Tri Kappa 1947-1955

Formal initiation exercises of the Tri-Kappas were beld in tbe J. L. Dykes home Saturday even– ing, November 15, at seven o'- cloclL , The initation rooms were de– with yellow candles and '"""'.....,. in keeping with the club of yellow and gray. New membel·s were greeted at the door by a receiving Unc com– of the club offlcel's, Misses' LU;r;luJ•t:ul Ware, DorothY Brooks, June Taylor, and the club """'·"""·""' Misses Ruth I..angford Connie Ford. · The .exercise was opened by a short devotional. Following n can– dlelight service directed by the

Three Social C!uhs Have _r~crvv Officers Tg~ -lfi:Po.Jl>J:'A The Tri-1-~::lppa's mel in Pattie Cohb Hall for a re;:u!ru· business session S.:..tu~·dtl.)' n~gilt, J(~nuary 17. Discussion \·:as held and for 8. cornil'J.g p8.rLJ'. 'l'his the first J:iec:ting pr-L·SIC!ecl over the new officer~>: _(ln~sirlen t, E liza– beth \Vm·e; vice prc,,iclent, Doro– thy Brooks; secn:tary-treasurer, · Jean Goddard; i·cportcr, EvidEcn Ihys. Rel'rcshn'.cn ts of ice and CODki<>S were SCrVCd to Ly the hostess, Anna Tahkodah Scene Of Tri -Kappa Spririg Outing With Camp Tahkodah as their destination, the Tri-Kappas and their dates left the campus by bus Monday morning at 7:30. Boat rid– ing, hiking, softball a n d games provided the day's enter– tainment. At noon the hungry picnickers devoured fried chicken, potato sal– cookies, apples, hot rolls, and 11~~!!!.1~_ Coming back on the .,:. -a-te--saiidwiches a n drank cokes. The date list included Dorothy Brooks, Howard See; Mary Lou Peck, Marvin Brook_sr; Deta Buch– anan, Cbarles WillJams; Mabel Jean Goddard, Melvin Elliot; Mar– gie Groover, Bill Williams; Evi– deen Hayes, Richard Veteto; Ethe– lyn McNutt, Alvin Moudy; Wilma Penick, L u r I y n e Richardson; Frances Ransburg, Deurien Foun– tenot; J o y c e Rowden, Winston Gower; June Taylor, Willis Chea– Wanda Wallis, Lefty Burks; Jo Walker, Hugh Newcomb; Ruth Langf<_~rd, Miss Con– stance Ford and 'Dr. E. R. Staple– ton sponsored the group. Tri-Kappa~s 1\fake Fashion Show An Annual Affair The Kappa Kappa Kappa social club announces its decision to make an annual affair of their style show as presented in chapel May 6 of this year. Dresses and ensembles provided. by local mer– chants were modeled for the aud– ience by girls from the various social clubs on the campus. Nancy Walker, Tri-Kappa president, had charge of the program and ex– plained the merits of each outfit while Maury Logue, serving as en– gineer, played soft phonograph music backstage. The dresses ranged from formals open back dresses ~~ aler~o andwere modeled by Nell Foresee, Meta.h Moe; L a Vera Novak, Gata; Rose Kathryn Reichardt, Ju Go Ju; Mabel Pet.•t:y, Omega Phi, Nedra Lumley, Regina; Betty Harper, Phi Delta; Libby Langston, Chi Omega; Rena Lutrell, Las Companeras, Mary Jo Walker, Tri– Kappa ; Sue Hogg, W. H. C.; Gwen Futrell, M. E. A.; Margaret Chaf– fin H-Club; Clotene Williams, Oe~e ; Oneta Dorris, K. A. T.; Kris Abernathy, Sub Deb; and Betty Jo Hughes, from Searcy, . , .. Local merchants p~vidiri~e dresses were J. C. Penny Co.; The Ideal Shop, Robbins-Sanford ,Mere. Co., Kroh's, apd Federated. ·

K- K- !.(an l a sk you sor;n;hin1 \-lithout your t::1i!ll:ing that I 1 i:! bold , :t3ut om· club sat U•J 2. rulin' Anc. T/'lC) r ::C.e s l m~_{st uphol d . ~.~ 1 l1e JJo~-:io t'l I~fl:~~ 1 s T ,.,. -- ""' - 7,. -- . ':-'1 '1'-1 _l _l c~s_,_ .Y0 :.l "''· ·~, Oh r:g, J' ;.s·c loo.::~ -~ho placG . jTOU ,~·lOnt '-'0:; a-c. ;·i1y f-'l ce1 TriKappa Banquet Thursday Evening At Legion Hut The KKK's entertained their dates with an informal banquet at the Legion Hut last Thursday night. The group met in the re– ception room of the men's West Dorm, and walked from there to the scene of the banquet. The group played "Dollar-Dol– lar" and "Wink", upon arrival at the Hut. The welcome was extended by the president of the club, Dorothy Brooks, and Bill See gave the response. Hugh Rhodes acted as Master of Ceremonies for the ', . evenmg. A drawing was held to select the King and Queen of Leap Year. Miss Ruth Langford was chosen for Queen and the King was Her– schel Brenkenridge. Entertainment included a duet by June Taylor and Mary Lou Peck, "Give Me a Little Kiss". Nancy Walker gave a humorous speech on Leap Year. Miss Connie Ford played "Getting Sentimental Over You" and "Beg Your ParThe menu was peach salad, steak, mashed potatoes, peas, combination salad, cherry pie ala mode, and milk and cof– fee. Those present were: Frances Ransburgh, Derien Foutenot; An– na Mae Felts, M. B. Camp; Mary Bell Horsman, Don Horne; El– wanda Williams, Herschel BreckPenicks ; Oleta Holden, Ralph Mary Sanders, Wilma Margie Groover, Bill Williams; Rosemary Harbor, Kenneth White Evideen Hays, Bob Blart'd; June Taylor, Coleman Lenunons; Mabel Jean Goddard, Keith Thompson; Mary Jo Walker, Hugh Newcomb; !leta Buchanan, Charles Wil– Ethelyn McNutt, Jay 0'– ; Joyce Rowden, Winston Mary Lou Peck, Marvin Nancy Walker, James Wanda Wallis, Hugh Groover; Miss Ruth Langford, Dr. Kern Sears; Hugh Rhodes; Connie Ford, Mr. Clarence Hafflinger; Dorothy Brooks, Bill See; Marilyn Hawley, and W. J. Greene.

7'~~/rcUJ~ %~ ~~UR.l ,:8~ J< fr! /(

Kap·pa Kappa Kappa· Has Formal lnitia+ion The K rtppa Kappa Kappa 'social club ini tiated eight pled~s-Saturday night, November 1,. at the 1-ionw ot' the ir sponso r. Mrs. E. R. Sta ple ton. in a i ormaJ candlc– lig hl Cl'lt:mony. Th e new member-s are Shirley Bird a ll, Merle Garrett, Janavee Rogers. Sarall Copeland, Sue C'h <, Ka t hleen Wt:inkle, Ct•a~ McRe~· nolds and Dol-'is YelEdres hments of cake, punch, uh, a nd candies were .served.

"An evening ot dream " In Da·enmland wn the theme o th TL'i·l<applt's rot·mat bnnqu t at Robertson's Rendezvous. s~ lUI'· day nigh . FebJ'Uary 24, Alter the invocation w s e. · p1·essed by Dr. Stapleton. Ruby McReynold , president t Uw club, ga c the welcome a dress and Gera~d Kendrick made Lh r pon. e by singing "All Through he Day." Following the steak dinner the Drea(Tl program was introdu'ced by Mi ress of Ceremonies, Dixie Srriyth The. various dreams 'iri; clud • Dreams a la pianci by Gwen Garrett Gerald Kendrick "I'll See You In My Wood Sears, guest speaker, delivered a dowri-to– e a r 't h message concerning dreams. A qreamy olo in the .Corm of "Be uti!ul Dt _amer" wa. oJ.(eted Sue Chapman. ''Dream was by 'Margie Groover, is a charter member of the c.Iub and the first to graduate sil1c the club was organized in 19a7. The program ended with Ger– ald Kendrick singing "Goodnig-ht, SweetheaJ•t." Special guests ·included Dr. and Mrs. Jack W. Sears, Dr. and Mrs. E. R. Stapleton, Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Lemmons, ahd Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hagins. '!'fie Dreamers -present Margie Groover, Gerald drick; Ethel,Yll'- McNut't, Todd; Dixie · Smyth, Bob Roe; Jessie Lou Smith, ioe Madde1-i:; Marion Bush, Murray Warren·; Grace McReynolds, -Altoh 1 iad den ; Jana;v·ee 'Rogers, Don Good– win. Sarah Copeland, _ P o n d e r Wrlght; Merle Garrett, Johns·6n; Gwen G<1-rreu, ton Kimbel; Shiriey John Morris, Florence Damon .Martin; Stie Cha. Ted Diehl; Ruby MeRe Harry Olree; Kathleen Kay Moser; Doris YeJ· Bobby Camp.

T ri Kappa Club Goes To Mount Petit Jean l\·Jo nchtYmOdling tlw Tl'i Kapp a Soe:ic\l C lu.b and their dates travel– ed ·l"o P e tit Jc rtn t:or their annual s pdn g ou'ling. The day was pcn.t pi:Jy ing bal l, 11oal riding, llikinr~ to the .falls, anc\ isiting Petit Jean's gr ave. Club me bers and their da les were C\•ace lVlcfteyn Glds, Murray \i\' aJ'f('l1; Shirley Bi rdsa ll, B illy Moll J ones ; Gwen Ga rrett, Sam· my Floy d; Ethelyn 11/lcNutt, Far· rell Wa re ; sue Chnj1!11Hn, Rc,berl - nc\sco; Sm•a Copclfttl(t, James ll!rt•ull•"'' ; l:'lorcncc \'i'dtc, Bob Anderson; ·Manan Dush, Amos Davcnpol't: Ka'thlcen Wrinkle, Al f'olccLc. Jc•ssic Lou Smith, Paul Osho1n. Sponsor;; we re Bill S ldllman 1\'lr. and Mt·s . Fra nh: Ellis.

Snure · Rodgers Vows Exchanged Miss Janavee Rogers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis E. Rogers of Piggot, Arkansas, became· the bride of George E. Snure, son of and Mrs. Lloyd G. Snure ·of ton, Ontario, Canada, on ..,.____ _,_ , October 9th, at the church of Christ in Pi·ggott. Mr. Brad Brumley, of Rector, officiated at the doub.le ring cere· many. The altar was decorated with baskets of white chrysanthe· mums against a background of greenery and candles. Traditional wedding music was furnished by a group of friends 'from Harding. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white wool ballerina-length dress with navy accessories. Her arm bouquet was ., . The maid of honor, Miss Shir· ley Birdsall, wore a street-length dress of light blue woo.! jersey ·With black accessories. Her cor· sage was of pink carations. The groom was attended by Elmo Hall as best !'nan. Walter Dale and Ru·e Porter Rogers were ushers. Ruth Ann Sherraden, niece of the bride, lighted the candles. Joe Carter Rogers, nephew of the bride, was ring bearer. A reception was held im– mediately following ·the ceremony at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sherraden. The table was overlaid with a lace clorth centered by the wedding cal'e and encircled with crystal candlebra and punch !bowls. Mr. Snure, a graduate of Hard· ing CoHege in '51, is now preach· ing in !Magnetic 'Springs, 0., where the couple will make their home after a two·weeks rtrip to nada and other points north. /a toe 1~- ocr ·? "" Q a JO~,IJI 1J 1951 If:·/ Ruby McReynolds Weds Rue Rodgers Miss Ruby Olive McReynolds became 'the bride o.f Rue Porter Rogers in a candlelight ceremony performed Monday, October 22, in the downtown church of Chl'ist. Searcy, Arkansas. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Viilbert McReynolds of DeRidder, La. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis E. Rogers of Piggott, Arlmnsas. F'. ·w. Mattox officiated at the double-ring ceremony before an altar decorated with white gladi· oli, greenery, and burning tapers. The music was provided by Helen Nave, Joyce Burt, Dot Tullos, Shirley 'Fegan, Glenn Boyd, Bill Clark, Elmo Hall, Sammy Floyd, and Paul 'Smith. They sang "'Be· cause", "Father, Hear the Prayer We Offer", and the traditional wedding marches. The bride, given in marriage by her brother Leonard McReynolds, wore a white satin gown with lace and sieves and a finger tip veil. She carried a bouquet of white gardenias. Miss Grace McReynolds attend· cd her sister as maid of honor. She wore a grC"cn organdy dress and carried a bouquet of carna· tions. Amos Davenport served the gr.oom as best man. Ushers were Os'born and Roy Walker. The ushers lighted the tapers. There was a reception immedi· ately following the wedding at the F. W. Mattox home. After a wedding trip to the Smokey Mountains, the couple is at home in Piggot, Arkansas, where Mr. Rogers is teaching

213 Students Pledge SocialClubs As Annual Pledge Week Ends Today 213 students will become eligible for membership in social clubs as annual pledge \Veek ends today. A list of the pledges for both men's and women's elubs is as follows:

Girls' All Club Mixer Tea Held Sunday In Ganus Student Center Sunc;lay afternoon, October 21, was the date of the all-club mixer tea held in the Emerald Room of Ganus. Student Center. One girl from each club was chosen to act as a hostess. Down– stairs, each club had a table "on which 'to display its theme, pro– ject, or emblem. Decorations clownstairs consisted of 'baskets of fa.Jl leaves. The club mem-bers were in formal attire, while the freshmen girls and new stttrlents wore afternoon dresses. Re'freshments of punch, petit fours, mints, and nuts were serv· cd in the Emerald Room, which was decorated with a fa,Jl theme. I n the center of the t a:ble was a bouquet of fall g<U·den flowers. Mrs. Cliff Ganus s·ponsors Tri Kappas Mrs. CliH Ganus has resumed her position as sponsor of the Tri– Kappa social club after an ab– sence of two years. The first two club meetings of the year \\·ere held at her home. This term's club of.fiecrs arc Shirley Birclsall, president; Merle Garrett, vicc-prcsidcnt; Grace Mc– Reynolds, sccretary, and He'ta Buchanan, r-eporter. ri Kappa Social Club Holds Formal Initiation Formal in itiation exercises of the Kappa Kappa Kappa social club were held at the home of Mrs. Clifton Ganus, sponsor of the dub, on Saturday evenlpg, November 3 at eight o'clock. _New mer11bers were greeted at the door by club members and sponsor, and presented \Vith cor– s ages of yellow chrysanthymums with gray ribbon, in keeping with the clu~ colors. . The new memb~rs pledged the ir cl ub vows in a candlelight cere– mony were Camille Anderson, Alta Cheek, Yvonne Davis, Oleta Garner, Ma ry Etta Grady, Elleen Hoover, Norma -Jean- Jarra rd, Joanna Johnston and Carolyn Kilpatrick. Refreshmen-ts of spiced te.a, the traditional cake, mints and nuts were ser yed.

ThP Ten·acc Hoom nf the ·:\'[,,~fair Hole! was tJ1e scene of the Kappa Ka[lpa \vint!!l' b:1nquc: !<1st Saturday night. F'ebn.m,·y 2. ':i.' '" theme of the banqact wa.3 a vL·it to olcl New Orleans. A:1 al !1111~:phere of a com· yard r·cstaur<:n1 ·was crcat'ccl by ga!'d•::n pl.'mts a:vl brown jug candle holclcJ·,:: crust·ecl with canrtle drippings . Tl!t• menu consisted of breaded veaL rTeam– cct potatoes: g·nrde.n peas. s:.llaci. cherry pie, ice crc:m'l. milk ancl cofiec. Following Jilc clinnc1·. the gJ·oup was cntcrtainccl by A1:cty T. r\it·– chie, accompanied by Mr·s. R!l– cllle, singing ''Ole l\Ja;' EjHT" and "Old .Too:· The r!igL– Jight of the 0vcn!nf! •.v.F; lhc' ·~oronation of Cecil Cox a!1d Olel:1 Garner as King anrl Queen of Mardi Gr11s. Follo\\·ing tho coro– nation, S:lr3l~ Copelu.nd g-:l\ e ;; tableau, and Clifton Ganu:; gn<.·c a brief history of the city c,f Nc\\' Orleans. Members of the club and ~l1eir guests were: Shir:cy Bird·>all. James Shear; Ei1c0n Hoover. Choate; Norma Jarr<P'd, Bob Coburn; Caro!yn Kilpalrit:l-::, Bill RobNts, Jr.; Mai·ion Busch. Jesse' Vi'illis; Grace :McHcynolcls. Harry Olrec; Florence \Vhi lc, Paul- Osburn; SJI'ah Cop,.l:lnd. Norman Hughes; I!eta-I:luch c!ni'>ll, Gerald Long; Sue Cl!apmfln. J:1ck Davis; Merle Gn.nett. 0\l'cn 01bricht; Jesse Lou Smith, AI Stevens; Camille AndPrson. Mil\c:! Moore; Alra Check, Ralph Harl– man; Yvonne Davis, Biiiy Fo1 rest How:cU; Oiela Gcn·l~2r, Cecil Cox, Mary .Etta GJ·~1dy, Rex Davis; Joo.nna Johnson. V/11J.tu· Dale. Special guc.sts w·~rc Ml'. and Mrs. Cliff Ganus ancl j'"Jr. and Mrs. Andy Ritchie.

The Terrace Room speakingYouth ag-nin-and Sea1·cy. J.Vo ii· can't he. Theru are the old >;t!·ect lamps of New Ol·l::u'us. How \\•ell I rememfr·r their names. SHmL.EY all th~· elher Well !mown s!n.;:,i;;;. Yeg,New OriPaw;, •HrhC" ort~ercd i.nter... -n!ltt;;~ir.g of i h~! l·e~~~ cu 'd f he dr~~·tHn, 1'he rni~l nbnt't' th0 river, und ~hf: tHir-t r:.ho,:c nH.:. S~1'~'-1H~.'' H e,~u·t be. One tiling I do !mow: tile liAI'PA RAPPl:~. ·E/'I.l'PA Club as!;cd me j·0 il~!'h'' i!wh· hn!lqllet. (Coclld nwy h:to·e mea:1!.. i:\ Xcw OrbNns'?) I'll just 1haHI~ ~bern nn<l t·.hr-ir ~-:oon.sor-1\lr~;.. Gltn~~s. Am1 UlC'r<•'s Prof. G,,m~c;, r·;nw, ~ !;;now if" is– NC'·~-;/ Orl~aas! Pcrha~:s I lind It nten.·. ;')~1 c,Jnfnse(!; !'H just say t1o(}(~ hye _;. ~e\Y c._);:le::ns--nnd thanI:~. The ~. .. ~ 0 l·t_;~ "'ll \. I' ~. """ ; '-'l fi~F~near~ t l il ~.. ·' ~ \:.. I ... 1'\'Irs. H. H. Branch MgT.

~·-· t•·:·. F""' ... """' =-~;a "' ;/ l U! l 'f r' .J J r ~ ~ r~ app a:; l1E.-e r Sl.t J'Jday !~: i ;_~ 1lL tilG\ J)lt.~ r nl";et.':~ oL L ;!.t~ ~Cri- L<Hprl a sor·iA J c!uLJ wen t to ti le home ui their spon– ~ut·, 1\·11''::-. C'Jir r c;:~n u ~, J:or ~:\ I)!u1n· bt1f' v:·~rty. J.\L· ti··i~rL.s :.;L !h e even ing ; :"'c!~,.tt..led gtCl..!P t"dil~tfl,.Y stOl'Y'· I) • • - - - C> ! • • te!l u,g. and e::-:ttng·· pof'J corn =.1. 1~cl ludf~t!. 8 1·eaJ !tt<):_·,cta.y nrcr·n ing· co:·l~i..'t"('d o f pancs..l:e·~.; anJ .s::1.u~.:t,g:c. ''i"'hcs0 Pl'C!S('n t '~;e re : Ca 1n i lJ~~ ..t~ nder~:.on, Sh irley r~ irds:l ll, IJcta .<:tr~a, 1 . :'.Ha C: ii E·,:·k. Sw; Ciinp Jlir.l. il l ,'3a.rnl; c l)~_n=: ~~n"td. ~{v o n nl-! D:tvb, f'-hrma Je,1 n .h l t ed, '.Jit> ta (~a-en~ i'", M ?.l'l€· c;a~--~·c tt I lVL.l.! y Etta (;. ··&.dy, Eilt:~:: n !·Joover, J ()an !!'_=t J ohns! ''"~ . Cc:1·o!y!1 I~~lp;:.i '· ic!<, G r ~~ c· •-::! J\1c1-~eynol(s, \'\ 1 h jtr·. . f;d '! !J(· llo~l~~s . 1Vl! .L:. Mi s ;3 ::Jhi rl ey Bi rcl s2.ll , ?Te s t den t Kapp a Kap p a Kap pa Social Club -;..T (-., ,-'} " .,l ' 1"'1. • 1 1 • o '=' " .nru.l Lg vO ..... 8 f::,<:=- Campus Mai l 3 3 0 &vc.{.~~ - OlbrichI Elected President of Local FTA; Plans Made To Attend Study Period Glenn Olbricbt, .iunior. from Searcy , hat~ recently elected PrC'!:iiclrnt of the Harding College Florence Cathc<u·t Chapter of tlw Future Teachers of America' fo1· the 1%2-53 school year. Ken Noland, freshman from Monilton, has been chosen to fill the vice-president's position. Othet offi.cers in~ elude: Grace McReynolds, sccretary -trc~l,;urcr; Cecill'vlay, Jr., reporter; and Nancy McDaniels, a~3 hi ~ torian of the organiza– tion. SCHOLARSHIP AVERAGES OF S OCIAL CLUBS l"'.G 1!)51--3~ .Ka.ppa Kappa K a pp;:: Sigma Tau S igma W H C GA T A c;:>mega Cavali'er Alpha Ph i Kappa Frater Sodalis Sub T 16 Gal a xy Sigma S igma S igma Delt;-( Melah Moe

Ttf ·K·appa Outing Held At Petit Jean Members o.f the Kappa Kappa Kappa club and theit dnt went to Pc>tit Jean last Monday, May 19, for their annual spring outing. The morning was spent in hik· ing and viewing the falls , and the afternoon in p'laying softball and boat rfding. The noon meal consisted· of hot dogs, potato salad, punch, ; ire cream and strawbenies. Those attending ·, the were: Alta Cheek) Rex Davis; G 1' ace McReynolds, Johnny Thornton; Mary Etta Grady, ·Ken Perrin; Oleta Garner, Gene Rain-. ey; Joanna Johnston,' Paul' Lav– ender; Ileta Buchannan, · Bob Sewell; Shirley ·Birdsall, Ponder Wright; Marion Bush, · Rodney Wald; Camille Anderson, Keith Stotts; Norma Jean Jarrard, Bob Coburn; Yvonne Davis, Glen Bur– gess; Jessie Lou Smith, Kyle Carnes; Carolyn Kilpatrich, Don Hicks; Ell~en Hoover; Nadine Smith; Sue Chaprpan; Merle Garrett ; and Mr. Ma·s. Ganus.

Mrs. Ganus Serves Spaghetti Supper Tuesday night, Oct. 21, the Tri– Kappas enjoyed a spaghetti and meat ball dinner at the home of their sponsor, "Mrs. Cliff Ganu;;. The menu consisted of spaghetti and meat balls, vegetable salad, hot rolls and butter, chocolate pie and tea. After the meal the girls gath– ered around the piano and sang happy birthday to Eileen Hoover. The members present were: Yvonne Davis, Camille Ander– son, Alta Cheek, "Sue Chapman, Merle Garrett, Eileen Hoover, Florence White, Mary 'Etta Grady, Grace McReynolds, Shirley Bird– sall and Oleta Garner. T ri-Kappas Hold Formal Initiation The Tri 'Kappa fo rma.! initia· tion for new members was held at the home of their· sponsor, Mrs. Cliff Ganus, Saturday night, Nov. 1. When they anived the new members were pn'sentcd yellow chrysanthemum corsages trim– med in gray r ibbon. After this present·ation, the welcome was de· liv e red by tlw prPsitknt. Gr·~ cie McReynolds, and ·tJwn Merle Gan•ett, the s cretary, rc::td the constit'ution. After lhu nC'W mcm– lwrs said t~1 0ir vows. pictures were takPn. Refreshments o( c::tkc decorated with the traditional serVt'll. Piano music was providrll ·by various membei·~ of the rlub, and everyone sang happy birthcby to une Adams. The new members arc: June Adams, Ortcll Armstrong, Lois Coburn. Joan Bridges, Mary Ruth Herren, Kat·hryn Privett, Virginia Rhodes, Robbie .TE'an Ruby and Rut,h. Walke1·.

Mrs. Ganus Entertains Tri Kappa Club Members Sunday night, Feb. 23, the Tri Kappas were entertained with a bunking party given by their sponsor, Mrs. Cliff Ganus. The party started at 9:30. sides looking at television, the girls roasted mars·hmallows, pop. popcorn and made chocolate fudge. A pancake breakfast was serv· ed the next morning. The meal was prepared by the new mem. hers of this school year. Those presnt were: Camille Anderson, Shirley Bird– salJ, Sue Chapman, Alta Cheek, Lois Coburn, Yvonne Davis, Mary ELla Grady, Oleta Garner, Vir· glnia Rhodes, Robbie Jean Ruby, Joan Bridges, Eileen Hoover, June Adams, Mary Ruth Herren, Kath· z-yn Privett and Ruth Walker. Secretary Vacancy The Tri Kapps social club re· cently elected Yvonne Davis sec– retary-treasurer to fill the office left vacant by Merle Garrett, who has transferred to Lou.lslana Tech.

mp e Tri-Kappa Outing Monday morning, April 20, the Tri-Kappas left for Camp TClhko– dah and arrived there at 10 Q'clock. Boat riding, mountain climbing, pitching horse~hoes, playing basketball, tennis, and croquet were the means of en· rertainment during t'he day. Lunch was served at 12 o'clock. The mPnu consisted of sofl drinks, weiners, buns, potato salad potato chips, pickles, and ice cream with chocolate syrup. Tri Kapp:ls a·nd their elates _., were: Sue Chapman, John T. Moore; Shirley Birdsall, Don See; Alta Cheek, Ken Shewmaker; Virginia RhodE's, Winfred Wright; Lois Coburn, Marvin Noble; Mary Etta Grady, Harry Olree; Ruth Walker, Bobby MillCJ·; 'KaH1rcn Privett, Glen Olbricht; Robbie Jean Ruby, Leonard Hall; Betty Helm, Tom Nelson; Florence White, Ralph Hartman; Ortcll Armstrong, Jim McAuley; Gracie McReynolds, Bob Coburn; JunE' Adams, Herman Starling; Olei·a Garner, MH.;:e Moor.:~; Mary Ruth Herren, Alfred ''Pel'e" Petrich; Joan Bridges, Sam Haynes; Camille Anderson, Eugene Mor– ris; Eileen Hoover, Wil Good· here; Yvonne Davis, Gerald Lo·\g. Tri-Kappa Club Meets, Discusses Outing Plans Saturday night, April 11, the Tri-Kappas met to discuss amend· ment of their constitution and plans for their outing. Several articles were added to the con– stitution, and the Tri-Kappas d{ cided that their emblem, the key, would stand for everlasting

"Kingdom Under The Sea" Is Theme Of Tri Kappa BanquetAt Rendezvous T rl Kappa's "Kingdom Under the Sea banquet was held lasl night in the Rendf~zvous E'lue Room a 7 p.m.. Higl1lighting the af· .fair was the crowning ol' the king and queen of the sea ldngdom. Marine decorations such as ilsh, seaweed, shells and coral wei·e. arranged over the I'00!1l and rabies. A ttec.sure chest iilled with "jewels oi lhe deep" was pl<tcc·d on lhe thron e whicl1 was in whi·te. The mol if of the banquet was carried out by the acquarian dec– orations adorning the tables which were arranged in an "U'' shape. The programs were star– fish, and shell nut cups and pl<H~e cards marked each guest's plac''· The invocation was given by Clifton L. Ganus, Jr. Gracie :VIc– Reynolds, president of Tri Ka]Jp welcomed members and gues~!'.; and the response was presented by Bob Coburn. Charles Pitnc~r was speaker. A marine menu consisted of U·uit or the snell, tossed seavverd. und~rsea nor-als, octopus arm<;, sea biscuits and whale blubbP.r, Neptune's nectar and ocean ioam. Background music was p layrt\ during the dinner. Sailor Lyons directed "Fisl1ey Chorus" which present· ed two numbers, "Hole in the Bottom of the Seal' and '•Down Under." Joan Bridges played a plano solo, "Pastorale." A vocal solo, "Deep River.'' was sung by Mary Ruth Herrin. A "surprise" number, 1'We Are the Fishel' Girls," was done by the cntlrr: T ri Kappa club. The king and queen were chosen by a traditional drawing J\eld after the dinner. Cliff Ganus crowned Mike Moore a n d Alta Cheek, K i,n g Neptune an4 Queen Mermaid of the "King· dt>Wtt Under the Sea." They then teigned over the remaining part ot•the banquet. T ri Kappa members and their dates present were Gracie Mc– nolds, Bob Coburn; R uth Walker, J ohnny T hornton; Mary Ett:l Grady, Don Brown; June Adams, F anell T ill; Alta Clwek, MiJ;:e Moore; Joan Br)dges, Tommy :r-,1erritt; Oleta Garner, Gene Rainey; Eileen Hoo ver, Ch oate; Camille Anderson, Eu· gene Mon·is ; Ortell Armstrong, Hollis Maynard; Virginia Rhodes, Billy Forrest Howell; Sue Chap– :man, Richard Salmon; Lois Co· b urn, Roy Hisley; Florence W h ite, Bob An(]erson; Mary Rulli H errin, Andy R itchie; 'Cvonne vis, I<en nf'th F ox; Kathryn vert, Glen Olbricht and Hobby with Leonard Hall Guests Cliff and Louise G;nus and and Mary Pitner.

Tri-Kappa Club Presents Fashions In Spring Style Show Thursday The Tri-Kappa soc:ial club presented a Sl¥le show in chapel Thursday showing the latest creations for sprjng !rom Searcy dress shops and clothing store . The stage was decorated to rep. resent a t·errace, and it was ar– ranged with garden furniture, s hrubb<:>ty, plants and even a fish pond. Mrs. W. B. West and Mrs. C. L. Ganus acted as hostesses for -the "garden party," and Elleen Hoover served punch to the mem– bet·s of the party. Pat Rowe was narra t•Jr during the presentation of the spri ng appal'Pl by the models. Mo'dcls in the fashion show were: Bt''tty Berry, Betty Turbyfill. Louise White, Jane Russell, Joann Seay, Pat Copeland, Peggy Strother and Betty Helm. Nancy McDaniel, Martha Clay. ton, Johnice Young, Marilyn Price, Robbie Jean Ruby, Bon– nie McAdams, Corrine Russell, Polly Mangrum, Jean Robinson, Carolyn graves and Martha Burns complete · the list. •· Esc.Jrts of the models were: ~ Charles Pittman, Wayne Davis, Richard Salmon, Bill Summitt Dicky BLtrt and Don See. ' Betty Helm Initiated Into Tri-Kappa Club · The Tri-Kappa club had initiation Saturday night for Betty Helm at the home of their sponsor, Mrs. Cliff Ganus. Detty was presented with a yel· low chrysanthemum by Ortel Arrnstr·ong, and af!('r taking hrr t:lub vows, she was presenlt'd with the emblem. pmposr, hy Florence While. Re!reshmcnts. o.f cak<:> decorat– ed with the Tri-Kappa emblem a nd cherry punch were served. After the initiation plans for lh chlb 0\1-tlng ,\•e1·c dlsc'u ,:; d. Those pre nt were: G1•acle MoRt>ynolds, Cam111e Anderson, Florence White, Orlel Armstrong, Mary Ruth Herren, June Adams, Shirley Birdsall, Sue Chapman, :Virginia Rhodes, Lois Coburn, Betty Helm and Kathryn Privett. ~~ .:,<./ )i~ ~~~ (!.,_{_.~ ~

