1992-1993 Yearbook

i 0 a w -< 0 > $ 0 AGO With serving others as the club' main focus , the men of Alpha Gamma Omega spent the year doing ju t that. