordell, Oklahoma RUTH BARKER, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania RUTH BARNES, Tupelo. Mi ss issippi PAT BENSON, Cushing, Oklahoma RUTH BENSON, Sea ,'cy RUTH BLA TSETT, Hoxie MRS. A. L. BLANTON, Sea rcy ELMER BONER, Memphi s , Tennessee ALTHA MAY BOSARGE, Flint , Michiga n EARL BOWMAN, Sea rcy CHARLES BRAZZEL, Monticello IRA MAE BREWER, Risen CHARLES BROOKS , Da llas, Texas MRS . ROBERT BROWN, Memphis, Tennessee RUBY WRAY BULLINGTON, Athens, Ala. LEE HOUSE BURFORD, Looxahoma . Mi ss iss ippi GOLA CALLAWAY, Red Star MILDRED DEE CART, North Litlle Rock DOROTHY CASE, Wichita Fall s, Texas BETTY CHESSHIR, Nashville GENA DELL CHESSH IR, Nashvill e MARGARET CLAMPITT, Wa shington, D. C. JAMES CONE, Newburg JOSEPH INE CONNELL, Smackovor

BRUCE COOLEY. New Orleans, Loui s iana PATTY COOPER, Jonesboro JO CRANFORD, Manila MARY ALICE CRANFORD, Perryville MARGUERITE CRANSTON, Beebe J. C. DAVIDSON, Bergman RAYMOND DAWSON, Prescott GUTHRIE DAVIS DEAN, Farmerville, Loui s iana PAULINE DEARIN, Beech GrO\'e INEZ DEES, Harrison DIXIE LEE DILLARD, Bergman LOU DUGGER, Hillsboro, Texas FON SIDNEY DURHAM. Borden, Indiana HENRY FARRAR, Nashville, Tennessee PAULTNE FIELDS. Judsonia BILL FOGG , Valdosta, Georgia PAULYNN FOSTER, Kansas City. Missouri IMOGENE FRANKS, Oil Trough MARION FRENCH, Clinton GERALD E. FRITTS. Amarillo, Texas ERMA FROST, Stevens Point, Wiscons in CARLETTA FROUD, Stepl'ock ARVIS DALE GANUS , New Orleans, Louis iana LEON R. GIBSON, Antlers, Oklahoma GERALD GORDON, Lonoke VERNON D, GOULD, Huff MAXINE GRADY, Beedeville FER E GRAY, Roe JAMES GREENHAW, Snowball LOIS GURGANUS , Chicago , Illinoi s

EMORY PRESTON HAMMACK, Richmond , Virgini a MRS . HOMER H. HAWS , Owosso, Michigan OSCAR HAYES. Arkansas City. Kansas LYNN HEITON. Sherman Texas FRIEDA HILL, Williamsbu l g. Kentucky EDNA HODGE. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma EUGENE HOLT, Brilliant. Alabama GLENDA HORTON, Ash Flat FRANCES LOIS HUBBARD, Strawberry DENNIS HULEN, Heber Springs ROBERT HUMPHRIES, Searcy LINZEL HUTSON, Ash Fla t JESSIE FAYE JAMISON, Jonesboro GEORGIA JENKINS , Allens ville, Kentucky KATHERINE F. JOHNSON, Granite. Oklahoma HILDA LU (JO) JONES , Flint, Michigan JOYCE JONES , Mobile , Alabma DORIS KELLY, Kingston, New York EDITH KIIHNL, Enid , Mississippi JOHN KIIHNL, Enid , Mi ss iss ippi PAUL KlIHNL, Enid, Mi ss iss ippi VERA MAE KIIHNL, Enid, Mi ssiss ippi CONSTANCE JUNE KILLEBREW, Chi cago, Illinoi s WANDA KILLOUGH, Sea rcy IMA BELLE K IMBROUGH, Batesv ille EDITH POLK KIRBY, Searcy DOUGLAS LAWYER, Searcy LOUISE LEASURE, Judsonia CHARLENE LOFT IS, Maynard MARYBETH McCLURE, Winnebago, Illinoi s