Reid Bush Is High With 18 Points ,.. MAY 6 - Reid Bush racked up a to tal of 18 points in 'the Pole vault: 'Blankenship (9' track and field event:; today as second, Olbricht and Mack he led the Independents to an Indcpcndcn t <tie ) ; ' easy victory over the remaining Lehman Ha 11, Mohicans. contenders. The Independents Girl's 220 yard walk: Williams went for a total of 471,~ points '05 ) ; second, Be l ly Helm. Triwhilc the next contending Koino: third, Schoolfie.lcl, Orne· ": nia. club could only produce 27.1 Phi; and fourth, Oleta Garpo 'n :s. Bn.~ h ;;J:;o s r:t « new rec- Tri Kappa. or:·or J <1~; /l (• 1vcni ov:: c tlie G' 1.:." Rela.y: Indepcncleut (1 l'"'l ;, in the itiR'1 ju rnp event 'lo ), Bush, Walt. Nelms, Har· D;;tter the old record of 5' 8" and Hanes; second, Sub·T pra·1tousJy held by Hu!fh R hodes. third, Lambda Sigma; and . Bush, in xaeking 'up his 18 Mohicans. poin ts, finished .first in the high 220 Hda.y: Tri Kappa j~p, breaa jump, and helped lta Cheek, Grady. Herrin bnng his team in ilrst 1n the 880 race McReynolds; second yard relay. He finished second '""'--·-- Phi. i~ the 100 yard dash, shot put and Broad ,Jump: Bush (El' 8"); , h1s team came in second in the second, Hall; third, Davidson; ; mi le relay. and fourth, Olbrich!. and Hall, . Don Brown came in 5e,:ond for Sub-T tie ). Iscoring honors with 151,~ points 1.00 ;rani low hurdles: Hall ~or the Koinonias. Brown fin- ('J 3 ); second, Davidson; ished first in 'the 100 yard dash Olbl'ich ; and f ourth, Harness. a t '10.8 to better his last year Girl's Broad Jump: . Burton mark of '12. He also finished (13' 9'1 ) ; second, Birdsall, Tri firs t ln the shot put with 43' 9" Kappa; thlrcl, McGinnis; +~o ~ "-"a ..~ ---' -'-· -- • ,_ •n~ ~ ' fourth, Williams. • Koinonia; second Richesin, Mohicans; third, Olan Hanes, High ,Jump: Bush lli' ' ~"); secIndependent; fourth, Verlin ond, Olbrich t · third. SummHt, Tri Sigma 'Delta; fourth Glen Vaughn Galaxy. Burgess, Lambda S igma; Richard 100 ~·a.rd dil·S11: Brow!l ('10.8), Salmon , Koinonia; Davidson, second, Bush. Inde- Ritchie and Hall llicL third, C. L. Cox, Sub-T Girl's Base Hun: Mary I3urns ' and fourth, Andy R- · ' ('la.3 ) , Omega Phi; secoJHI. Bur. a ter Sodalis. ton; !tbJrcl, Adams, Tri 1\appa.; and four! h, Williams. l\lilc Run: Hi cllcsin second, ·Bobby Camp, dent; third, l<.usano, Sigma; (tie) fourth, Jimmy Al· len, Indcpenrlcnt. Girl's SoHba.n Throw: Norma Crosby C157' l, Las Companeras; second, Margan;!. Austin, Ju Go Ju; third , Bet ty Jo Harmon, He· gina; fomtll, Darbara WJ-TC. I Discus : .Leona rd Hall second, Lehman Hall; third, 01· bricht; fourth, mankenship. 440 yard n~lay: Independents ('54), Harness, N elm><. Camp, and Hanes; second, Snh-T Hi; third, Frater Sod<1las; Iourlh, Mohicans. Girl's 440 yarll relay: Tri Kap– pa (1 '10.B1; second, Omcgil Phi; thin!, Wl-TC. l\lile l\.rJn.:y: Lunhda Sigma (4 '23), Norman Hughes, Kusano, Devereaux Jarrett. ancl Max Billlard; s econd , Independents; third, Koinonia; iourih, Suh·T. Alpha Psi Omega Presents Awards Alpha P~i Omega, h'onorary dramatic: fraternity at Harding College, anrl t.he Campus Players recently <tnnounccd th e dr<lmatic aw<1J'd.s of l.lw YCcJ.r. Alpha P s i awaJ.Tls WCLII to ,J<Jck l'Jummcr, Livcrpo<!l, N . Y. , best actor; Eileen S nurc. Hamilton, Ont., Ca n.. bes t a ctress ; Mere· clith Thorn . .H.o cl, port, Ill., best character actor; Ruby Lee Ellis, Augusta, best character actress; and Charles Pit'tman. Memphis, best. backstage worJ.;er. These awards arc based on specific roles of meritious quality and specific servic~o~ or productions equally notable. The Campus Players. student dramatic organiz<Jtio~1. made the following awa rds on the basi;-; of gr:neral cxccllcn cc in dramatic war!.::: Best CJd or. Ray \>\'right of Memphis ; best actress. Pat Rowe of Birmingham , Ala.; best backstage worker, lV!3ry Etta G1·ady of Beedeville; and to the director of th r. hcst one-act play. Benny Holla mL of Harlingen, Tex. Meda Is W L'l'!' prf'scntecl Tlwsc awards arc I ~ Grace tylcReynolds To Wed Robert Coburn Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert McRey– nolds of DeRidder, La., announce the engagement of their daugh– ter, Grace, to Robert Lcro:r Co· burn, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Coburn of Graton, Calif. Miss McReynolds, a junior, is president of the Kappa Kappa Kappa social club, May Queen Nominee ami is maJoring in his· tol'V. ir{ Coburn, <dso n junior. is secretary-tTcasul'('r o.t t?w Alp}la Phi Kappa social club an active member of Future Teachers' of America and a swd;:m1 preschcr. He is majo1·ing in Bible. Plans for thr wedding arc, as


