1993-1994 Yearbook

Chemistry Club. 1st row: Sharon Welch , Vale rie McCammo n , Ian Cawich, Jamie Rideno ur , Ga rry Fi cus, Andy Chunn , Ke li Brya n , Dr. Ed Wil son (sponsor) . 2 nd row: Johnn y Kerr, Cara Lea Grego1y , Stephani e McCracken , Bill Ritze l, Je remy Paden , Brian Ha rlan, Manel y Prosser, Brooke Mall oy. 3 rd row: Clim Strong , Gig i Graham, Matt Shire!, Tricia Seibe l, Ben Kerr. Phoro by Jason Burt. School of Nursing Association. 1st row: Suza nne Fo rney, April Malek, Wendy Clo thi e r, Dawn Di ckey, Becky Wright , Ro bin M. Hill . 2nd row: Randy Uthe, Ju lie Smith, Peggy Defoure, Christy Glass , Amy Rich , Jennife r Moore . 3 rd row: Pa tri cia Smith , Lisa Hooks , Bre nda Kennedy, Ma rl y Kennedy, Che1y l Page , Stevie Wickery. 4th row: Ga il Moody, Ro be rt Burright , Ka tie Mo rris , Joa n Chandl e r, Paula Do nahue. Pho to by Jason Burt. DeVita: Biology orga ni za ti o n . I sl row: Quentin W. Rance , David Smith , Hea the r Muir, Tammy Ca ll ahan . 2nd row: Ke rry E. Young , Al an Evans , Mark Willi ams , Ange lia Ho bby, Matt He rren . Pho to by Jason Burt. ((We tried to create a link with the community) not only as nurses) but through service work. )) Sciences - Julie Smith , Harding School o f Nursing Assoc iati o n pres ident Organizati ons 189