CHARLENE MAGNESS, Alluwe, Oklahoma PAT MEURER, Searcy JOSEPH HENRY MITCHEN. Crossett WAYNE MOODY, Philadelphia , Pennsylvania JIMMY MOONEYHAM, Lake City FOREST MOYER, Columbus, Georgia DOROTHY MUNGER. Hickory Ridge MARY ELIZABETH NEECE, South Fort Smith MARY JO O'NEAL. Quin lan , Texas C. B. PASSMORE, Marsh a ll M ILDRED PEARCE, Litlle Rock CHARLES L . PEARSON, Black Oak DOROTH Y PONDER. Cardwell. Missouri DEAN IE POWELL, Searcy LOWELL PROPPS, Corde ll , Oklahoma JONNIE REESE, Norman , Oklahoma GRACE MARY RIGGS, Owensboro, Kentucky MAX INE ROSE, Melbourne MARIAN SCHUCHARDT, Oakland, California KARR SHANNON, JR., Little Rock PATTY JO SHUPE, Denver, Colorado • ANNE SIMMONS, Dallas, Texas CHARLES SMITH , McCrory GRANT JENN I NGS 8M IT H. Winchester, Va. LORETTA M. SM ITH , Syracuse , New YOI'k JEAN SMITH , Anderson, I ndiana WANDA SNODGRASS, Childress, Texas

NOAH SPARKS, JR., Salli saw, Oklahoma NINA SPEARS, Butler, Missouri MARIANNE TAVENNER, Denver, Colorado MILDRED TEFFERTILLER, Benton, Illino is GENE TEMPLES, Dexter. Missouri JIMMY LEE THOMAS, Huff TENNIE THOMAS, Russell JOANNA THURSTON, Granite, Oklahoma JOE DAN TIPPS, Childress, Texas ALPHA LEE TURMAN, Granite, Oklahoma BETTY ULREY, Casey, Illinoi s JESSE VANHOOSER, Oklahoma City, Okla. LOUIE K. WARD, Clinton EDNA MARION WATERS, Alachua, Florida HESSIE MAE WEBB. Bellevue, Texas CALVIN WEST, Dexter, Missouri AVANELL WHITE, Mammouth Springs KATHLEEN WILLIAMS, Oakland, California CARL DON WILLS, Shawnee, Oklahoma RUTH WILLS, Asher, Oklahoma LILLIAN WISER, Flol'al HOMER N. WOLFE, JR., Dallas, Texas IRA WOLFE, Loveland. Colorado DOROTHY WOODS , Denver, Colorado DAN YAKE. Toronto, Ontario, Canada DOROTHY ZAZZI , San Francisco, California ELIZA JANE ZAZZI, San Francisco, California

MDedlurrd 10 thol~ ""0 Iov~ Hdrdinlt Collee( ~ M" .Florence M.C.tncart lloyd O.SlInderson u ___ _ ....-- - I I. Nallr .the foot· hill. of the Oz. ark.•• Mids~ of hill ar'ld pillir'l; 2.a,is·tillr'l st.nd-Ird i. her- ~ - to; Chris ~ ~illr'l lif. is str,"ecl; 3. Hard' ,ng o· p.n, wicl~ her po'" ~als. Thu. in- vit ·.ng . 11 ~E1-1~ f~~~: IP-: F wp rd_ t ~ :~ _~1 ,fiL,d'1 ShnclsOl/,. glo - ,..-0.... AI • ma Mil ~ ter; Hard-in" ;" h.... name. And in .y . 'ry br-&nJ., of lum- ing. Elich one does "';s but. Who would tread ~ the path to kno~Qe.e: Hud then 1;:0 h.,.. call_ ~J~4 11)iJ'- r ~~ fl~ fFr-fl H. i l to thee, M. loy -.d