tor Shirley ~~II Announces taff Positions Of 1953~54 Petit Jean The 1953-54 Petit Jean t>taff positions were announced week by Editor_llliirleY'dsall. Miss Birdsall, a senior New Orleans, La., and N'orman Hughes, a senior from iew Fla., were chosen ,editor and business manager last by t he Junior class. According to Miss Birdsall, assist– ant editor a nd assistant business m anager will be elected at a late·· dat e by the Junior class. Staff Members Dr. Joe Pryor is faculty adviso:· of the Petit Jean staff, and the other staff members are: Harvey Starling, sports editor ; Sue Hart, copy editor:; Mer edith Thorn, art editor; Thelma Harmon, organization editor; J1lne Claxton, faculty editor; Pat R()we, cl ass edi– tor, and Dot Goodwin, high school editor. Jim Mahaffey will serve tography editor and John sports photographer. Simco To Print The 1954 Petit Jean will be print– ed by Simco Color Press, Inc., Ok– lahoma City, Okla. Portraits wer e made by Dan Glenn Studio, Flor– ence, Ala. The Petit Jean ;vill be sent to press March 15. and is sch eduled to appear May 7. Alta Luna Cheek, president; Mary Etta Grady, vice-president; Artell Armstrong, secretary - treasurer; Ka thryn Privitt, reporter; Mary Ruth Herrin; Mrs. Cliff Ganus, spananniversary Thursday night with a get-to-gether-dinner in the dining hall. Club sponsor, Mrs. Cliff Ganus, joined the group and served them the annual birthday cake. Entertainment followed cart reception room where the girls joined in games led by Ortell Arm– strong. Present were: Alta Cheek, Mary Etta Grady, Virginia Rhodes, Robbie Jean Ruby, Ortell, Betty, Shirley Birdsall, Yvonne Davis, Gracie McReynolds, Kathryn Privett, June Adams, Mary Ruth Herrin, Camille Anderson , Lois and Mrs. The Ganus' home was the scene of the Tri Kappas meeting Saturday night, Jan. 9. Shirley Birdsall was elected as the club nominee for May Queen. Following the business meeting, Alta Cheek and Kathryn Privett served refreshments to the Miss Herren Engaged To Alfred H. Petrich Miss Mary Ruth Herren's engage– ment to Alfred H. Petrich, is an– nounced by Mrs. Flossie Herren, Paragould. Mr. Petrich is the son of Mrs. Bertha Petrich, New York, N.Y. Miss Herren is a sophomore ma– joring in elementary education, and a member of the Tri-Kappa social club. Mr. Petrich is a Galaxy social club science major. The wedding will be an event of late August. Who's Who List)ing Honors Ten Students; One Junior, Miss Sutherlin, Is Honored By lUARGARET AUSTIN This week brought honors to nine Harding seniors and one junior as t'he office of Dean L. C. Sears released the list of students elected to Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges. They were chosen by the faculty from a list of 24 names submitted by the Student Council Association. Selection to Who's Who is based on scholarship standing and con– tribution to Harding life. The win– ners will be listed in a bound vol– ume of nation-wide campus leaders. Those in the Who's Who spotlight are Shirley Birdsall, New Orleans, La.; Danny Brown, Searcy; Norman Hughes, Crestview, Fla. ; Mary Lou Johnson, Stockton, Calif.; Cecil May, Jr., Memphis, Tenn.; Owen Olbricht, Searcy; Charles Pittman, Memphis, Tenn.; Pat Rowe, Birmingham, Ala.; Jane Sutherlin, Searcy; and Mary Ann Whitaker, Memphis, Tenn. Thumbnail Sketches Miss Birdsall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Alton Birdsall, was secretary - treasurer of her junior class. She is a member of Tri-Kap– pa social club and editor of the Pet– it Jean. A social science major and an English minor, Miss Birdsall wants to do library work after graduation. Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Brown, is a Bible and Biblical Lan– guages major. He had the highest scholastic level at Harding College in 1952. Brown plans to preach after graduation. Hughes, Student Association pres– ident, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Hughes. He is a member of Lo.mbda. Sigm:o< ~oci"l club and was a member of small chorus his first three years. A general science ma– jor and Bible minor, he plans to teach after graduation. Hughes is also business manager of the Petit Jean. Miss Johnson, daughter of Mrs. A. W. Peterson, is a speech major and English minor. She is a mem– ber of Gata social club, Campus Players, and Alpha Psi Omega. She plans to teach after graduation. May, son of Cecil R. May, Sr., is majoring in Biblical Languages and minoring in Bible. He is a member of Sigma Tau Sigma, Campus Play– ers, Alpha Psi Omega, Poetry Forum, and the Bison staff. After graduat– ing, he plans to t each in a Chris– tian schooL Olbricht, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Olbricht, is president of the sen– ior class. He is a speech major and a voice minor. He is a mem– ber of Alpha Phi Kappa social club, small chorus, band, and glee club. Olbricht plans to preach after grad– uation. Pittman, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pittman, is a Bible a nd English major. He is a member of Galaxy social club, Campus Plays, and Alpha Psi Omega. He plans to preach. Miss Rowe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rowe, is a member of Gata social club, Campus Players, and Alpha Psi Omega. She is a speech major and an English and psychology minor. Miss Whitaker, daughter of Mrs. B. T. Whitaker, is editor of the Bi– son. She is majoring in English and journalism and minoring in his– tory. She is a member of Regina social club, small chorus, girls' sex– tet, and girls' glee club. Only Junior The only junior on the list, Miss Sutherlin, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sutherlin. An Eng– lish major and speech mnnor, she is a member of Ju Go Ju social club, Campus Players, and Bison staff. Honor student last year, Miss Sutherlin was recipient of a Ganus Scholarship. Miss Sutherlin will be editor of the Petit Jean next year.

All-Girl Tea Honors New Students In Blue Room Of Rendezvous Cafe The Blue Room at the Rendezvous was the setting ·for the all-girls' tea las_t Sunday afternoon at three o'clock. Each girl was greeted by Mrs. P1ckens, dean of women. Social club members and sponsors were also on hand to meet the guests. Mrs. Floren~e Cathcart and Mrs. J. N. Armstrong presided at the beautifully decorated tea table. Other decorations in the banquet room carried out the fall motif. En– tertainment under the direction of mistress of ceremonies Jeanne Bankston, was presented at four in the banquet rt>om. The program was varied, featuring a vocal trio by Darleene Rhodes, June Woods, and Nancy McDaniel, who sang "I Dream of You." Robbie Jean Ruby and Camille Anderson joined their talents in a piano duet, "Doll Dance." Dramatic monologues by Marian Rawlings and Mary Lou Johnston added to the enjoyment of all. Hawaiian numbers were played by Bebe Daniels on her Hawaiian gui– tar, and Jeanne Bankston gave a reading in "Punctuation." Mrs. Pickens was presented to the group and spoke to them biefly concerning social clubs, especially emphasizing that all clubs have their good points. Bids will go regular mail. A short business meeting snd general work session was the Tri– Kappa's agenda for their meeLing Saturday at the Ganus'. The even– ing was topped off with cup cakes and tea served by hostesses-, Ortell Armstrong and Betty Helm. sponsor. Mary Ann Whitalter, president welcomed all members and Ann Dean, vice-president, read a orief history of the Club. The pledges received red rose corsages; and, after they had completed initia– tion, all members enjoyed refresh– ments of spiced tea and cake. Mrs. Pate and Mrs. Burgess from Flor– ence, Ala. , were guests at the in– itiation. Gata "Muds" entertained the old members Saturday night w).th a Halloween party at the W. B. West home. All came in costume and "Chef" Martha "Mud" Allen and the other seven pledges served Chi– nese f6od to the 12 old member;s, -sponsor-, Mrs. Jeanette Baggett, and guest, Mrs. Ann Sewell. Also Saturday night the Tri ~as met at the- Ganus' sented a short skit in which they impersonated their pledge masters as they saw them during pledge W9k ' The Tri Sigma Delta's traveled to Murphey's lake Sunday night to initiate 10 new members into the club. Members and pledges of Cavalier social club held a stag out– ing at Bee Rock Monday night. The pledges served up a meal of fried !ish to members and sponsor, James Davis. Club reporters, don't forget to turn in your club news by Tuesday morning if you want it to go in the Bison. tliett fQtmal lnitiatian. the initiation· the new members pre-

