1944-1945 Yearbook

DIAMOND PERKINS, Ponta, Texas "The reward of one duty is the power to fulfill another." ALICE BECK RICE, Cherry Tree, Pennsylvania "Give her the due reward of her work." SYBIL RICKMAN, Ravenden Springs EMMETT SMITH, Newport "Eloquence is painted thought." "Self conquest is the greatest of victories." BONNIE SUE ROPER, Searcy "A wife is the peculiar gift of heaven." BILL SMITH, McCrory "The creed of the true sa int is to make the best of life, and make the most of it." METTA DEAN SMITH , McC,'ory " Faith is necessary to victory," DOROTHY JOHNS STARLI G , Searcy "Grace was in all her steps, heaven in her eyes, In every gesture dignity and love." J. WOODY STOVALL, Mount Pleasant, Texas "Trust in God and do something." EUGENIA STOVER, Portiand, Oregon "The Lord loves the pure in heart." The two Bonnies . . . Evan and nature.. We three ... What are you doing o n the Junior page, Buddy-Oh, pardon us, Mr. Tolbel·t Fanning Vaughan, Junior ... See something, Bob ... What were you say ing, Lucien? .. Carefree and s ingle Dot.