JUANITA LUCRETIA ALLEN, Sea,'cy Sophomore ROSELLA ALLEY, Ro,ebud Sophomore JAMES ARNOLD, Little Rock Junior JEAN ASHCRAFT, Tul sa, Oklahoma Sophomore BRUCE BALL. Norman, Oklahoma Senior DOLORES BARKER, Philadelphia, Pa. Senior JAMES MASON BARKULOO, Tifton, Ga. Sophomore LOIS BENSON, Sea,'cy JtUlioT LEON BLACK , Lake Park, Georgia Sophomore BILL BOWERS, Seminole, Oklahoma JtmiOT CAROLYN BRADLEY, Searcy Freshman COY CAMPBELL, Sean'y Sophomore MARY CLAIRE CARRUTHERS. Sardis, Mi ss. Freshman WILSON CHASE, Berkeley, California Sophomore KATHERINE RUTH CONE, Searcy Freshman GLEN CRAFT, Harri sburg Freshman CALVIN DAVIS, Lubbock, Texas Frcshmml SHIRLEY JO DUFFEL, Searcy Freshman. EDNA EARNEST, Del R ;o, Texas Sophomore ELIZABETH EARNEST, Del Rio, Texas Senior EARLINE FRANKLIN, Enid , Mississ ippi Freshman ELIZABETH FRANKLIN , Enid l\Iississippi Sen10r ETHEL FREEMAN, Rosebud Sophomore Cr:CIL GARRETT, Seao'cy Senior ROBERT GARRETT, Sea,'cy Freshman JACKIE GIBSON. Pelham, New York Senior . MARTHA GRADY, Little Rock Junior RUBY HAYWOOD, New Orleans FTe~hman MARY KAY HOLLINGSWORTH, Norman, Okla. Sophomorc BOB LANIER, Houston, Texas Sellior PETIT JEAN LASHLEE, Searcy Sophomore

BOB LAWES, Hot Springs Freshman JACK LAWYER, Searcy Junior MARY JO LAWYER, Searcy Fres/lman CLAUDE LEWIS, Denver, Colorado Senior JEAN McFAODE T, McFadden Senior JOHN McKINNEY. Jonesboro Sophomore WARREN MEIER, Arlington, Texas Freshman LOREN NICHOLS, Searcy SOpholllOTe GENE NOBLIN, Dyess Sophomore ROSE MARIE O'LINGER, Memphi s . Tenn. Sophomore EUGENE PAYNE, Searcy SoplwtnOTe KENNETH REID. Stillwell, Oklahoma Junior JEAN ROOKER, Pine Bluff Senior WILLIAM FAY RUSHTON, Searcy SeniOl' LLOYDENE SANDERSON, Tul sa, Ok la . Freshman VERA MAE SANDS, Columbia, Mo. Junior LAVERNE SEVEDGE. Sea,'cy Sophomore BONNIE BEVERLY SIMS, Searcy Senior W. H. SIMS, Minden. Louisiana Senior LENA SISCO. Osceola Freshman BETTY LOU SPRUELL, Essex, Mi ssouri Senior JUANITA STEWART. North Litlle Rock Sophomore BERNARD STREET, Hardy Senior DOROTHY TEMPLETON, Tul sa, Okla. SOpholllOTe VIRGINIA TERRY, Granite, Qldahoma JUllior BLANCHE TRANUM, Webb. Mi ss issi ppi Sophomore FRANKIE TRAWICK, Searcy Senior MARILYN TUTTLETON. Sl. Loui s, Mo. Sophomore COLLEEN WEST, Knobel Frcshma11 ERNIE WILKERSON, Sea rcy Sopllomore 'EUPHA WILLIAMS. Quitman Senior

Martha Bonnie OFHCERS FalJ Term Elizabeth l'l""''''>'I" Mrs. Inez ;;:~:;t:J Bonnie Sims Rosella Alley Martha Grady Elizabeth Earnest Ea rline Fr::mklin Dorothy Templeton Lloydene Sanderson Edna Earnest Mary Jo Lawyer Jean Ashcraft Carolyn Bradley Shirley Jo Duffel Mrs. Inez Pickens Betty Lou Spruell Katherine Ruth Cone

