Tri Kappa 1947-1955

ThP Ten·acc Hoom nf the ·:\'[,,~fair Hole! was tJ1e scene of the Kappa Ka[lpa \vint!!l' b:1nquc: !<1st Saturday night. F'ebn.m,·y 2. ':i.' '" theme of the banqact wa.3 a vL·it to olcl New Orleans. A:1 al !1111~:phere of a com· yard r·cstaur<:n1 ·was crcat'ccl by ga!'d•::n pl.'mts a:vl brown jug candle holclcJ·,:: crust·ecl with canrtle drippings . Tl!t• menu consisted of breaded veaL rTeam– cct potatoes: g·nrde.n peas. s:.llaci. cherry pie, ice crc:m'l. milk ancl cofiec. Following Jilc clinnc1·. the gJ·oup was cntcrtainccl by A1:cty T. r\it·– chie, accompanied by Mr·s. R!l– cllle, singing ''Ole l\Ja;' EjHT" and "Old .Too:· The r!igL– Jight of the 0vcn!nf! •.v.F; lhc' ·~oronation of Cecil Cox a!1d Olel:1 Garner as King anrl Queen of Mardi Gr11s. Follo\\·ing tho coro– nation, S:lr3l~ Copelu.nd g-:l\ e ;; tableau, and Clifton Ganu:; gn<.·c a brief history of the city c,f Nc\\' Orleans. Members of the club and ~l1eir guests were: Shir:cy Bird·>all. James Shear; Ei1c0n Hoover. Choate; Norma Jarr<P'd, Bob Coburn; Caro!yn Kilpalrit:l-::, Bill RobNts, Jr.; Mai·ion Busch. Jesse' Vi'illis; Grace :McHcynolcls. Harry Olrec; Florence \Vhi lc, Paul- Osburn; SJI'ah Cop,.l:lnd. Norman Hughes; I!eta-I:luch c!ni'>ll, Gerald Long; Sue Cl!apmfln. J:1ck Davis; Merle Gn.nett. 0\l'cn 01bricht; Jesse Lou Smith, AI Stevens; Camille AndPrson. Mil\c:! Moore; Alra Check, Ralph Harl– man; Yvonne Davis, Biiiy Fo1 rest How:cU; Oiela Gcn·l~2r, Cecil Cox, Mary .Etta GJ·~1dy, Rex Davis; Joo.nna Johnson. V/11J.tu· Dale. Special guc.sts w·~rc Ml'. and Mrs. Cliff Ganus ancl j'"Jr. and Mrs. Andy Ritchie.