BEDAZZLING BEAUTIES - Voters next week will have a hard time deciding between these three beauties, finalists for the honor of queen of the Petit Jean, coU, ge annual They are (1. to r.) Jerry Ches– shir, Mary Ann Tonkery, and Betty Helm. Final Voting Held On Claims Of Three To Title Of Queen Of 1954Petit Jean By MARGARET AUSTIN Final voting came yesterday on the claim of three campus beauties to the title of queen of the Petit J In a preliminary election held in chapel Jan. 8, the student body summoned Jerry Chesshir, Betty Helm, and Mary Ann Tonkery from the ranks of fellow candidates to the honor of finalists. The final run-off was held yes~ terday in chapel, the results of which will not be revealed until the Petit Jean is dedicated in the spring. At that time two of the finalists will relinquish their claim to the title of queen and serve maids. ' Candidate Sketches Miss Chesshir, the Delta Iota can– didate, is a junior from Nashville. A member of the WHC club, she is majoring in home economics. Miss Helm, the nominee of the Sigma 'Tau Sigma club, is a junior from Wenatches, Wash. She is a member of the Kappa Kappa Kappa club and is majoring in elementary education. Miss Tonkery is the candidate of the Alpha Phi Kappa club. She is a senior from Fairmont, W. Va., a member of the WHC club, and is a history major. The vote count was not revealed by annual editor, Shirley BirdsalL In the election the finalists won over nine other candidates, all nom– inate(!]. by men's social clubs. More Voting Next Week Other elections, best all-around and favorites, will be held next week, according to Miss Birdsall. The student council will nominate six boys and six girls to run for best all-around hono'rs. · The selec– tion of class favorites will be by write-ins on the ballots. McDaniel, Richards, Crosby In May Finals By ELTA STARLING Rain, nsow, sleet, and cold were forgotten yesterday as 13 cam– pus beauties brought a foreshadowing of fairer days to come and the annual spring May Fete, sponsored by the Ju Go Ju ·social club. Coming out victorious in preliminary voting were two juniors and a senior - Barbara Richards, N Crosby, and Nancy McDanieL The three 'finalists were chosen from candidates from each of the 13 girls' socia· ciubs by popular vote during chapel yesterday. Final voting will come, at a later date with the queen to be crowned May 1. The two remaining can– didates will serve RS attendants to the queen. Miss Richards, president and Ju Go Ju candidate, is a junior from Cleveland, Tenn. She is majoring in business. . Miss McDaniel is a home econom– ics major from West Point, Ga. Nominee of the WHC club she is classified as a senior. Miss Crosby, the La Companeras representative, is a junior from Pangburn. Her major is home eco– nomics. Ila Vern Crews and Melba Sands were chosen as high school attend– ants for the queen. Jamie Stanford was the other high school candidate for position as attendant to the queen. Miss Crews is a representa– tive of the Sub Deb club, Miss Stan– ford, a S.T.A.R. nominee, and Miss Sands, a candidate of the K.A.T. club. ' Other candidates and their clubs Joreta West, Gata; Shirley Bird– sall,' Kappa Kappa Kappa; Bobbie Murphy, M.E.A.; Thelma Harmon, Oege; J ennie Schoollield, Onu!ga Phi; Hazel Stroud, Phi Delta; Mary Ann Whitaker, Regina; Bonnie Mc– Adams, Tofebt; Sara Jean Covey, Delta Chi Omega; and Sue Hart, HHH. Plans for the Man Day event are not yet complete, Jane Sutherlin, May fete director, said. The court will be chosen at a later date also, Miss Sutherlin stated.

T ri-Kappas Banquet 'AlongMilky Way' ,4 Tri-Kappas and their dates spent an evening among the stars, as they sailed "Along the Milky Way," Sat– urday evening at their annual ban– quet at the R®dezvous. The atmosphere was created with a fluffy angel hJUr milky way sprinkled with silver stars. The Rocket Ship "KKK" enhanced the b8ll,lluet room as it stood ready for its flight to the large full moon gleaming from one corner. Nutcup~ in the form of the little dipper, place cards of gold rocket ships, and blue and silver moons for programs were part of the dec– orations. After the invocation by Clifton Ganus, all were welcomed by Alta Cheek, president of the club. Ralph Hartman gave the response, and guest speaker was Burton Coffman. Ortell Armstrong was mistress of ceremonies. The program featured Mary Ruth Herren and Al Petrich in a duet, "It's Only a Paper Moon." The "Moonbeams'; with Virginia Rhodes as soloist sang "I See the Moon." Loony the Limmerist (Betty Helm) from PlutO read some fam– ous limmerics and "U, Ewe, You" was presented by the man in the moon, assisted by Homer and Jeth– ro. Sam Hanes' vocal solo, "Star– dust," completed the program. He was accompanied by Joan Bridges._. Those attending were: Ina Swan, Jack Meredith; Shirley Birdsall, Meredith Thorn; Ortell Armstrong, Benny Bristow; Jo Ann Seay, Ronald Bever; Mary Ruth Herren, Al Petrich; Betty Helm, Vic– tor Lloyd; June Adams, Herman Starling; Marjorie Moreland, Carroll Bennett; Betty Williams, Owen Mor– phls; Nelda Hitt, Charles Rich. Yvonne Davis, Joe Lewis; Rob-' hie Jean Ruby, Leonard Hall; Vir– ginia Rhodes, Gil Truitt; Patsy Prev– ett, Maurice Baldwin; Lois Coburn, Bob ·Purdom; Camille Anderson, J. W. Collins; Mary Etta Grady, Owen Olbricht; Alta Luna Cheek, Ralph Hartman; Kathryn Privett, Glenn Olbricht. Grace McReynolds, Bob Coburn; Joan Bridges, Sam Haynes; Mr. and Clifton Ganus, and Mr. and Mrs. Burton Coffman.

Soph Girls Win Softball Tourney The sophomores are the 1953 girls class tournament champions. They copped the bunting two weeks ago with an unladylike battering of the seniors. The score was 14-l. Gracie Fry applied the crush<;r in the form of two circuit blows that accounted for seven runs. June Adams was the only senior abTe to penetrate the tough second– year defense. The champs reached the final bracket by outlasting the juniors, 17-14, in a wild and wooly session. And once again Fry crashed through with a home run. The seniors got to the round by virtue of a 17-3 win over the green and undermanned frosh. Gracie McReynolds, Pat Fogarty, Charlene Holcomb and Marty Willis all clubbed round-trippers. And for the freshmen Barbara Neal and Dot Callahan got a two– baser each. ladies Pick 12 for All-Star T earn Call it feminine intuition if you will, but the girls got together this week and came up with what ap– pears to be from every angle, the cream of the crop. A squad of 12 talented young ladies compose the squad of Harding's Women Intra– mural All-Stars. Mary Etta Grady, otherwise known as "Red," will handle the elusive slants of Gracie McRey– nolds, all-star pitcher. Myrna French gets the first base with a season of exper– ienced play behind her. At s~cond Gracie Fry gets the decision down. Alta Cheek garnered the short– - p osit iOn' with a minimum of competition, capturing the sp?t handily. Betty Floyd at third base rounds out the infield, with the ex– ception of Marty Austin as utility Tri Kappas Gather For Evening of Fun In Cathcart Kitchen infielder. Clara Nell Waters in left field, Norma Crosby in center, and Gin– ger Benson and Nadine Pate in right field compose the quartet feminine flychasers to leg the outer regions. Miss Benson and Miss Pate tied for the position. Wilma Campbell gets the vote for utility outfielder. An evening of fun was spent in the Cathcart kitchen Sunday night by members of the Tri Kappa club. Miss Privett To Wed Mr. Glenn Olbrich+ ' With master cornpoppers June Adams and Grace McReynolds on the job, the girls soon devoured "tons" of popcorn. But this was only the beginning. Under the di– rection of capable JoAnn Seay and Virginia Rhodes, delicious squares of rice crispy candy were soon ready to undergo the same treatShirley Birdsall, June Adams, Patsy Previtt, Virginia Rhodes and Camille Anderson provided enter– tainment just by learning to play, "Do as I do," while Yvonne Davis, Lois Coburn, and Betty Helm showed the girls "How to Kiss the Piepan." Tri-Kappa members present for the gala affair were Marjorie t1ore– land, June Adams, Yvonne Davis, Lois Coburn, Betty Helm, Alta Cheek and Nelda Hitt. Pat~y Previtt, JoAnn Seay, Ca– mille Anderson, Shirley Birdsall, Ortell Armstrong, Grace McReynolds Ina Swan, Kathryn Privett, Virginia Rhodes and Betty Williams comple– ted the party members. Mrs. Oneta Privett, Damascus, an– nounces the engagement of her daughter, Kathryn, to Glenn 01bricht, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Olbricht, Searcy. Miss Privett, a junior at Hard– ing, is majoring in elementary edu– cation. She is reporter for the Tri– Kappa social club and is secretary of the FTA. ' Mr. Olbricht, Hr.rding '53, is now doing graduate work at Harding. He is a member of Alpha Phi Kappa social club and the Harding band. The wedding '~ill be in August. All-Star Players Chosen by Girls All~taJ·s were chosen Wednesday by all the girls who played basket– ball throughout the year. Sixteen pfuyers were submitted by each girl, and. the winners were an– noutlced by Mary Etta "~ed" j;rady, The girls who made the all-star team. were forwards: Myrna F.rench Gracie Fry, Betty Ann Floyd, Jea~ :Ray Gower, Delores McBride, Gracie McReiYnnldll, and ''Relf' Gr!Uly. The guards were Etta Starllng, Peggy Futrell, Margaret Austin, -Alene Shemaker, Benny Anny Ponder. ~~§o.k, Barbara Jbhnson and Martha Clayton. · The girls have been divided into two teams and the all-star game will be played at night. Admission will be charged for this game and aU Harding students are invit~d to com.e out and see some real good basketball playing by lo qualified girls. Nine Are Accepted IntoHonor Society Fom senio1·s and five juniors be initiated into the Alpha next week at a formal Norman Hughes stated this Membership in the honor is based on scholarship. A 3.5 average is required for seniors a 3.7 average for juniors. Danny Brown, Cecil May, Ann Whitaker and Janet breder make up the senior list. The juniors are Bob Brown, Glen– da Givens, Yvonne Davis, Stevens and Jane Sutherlin. Bob Brown is an English from Atlanta, Texas, and plans preach. Jane Sutherlin, Searcy, English major, a member of the Go Ju club, editor of the '55 Jean and is among the students Who's Who. Yvonne Davis, an English from El Dorado is a member of KKK social club, and plans to tea Carol Stevens. a business rna from Judsonia, is a member of W.H.C. social club Glenda Givens from Texas, is a math and major. Danny Hrown, a Bible major from Orange, Texas, plans to preach. Cecil ~ay, Biblical language ma– jor !rom Memphis, Tenn., is a mem– ber of Sigma Tau Sigma, and Alpha Psi Omega. Mary: Ann Whitaker, an English– Journalism major from Memphis, is a Regina and Who's Who. Janet Heidbreder, an English ma– jor from Piggot, plans to teach.