Eliznbeth Franklin Jackie Gibson Miss Juanita Rhodes Virginia Terry Jean McFadden Lois Benson Ruby Haywood Rose Marie Q 'Lingcr Laverne Sevedge Mary K ay Hollingswort h Blanche Tranum :\1arilyn Tuttleton Colleen West Jean Rooker Fint Seme~te,. Rose )''Iarie Q'Lingcr Lois Benson Virginia Terry __ Eli zabet h Franklin Mary Kay ~ Hollings~h Blanche Tranum :\ Ii ~s Jua:lita Rhodes President Vice-President elary- Trea surer Vice-Prcsident S ecre tarU-Treas urC.'r Sponsor

O fFI CERS f'a lJ Term Claude Lewis President Douglas Lawyer Vice-President Coy camPbe~A.' "'CTe-l4rY-TreaSUTeT ~1'~"~1 "~_ Claude Lewi ~ _of . TreSident Bill Rushton ... CZ V1c_e-Prrl'ident Coy Campbe ll Douglas Gunselman Secrewry-Treasurer Sp~msoT Claude Lewis James Barkuloo Bill Ru shton Jack Lawyer Warren Meier Ernie Wilkerson Wilson Chase Douglas GUnseilmm Coy Campbell

!lEST All.. ROUND Bonnie Sims Coy Campbell FAVORITES CJaude Lewh 'Virginia Terry HOI'IOI1 STUDENTS !\1ary Kay Honingsworth Blanche Tranum

:J,.aining- School Mrs. L. C. Sears and Primary Grades MI·s. L. O. Sanderson and Third and Fourth Grades During the year severa l outstanding improvements have been made. A new program of study was carefully planned and the l ibra ry was substanti ally enlarged. Transc ripts and past r ecords of all children have been secured and will be kept on permanent file to promote individual treatment of each child . The children have lheir own soc ial clubs and a scout troop has been organized among the boys. In April th e upper three grades made an educa li ona l lou r of Little Rock. This year more than eigh ty children attended the Harding Elementary Training School, which is in connection with the college. The Bible is taught daily by each teacher and regular chapel programs are planned by the fac ulty to br ing cultural and spiritual education to the children. Mrs. Inez Pi ckens with Fifth and Sixth Grades Douglas Gunselman, Principal. wi th Seventh and Eighth Grades

memoriam Brother Armstrong is no longer with us in person; God has called him home. He was the first president of Harding College and served as its head for twenty-nine years. His service gave the school a pillar of immeasurable strength. He was thorough , longsuffering and fair as a teacher. He was brief, wise and understanding as a councilor. Difficulties were many and trials hard; but he overcame them all as a true Christian. His uncompromising exactness, deep spiritual fervor and simple love exemplIfied what Jesus meant by the greatest being the servant of all. He was studious throughout life and always turned to the Bible itself for his instruction. Through his teaching thousands saw God more clearly and came to a deeper understanding of His word. He worked untiringly to please God and to serve his fellowman. A spirit so great is not dead. It still lives in the lives of thousands whom he has influenced. His picture lingers in the memory of his students. Truly this great and noble character has set us an example which should inspire us to greater achievement in life. - -


