1944-1945 Yearbook

:J,.aining- School Mrs. L. C. Sears and Primary Grades MI·s. L. O. Sanderson and Third and Fourth Grades During the year severa l outstanding improvements have been made. A new program of study was carefully planned and the l ibra ry was substanti ally enlarged. Transc ripts and past r ecords of all children have been secured and will be kept on permanent file to promote individual treatment of each child . The children have lheir own soc ial clubs and a scout troop has been organized among the boys. In April th e upper three grades made an educa li ona l lou r of Little Rock. This year more than eigh ty children attended the Harding Elementary Training School, which is in connection with the college. The Bible is taught daily by each teacher and regular chapel programs are planned by the fac ulty to br ing cultural and spiritual education to the children. Mrs. Inez Pi ckens with Fifth and Sixth Grades Douglas Gunselman, Principal. wi th Seventh and Eighth Grades