The annu;l Track and Field day held on the campus May 6 and the night of May 7, saw the Mo– hicans have a scalping party, run– away with the laurals by amassing 49 points, to be far ahead of their nearest opponents, the Koinoinas, by nearly 20 points. This mar– gin was one of the highest ever recorded in the Harding Annals. The Mohicans were ahead by only few points when they went into the mile relay, but by win– ning this event they went on to win the meet. Norman Dykes along with Phillips was the main stay of the winners. He won the 440 yd. dash, and placed in the 110 and 220 yd dashes. Owen Olbricht of the Alpha Phi Kappas was high point man with 16 followed by Phillips with 15. In the 11,0 yd dash, t}l.e winner was Don Johnston (Sub T-16) in the time of 10.7 se'Conds. Placing second was Don Brown (Koincm– las) Brown then turned around and won the 220 yd dash In the time of 25.1. Dykes, alt:er pla9ing third in the 110, came in second to start off the competition be– tween these two clubs. The gruelling 440 yd dash saw Dykes come in first. His time was 55 seconds flat. Phillips came right in behind him to put the Mohi– cans ahead in the fight lor first place. · Phillips again came through with a win in the 880 yd. run. He came in in frgnt of BIDy Ray Harper (Frater Sodalis) , and his tim.e was 2:20.6. Phillips again turned the trick in the mile run. T.his time he was in front of H~mjler, break– ing the tape at 5:6.2. In the relays, the Koinonias won two out of three to go ahead in this field. A team composed of Don Brown, Byron Futrell, Tom Ruck– er, and Darrell Hickman register– ed a time of 49.8 in the 440 yd relay. Also in this double relay the same team won with a time of 1:41.5. The mile relay was won by the Mohicans vAth a time of 4:9. Their team was oompased of Will Good– be-er, Hollis Maynard, Phillips and Dykes. In the field events, the pole vault ended in a three Y~aY tie. Hickman, Ken Mallernee (.APK) and Reid Bush (Ind.) all register– ed a height of 9'6". The broad jump saw Lehman Hall (Mohican) come in first with a distance of 17' 9 one-half inches. Bush came in second in this event. In shot put Koinonia Don Brown putted the shot through the air to the distance of 41'3". Olbricht placed second. Olbricht turned to the and sailed it througb the a1r to land 120' 4''. Coming in second was Leonat:d Hall. The high jump was taken by Bush with a distance of 5 10 one-hal! inches, and 01bricht came in second. Olbricht again came in first with a time of 14.7 in the 1:z<l yd low hurdles. Lehman Hall came in behind 01bricht. The girls had a day too, Mary Burton, Betty Floyd the' Tri-Kajlpas qame in first. standing in this department Lora Ann Oliver. 100 yd. dash Mary Burton (Delta Chi) 13.6 Lora Ann Oliver (Reg) Bar Johnson (WHC) Katie Sampson (WHC) 50 yd dash Mary Burton (Delta Chi) Lora A. Oliver (Reg) Margie McGinnis Gracie McReynolds Base running Mary Burton (Delta Chi) 13.4 June Adams (KK) 13.9 Lora A. Oliver (Reg) 14.2 Gracie McReynolds (KKK) 14.2 440 yd relay WHC KKK 220 yd relay WHC Delta Chi Omega KKK FINAL STANDINGS KKK 17 1-2 Delta Chi Omega 16 Regina 10 1-2 WHC 9 Omega Phi 2 Petit. Jean State Park's scenic beauty and recreational facilities furnished the Tri-Kappa's and their dates a perfect spot for their spring outing. Leaving the campu.s early last Monday; ·morning, the group break– fasted "on the way" on donuts and milk as they jogged along in a truck. After a morning of hiking and exploring, a· picnic lunch was served to the hungry couples. The lunch began with baked ham, potato sal– ad, ba1ted beans, lettuce and toma– toes, oold drinks, and was climaxed with a special treat, ice cream topped with fresh strawberries. Boating, fishing and more hiking were among the activities on the agenda for the afternoon. The date list was as follows: Ortell Armstrong, Bob Claunch; Jo Ann_ Seay Stan Shewmaker; Alta Cheek, .Ralph Hartman; Cam– ille Anderson, Burl Hogans; Mary Etta Grady, Ken Shewmaker; Kath– erine Privett, Glenn Olbricht; Patsy Pr'evett, Ray Wtlburn. Lois Coburn, John Engles; Betty Helm, Wesley Bentley; Grace Mc– Reynolds, Bob Coburn; Betty Wil– liams, Buddy Phillips; Marjorie Moreland. Paul Clark; Virginia Rhodes, Edsel Hughes, Robbie Jean Ruby, Ken Mallernee; Ina Swan, Jack Meredith; June Adams, Her– man Starling; and sponsors Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Berryhill. Grace McReynolds Is Regina Award Winner Grace McReynolds, DeRidder, La., was presented with the Regina so– cial club's Senior "Spirit" awarci in the college chapel Wednesday. In present~ ijle award, Mary Ann Whitaker president of the Re– gina •social club, descriped Miss,Me– Reynolds as a JlerS9n possessing the qualities of "good moral character, loyalty, seroce and a quality which does not· come easy to many of u.s, the quality of humility." The a'ward is presented each year by the Regina club -to the senior who most typifies the spirit of Har– ding College. The recipient is !!j!}ee– ted by the Senior c.lass. Miss McReynolds, a history major, is a member of the Kappa Kappa Kappa social clubJ Hf~_rding chorale and Future Teachers of America.