Tri Kappa 1947-1955

Kap·pa Kappa Kappa· Has Formal lnitia+ion The K rtppa Kappa Kappa 'social club ini tiated eight pled~s-Saturday night, November 1,. at the 1-ionw ot' the ir sponso r. Mrs. E. R. Sta ple ton. in a i ormaJ candlc– lig hl Cl'lt:mony. Th e new member-s are Shirley Bird a ll, Merle Garrett, Janavee Rogers. Sarall Copeland, Sue C'h <, Ka t hleen Wt:inkle, Ct•a~ McRe~· nolds and Dol-'is YelEdres hments of cake, punch, uh, a nd candies were .served.