1944-1945 Yearbook

The year 's intramural program opened wi th the softball tournament in which the faculty was outstanding. The Aircobras, composed of Dean, Fogg, John Cannon, C . ShafTer, R. Miller, E. Smith, Hulen, Porter and Cone, were the champions . An All-Star team of J. Ganus, J ohn Cannon, StrooP. O. Copeland, Vanhooser. C. Shaffer, Wooton, R. Starling, T. F . Vaughan , J . C . David son, Fogg and D. Starling wa s chosen. Football season opened with a high-mounted enthusiasm which increased as the season progressed. The Junior class was on the top of the pile in the class tournament, and Sidney Rope l"s Cardinals triumphed over Ordis Copeland's Buzzards ~o take the intramura l crown. Comprisi ng the Card inals were Roper, Virgil Lawyer, Fogg, Crawford , B. Smith. T . F. Vaugha n, and Farrar. Chosen for s te ll ar performance and good sportsmanship , the All-Star team was R. Starling, Wiser, O. Copeland , Roper. Fogg , Hawkins, Baldwin, J oe Cannon a nd St roop.