All the instructors in the Bible department are graduates of one of our Christian schools and are devoted to the cause of Christ. Eighty-five young men fill appointments in four states and are preparing to dedicate their lives to the preaching of the Gospel. 1st Row: Sparks, Wills, Moody, Vernon Lawyer, Vaughan, C. Tipps, Helstcn. Healy, Peddle, Howell. P. Copeland. Temples: 2nd Row: 5to\'311, Curtis. Durham. Ferguson, W. Co llins, 1. Wolfe, Murray, J. Tipps, West, Magness; 3rd Row : Crawford, C. Smith, E. Smith, Virgil Lawyer. Bagnetto, Wheeler, Gibson, Elliott, Collier; 4th Row : B . Smith, Dean. Sawyer, Earwood, Brooks, Garner, " 'illett, Ulrey: 5th Row: Sims, R. Miller, Hawley, Moyer, Straughn. Holland , Baker, Wooton ; 6th Row: Webb, R. Collins, Haws, Mikell, Hawkins, Farrar, Whitelaw; 7th Row: Larsen, Cowan, Stroop, O. Copeland, Colem.m, Van Dyne. Turner. Not Pictured: Colis Campbell, Joe Cannon. John Cannon, Cooley, J. Ganus, Dewitt Garrett, Jr., 0 an Lawyer, Douglas Lawyer, Lowe, Mooneyham, Noffsinger, Perkins, Porter, Roper, Ruther[ord. ShafTer, O. Starling. R. Starling. Swim, Veteto, Wiser, H. Wolfe, P. Wolfe, Coy Campbell. J. Lawyer, Lewi s.

Harding pauses at 10 each morning for a period of prayer and song. The remainder of the half-hour is used in var ious constructive ways. Usually faculty members or visiting speakers present inspirational, sp iritual and moral lessons. Bible Cladded lor All With the Bible the principal text every student is enrolled in at least one Bible class each term. Typical of these classes are the two shown. At the right Brother Rhodes is pictured with his class in Romans . Below is Brother Bales with his class in the shorter epistles of Paul.

Many of the students attend the prayer meeting service with the downtown congregation for which T. H. Sherrill is minister. Young men from the college actively participate in these meetings. Great songs of the church are broadcast each Sunday morning on the Searcy Church of Christ program. Those participating in the program are from left to right: Billy Baker, announcer; Tolbert F. Vaughan , Jr., director; Marjorie Waters , Bernard Veteto, Marguerite Barker, Robert Collins. Mary Jo O'Neal, Joseph E. Pryor, Altha May Bosarge, Evan Farmer, Carmen Price, Evan Ulrey, Eugenia Stover, William Collins.

Pictured above are the men who spoke during the annual Than ksgiving lecturesh ip. They are from left to right: Top Row: James Baird, Nashville, Tennessee; A. R. Holton, Nashville , Tennessee; G. C. Brewer, Memphis, Tennessee; Lowell Davis, Wichita. Kansas; K. C. Moser, Oklahoma City. Oklahoma; Bottom Row: Ceci l Hill , Longview. Texas; G. H. P. Showalter , Aust in , Texas; E. W. McMillan, Memphis, Tennessee; U. R. Beeson, Little Rock, Arkansas; Clifton Ganus, Jr., Charleston, Mississippi. Speakers engaged by the college congregation [or the regular fall and spring meetings were J. Harvey Dykes, Topeka, Kansas, and B. L. Douthitt , Nashville, Tennessee. B. L. DOUTHITt" J. HARVEY DYKES

Preacher boys spend eventful week-ends and long days in filling their scattered Sunday appointments. A volunteer, non-credit class, meets weekly to study mission fields and methods. Nearly fifty assisted in actual mission work last summer. Many of the st udents in each dormitory close the day with devot ional services.


