Tri Kappa 1947-1955

Three Social C!uhs Have _r~crvv Officers Tg~ -lfi:Po.Jl>J:'A The Tri-1-~::lppa's mel in Pattie Cohb Hall for a re;:u!ru· business session S.:..tu~·dtl.)' n~gilt, J(~nuary 17. Discussion \·:as held and for 8. cornil'J.g p8.rLJ'. 'l'his the first J:iec:ting pr-L·SIC!ecl over the new officer~>: _(ln~sirlen t, E liza– beth \Vm·e; vice prc,,iclent, Doro– thy Brooks; secn:tary-treasurer, · Jean Goddard; i·cportcr, EvidEcn Ihys. Rel'rcshn'.cn ts of ice and CODki<>S were SCrVCd to Ly the hostess, Anna Tahkodah Scene Of Tri -Kappa Spririg Outing With Camp Tahkodah as their destination, the Tri-Kappas and their dates left the campus by bus Monday morning at 7:30. Boat rid– ing, hiking, softball a n d games provided the day's enter– tainment. At noon the hungry picnickers devoured fried chicken, potato sal– cookies, apples, hot rolls, and 11~~!!!.1~_ Coming back on the .,:. -a-te--saiidwiches a n drank cokes. The date list included Dorothy Brooks, Howard See; Mary Lou Peck, Marvin Brook_sr; Deta Buch– anan, Cbarles WillJams; Mabel Jean Goddard, Melvin Elliot; Mar– gie Groover, Bill Williams; Evi– deen Hayes, Richard Veteto; Ethe– lyn McNutt, Alvin Moudy; Wilma Penick, L u r I y n e Richardson; Frances Ransburg, Deurien Foun– tenot; J o y c e Rowden, Winston Gower; June Taylor, Willis Chea– Wanda Wallis, Lefty Burks; Jo Walker, Hugh Newcomb; Ruth Langf<_~rd, Miss Con– stance Ford and 'Dr. E. R. Staple– ton sponsored the group. Tri-Kappa~s 1\fake Fashion Show An Annual Affair The Kappa Kappa Kappa social club announces its decision to make an annual affair of their style show as presented in chapel May 6 of this year. Dresses and ensembles provided. by local mer– chants were modeled for the aud– ience by girls from the various social clubs on the campus. Nancy Walker, Tri-Kappa president, had charge of the program and ex– plained the merits of each outfit while Maury Logue, serving as en– gineer, played soft phonograph music backstage. The dresses ranged from formals open back dresses ~~ aler~o andwere modeled by Nell Foresee, Meta.h Moe; L a Vera Novak, Gata; Rose Kathryn Reichardt, Ju Go Ju; Mabel Pet.•t:y, Omega Phi, Nedra Lumley, Regina; Betty Harper, Phi Delta; Libby Langston, Chi Omega; Rena Lutrell, Las Companeras, Mary Jo Walker, Tri– Kappa ; Sue Hogg, W. H. C.; Gwen Futrell, M. E. A.; Margaret Chaf– fin H-Club; Clotene Williams, Oe~e ; Oneta Dorris, K. A. T.; Kris Abernathy, Sub Deb; and Betty Jo Hughes, from Searcy, . , .. Local merchants p~vidiri~e dresses were J. C. Penny Co.; The Ideal Shop, Robbins-Sanford ,Mere. Co., Kroh's, apd Federated. ·