Tri Kappa 1947-1955

T ri-Kappas Banquet 'AlongMilky Way' ,4 Tri-Kappas and their dates spent an evening among the stars, as they sailed "Along the Milky Way," Sat– urday evening at their annual ban– quet at the R®dezvous. The atmosphere was created with a fluffy angel hJUr milky way sprinkled with silver stars. The Rocket Ship "KKK" enhanced the b8ll,lluet room as it stood ready for its flight to the large full moon gleaming from one corner. Nutcup~ in the form of the little dipper, place cards of gold rocket ships, and blue and silver moons for programs were part of the dec– orations. After the invocation by Clifton Ganus, all were welcomed by Alta Cheek, president of the club. Ralph Hartman gave the response, and guest speaker was Burton Coffman. Ortell Armstrong was mistress of ceremonies. The program featured Mary Ruth Herren and Al Petrich in a duet, "It's Only a Paper Moon." The "Moonbeams'; with Virginia Rhodes as soloist sang "I See the Moon." Loony the Limmerist (Betty Helm) from PlutO read some fam– ous limmerics and "U, Ewe, You" was presented by the man in the moon, assisted by Homer and Jeth– ro. Sam Hanes' vocal solo, "Star– dust," completed the program. He was accompanied by Joan Bridges._. Those attending were: Ina Swan, Jack Meredith; Shirley Birdsall, Meredith Thorn; Ortell Armstrong, Benny Bristow; Jo Ann Seay, Ronald Bever; Mary Ruth Herren, Al Petrich; Betty Helm, Vic– tor Lloyd; June Adams, Herman Starling; Marjorie Moreland, Carroll Bennett; Betty Williams, Owen Mor– phls; Nelda Hitt, Charles Rich. Yvonne Davis, Joe Lewis; Rob-' hie Jean Ruby, Leonard Hall; Vir– ginia Rhodes, Gil Truitt; Patsy Prev– ett, Maurice Baldwin; Lois Coburn, Bob ·Purdom; Camille Anderson, J. W. Collins; Mary Etta Grady, Owen Olbricht; Alta Luna Cheek, Ralph Hartman; Kathryn Privett, Glenn Olbricht. Grace McReynolds, Bob Coburn; Joan Bridges, Sam Haynes; Mr. and Clifton Ganus, and Mr. and Mrs. Burton Coffman.