• Ann Richmond Bessie Mac Ledbetter

lilctity Maple

Christln e N ea] Julia Mae Tranum

Claire Wood Camp

:Javorife6 Harold HoiRaI1d JuDia Ma~ '{ranum

Vill"gj n .lLawyer Ruby Jl;;an Wesson

W ymcI' Wiser Ann Richmond

Wymer Wi ser, Ann Richmond, Ruby Jean Wesson , Sarah Stubblefield, Harold Holland The Alpha Honor Society is composed of juniors and seniors with outstanding records, a scholarship index of 2.7 being required for juniors and one of 2.5 for seniors. Only a small percentage of either class is permitted entrance. Membership in this group is considered a high honor as requirements are just as high as those for Phi Beta Kappa. Officers were Harold Holland, president, Ruby Jean Wesson, vice-president, and W. K. Summitt , secretary-treasurer. In order to promote a greater interest in dramatics and to encourage the highest possible attainment in acting, staging and directing, the Eta Omega Cast of Alpha Psi Omega was chartered in 1940. To be selected for membership a student must be a Campus Player, maintain satisfactory scholarship, do a specified amount of acting, work behind the stage and show a willingness to work in any needed capacity. Officers were Joseph E. Pryor, president; Dorothy O'Neal, vice-president; and Jane Gately, secretarytreasurer. Dorothy O'Neal, Evan Ulrey, Fanajo Douthitt, J. Woody Sto \'all. Margaret Shannon

• Over six hundred colleges and universities cooperate in publishing an annual edition of Who 's Who in American Colleges and UniveTSities. The book , containing biographies of the students selected by each of these schools, is a means of national recognition for honor students. Basis for inclusion in the publication has been set forth as character, scholarship, leadership in extra-curricular activities, and potential usefulness to business and society. The recognition of the student serves as a reward to him for diligent and worthwhile service. Polly Box Harold Holland Keith Coleman Christine Neal Fanajo Douthitt Ann Richmond Sidney Roper Carmen Price

George Tipps Julia Tranum Monroe Hawley Wymer Wi ser Mabel Sinele Ruby Jean Wesson Sara Stubblefield Clinton Rutherford Since copies of the book are sent to prominent businessmen throughout the nation , it also takes the form of a recommendation of these students to the business world. Business, education, and civic leaders believe that students who are the most prominent while doing undergraduate work will more likely be the most prominent citizens after their graduation. Since it can be an indication of future success, this is an honor well worth the effort of underclassmen. Who} Who I AMONG STUDI NfS IN AM[RICAN UNJVrRSITI[S AND COllfGES

Dale Straughn-1st place, boys-How did you get them in that studious mood? HBoys will be boys"-or is that the monkey influence? ... Mary Belle Garner-1st place, girls-The hard ro"d back .. Bert-(on the right) ... Even the dogs at Harding are friendly ... Now how did he get into the girls' dormitory? ... As one Sub-T to another ... MeUa Dean doesn't look tired, 1 wonder if the horse is ... This must have been posed! (Posing) ... Maybe the fish will get the good housekeeping banner this month ... Picking cotton works up an appetite ... Three heads are better than one. . Oh boy, s teak!! ... Bird's eye view.

Delilah Tranum Circulation Monroe Hawley Neil B. Cope .Tulia Tranum ___ _____________ Editor Faculty Advisor Business Manager Society Edilor, Bill Smith Sports Editor, Rob~rta Brandon Manager, Dorothy Davidson Girls' Sports Editor, and Bonnie Bergner Secretary Columnists: George Tipps, Bob Hawkins, Marvin Howell, Ina Leonard , Dorothy Mungef, and Emmett Smith Reporters: Lynn Hefton, Doris Kelly, Wayne Moody , Royce Murray, Mary Neece, Evan Ulrey, and Billy Baker Front Row: Bergner, Hefton, Hawkins , E. Smith, Howell, B randon Back Row: Neece, E. Uurey, Kelly, Moody, Davidson, G. Ti pps, B. Smith, D. Tranum

W. K . Summitt Mrs. E . R. Staple ton Faculty Ad visors Sara Stubblefield Ann Richmond Dale Larsen Harold Holland Fanajo Douthitt Mabel Sinele Class Editor Organization Editor Religious Editor Quotation Editor Girls ' Sports Edito r Calendar EditOl' Ruby J ean ' ' 'lesson George Ti pps Roberta Brandon Clinton Rutherford Wyatt Sawyer Tolbert F. Vaughan, Jr . } Chris tine Neal Betty Maple Bob Hawkins ..... Carmen Price ~ Bess ie May Quarles ~ Editor Assistant Editor .4dvertisi11g Mgr. Busil1(,ss Mgr. Boys' S ports Ed itor Co-Sna pshot Editors C ircul a tion Manager Secre t a ries Quarles, Richmond , Sinele, Holland , Douthitt, Larsen, Price, Stubblefield, Va ugh a n , Hawkins, Ma ple, Sawyer, Neal

