1944-1945 Yearbook

EIGHTY-SIX YEARS OF SERVICE PUBUSHEHS OF GOSPEL ADVOCATE- Si.1I ce 1855! .\ 2.I. page pe ri od il'a l. I)ub li shed eal'll \\ cd.. . and de\<oted to thl' truth o f God . 2.00 a ) cnf. GOSPEL LITERATURE L'niform Bible Lessons in le n l:O llr~ ('s . from Kinde rga rt en, io Adult a l low pl'il'cs- 5c to 12c for each "hild. each qllartel' . GRADED SER I ES, \\ith f"e ('ourses read). ages ·1 lu a. a t 12c.' for each child. e;.It, h quarter. GL' IDES FOR TEACHERS and addi ti onal materia ls a,ai lab le a l,o. THE BEST IN BOOKS: Schoo l and re li g io lls books - ('o ll(:o rdanccs, (,Olll lll clilari es, didi onari es. hi stories. sermons. debates. Bible stud\ books, g ift hooks, and. ill fat: l. e\ er) thing in reliuble books. Send for ' catalog. THE BEST IN BIBLES: In King James. Rc\ ised. and .Mode rn Translations. \Vc carr) Cambridge. Collins, 1-18I"I>cl", Holman , J'\elson, Oxford. \\Tinslon, and World Syndi ca te Bib les and Testaments at rensonnb le pri ces, prepaid. Send fo r ca talog. CHURCH SUPPLIES Comr nuni o n wa re-tra )s . cO\c rs. g lasses. fillen: , and breadplates: t·ommun · ion brend ; contribution plates and hl.ll~kets--alllinilium and wit'ker: h ymJl · boards. Bible st:hool registers. a tt enda nce ma ter ia ls. go ld and si h e r pins. and man ). man~. olher allracti\c. 11f>lpful. economical things. Send fo r ca ta log. WE CAN HELP YO In planning church bui ldings, bu) ing bulletin h(Jards. purchas in g ~l'a t s . .'llld hundreds of other things. Wr ite us. CHRI STIAN HYMNS: 352 pages. 400 songs. The h ) mnal U!~ed most amung chun.:ht·h o f Chri st. Hi g h Quality contenL. paper. .and binding . 60 cenl s a cop y prqnlid: 50 a hUll{lred. not prepaid. Man ) olher songbooks a nd h ymna ls a t \el') reasonable prices. GOSPEL ADVOCATE CO. NASHVILLE, TEN ' ESSEE