• Mrs. R. A. Ward , Richmond , Neal , Golden , Carl, M. Barker, Hazlet, R. Summitt , Mrs . B. L. Oliver Bergner, Ashcraft, Munger, Simmons, Carruthers, A. M. Johnson, D. Smith, Price , I. Rickman Abney . Rea , SandeJ'son , Scarborough, Burford , Powell, Hollingsworth , Wright, Quarles M. Lanier, Stover, Edna Earnes t, Hemingway, B. Rickman, R. Benson , Adams, Fry, Templeton

Mi ss Ruth Langford. A. M. Johnson, Templeton , Brazzel, French, E. Ulrey, Neal, Mrs. Flore nce Jewell D. Johnson, Crawford , M. Lanier. Richmond, Fry, Thornton, D. Starling, Bosarge Epperson, King, H. Summitt, G. Tipps, Scarborough, Hanes, Whitelaw, H:llberl Brandon. Earwood, Young, B. Rickman. M. Barker, J. Ganus, L. Benson, Shannon

\ • *Designates Campus Player apprentices :~ Mildred TefTertiller, Dan Yake, Geraldine Young, Woody Stovall, Ruth Benson, James Willett, "'Frances W<ltson . Polly Box. r.< Robert Webb, *Douglas Lawyer, Mary Hargrave. :)Forrest Magness, (l Clinton Rutherford, Imogene Rickman *Therman Healy, · Betty Simpson, Marguerite Barker, *Avanelle White, .... Joanna Thurston, "'Bessie Mae Ledbetter, Tolbert F. Vaughan, Jr. *Roberta Brandon. oI= Jo Cranford, Bob Hawkins, Catherine Franks, Warren Whitelaw, *Madge Miller, Dorrel Starling, *Maxine Grady . Imogene Franks. "' Frances Fry, *P al Benson, Dorothy O'Neal, Fanajo Douthitt, (l Reba Faye Nadeau, "' Bruce Cooley, '~ Mary Lee Dendy *AIbert Stroop, >lI Dorothy Munger, "' Jolly Hill, ':' Doris Epperson, '~ Ernie Wilkerson, '~Reatha Watson, *Wray Bullington, "' Margaret Clampitt Derrel Starling Evan Ulrey Fanajo Douthitt ________________ Bill Smith Miss Vivian Robbins Oll<' FICElRS President .__ Vice-President _______ Secretary-Treasurer Reporter Director

Designates Campus Player apprentices Doris Johnson, * Forest Moyer, "'Betty Ulrey, *Thelda Healy, $Lois Gurganus. Robert Heisten, Margaret Shannon Doris Abney, $Dale Straughn, *Frieda Hill , · Charles Ray Miller, ;:'Metta Dean Smith. *Gerald Fritts, Edna Hodge Bonnie Bergner, oII Mary Belle Garner,. Eva Floyd. · Josephine Connell, *Ordis Copeland, *Betty Chesshir, .0 Arvis Ganus Mildred Lanier, "Mildred Cart, Evan Ulrey. Billie Baird, *Bill Smith, Dorot hy King , "' Lee Burford Rosemary Pledger, *Carmon Laymon. OMary Ada Harri s. f.; Jimmy Mooneyham, *Anne Simmons, *Lois Hemingway, Harold Holland , *Gena Dell Chesshir Mary Neece, *Nina Spears, *Opai Faye Shaffer, ') Jess ie Faye Jamison, >i< John D. Baldwin, Nelda Chesshir, "' B~rnard Veteto, «Mabel Sinele The Campus Playel's gave an outstanding lyceum course this year, the five plays being: Mrs . Miniver Spooks Our Town Tis}, The Barretts

Scenes f r om: MRS. MINIVER, O UR TOWN, ETERNAL UFE, SPOOKS Stage crews enjoyed their work on sets and produced some unique staging. Excellent work was also done by the students in make-up. VIV IAN ROBB INS, Director

First Column: Evan Ulrey , Therman Healy, Bill Smith, Bill B<1ker, Emmett Smith, Wayne Moody, Wyatt Sawyer Second Column: Lewi s Mikell , T olbert Vaughan, Sid ney Roper, J oe Cannon , Bob Hels ten , Loi s Gurganus, Dr. Frank Rhodes The College Debate Club, under the capable direction of Dr, B. F. Rhodes, Jr., enjoyed the most successful year of its history, winning first place in all the tournaments entered. Th~ senior men's team, composed of Billy Bakel' and Emmett Smith, won the Mid-South Championship in the tournament held at Conway in December. Bill and Emmett Smith won Harding's first championship in the famous Savage Forensic at Durant, Oklahoma, in March. They were the senior men's team. Wyatt Sawyer and Tolbert Vaughan placed third in the same meet. The Smith brothers again combined to take fir st place in the St. John's Invitation Tournament held in Winfield , Kansas, the following week in March. Though the records of the other debaters are n ot as v ictorystudded as the one of the outs tanding Smith boys, each member of the class did unusual work and showed marked ad vancement in development. Baker, B. Smith , E. Smith, Dr. B. F . Rhodes

J u ni o r Entran t s Moyer, M. Ba rker. Kelly, Whitel aw, Sue Baird, Case , Brazzel , Riggs, Vernon Lawyer Cranford. Dugge r. Webb, J. Kiihnl. Hodge. Baldwin, D. Garrett. Clampitt . Shannon E. Kiihnl , Abney, Farra r, O. F . Sha fTe r, Boyd Lowe. Betty Lowe. Cooley, N. Chesshir, E . Kirby. Murray Pedd le , TefTertiller, D. Sta rling , P . Kiihnl , Neece, Straughn , Joe Cannon, Ma xine Grady, A. Ganus, L H ickma n Laura Lee Arms Bill Sm i t h Edna Hodge Grace Riggs Harold Ho lland Polly Box Emmelt Smith Woody Stovall De lil a h Tranum Albert Ca r ne,' Vi rgil Lawyer J uli a Tranum Margar et Sha nnon J<' estiv al O verall W inners F es tival Overall- Women Fes tival Overall-Men __ Festi val Overall-Junior Divi sion Over all in Diction-Women __ O verall in Diction-Men O vera ll in P u b lic Speaki ng a nd Ora tory-Women Overa ll in P ublic Speaking a nd Orato ry-Men Overall in Dramatics Ove r all in Story Tell ing to Children Overall in Reading from Manuscript Ove rall in Radio Overall in P oetry- Sen ior Divi s ion-Women Overall in P oet ry-Ju nior Divi s ion and Over a ll in Directi ng One - Act Play Overall Festi val Winner s Bill Sm it h a nd L a ura Lee Arms

Senior Entrants Sawyer, Box, J. Tranum, E. Ulrey, Richmond, T. F. Vaughan Stroop, Arms, B. Smith, Baker, Holland. Garner, Stubblefield D. Tranum, Collier, R. Collins, S. Rickman, Virgil Lawyer, Stovall, Rutherford E. Smith, Bagnetto, Hargrave, Howell, Ferguson, Mikell, Hawkins Wyatt Sawyer Betty Lowe Worley Ferguson Bob Hawkins Evan Ulrey Clinton Rutherford Billy Baker Tolbert F. Vaughan, Jr. W;nners in S;ngle Events Extemporaneous Sermonette-Chapel Talk Reading Biblical Prose-Women Reading Biblical Oratory After-Dinner Speaking and Character Acting-Senior Di v ision Straight Acting and Directing One-Act Play .. _. __ Original Radio Sermonctte Debate Debate Mrs. Armstrong with Marguerite Barker and Wyatt Sawyer in Radio Class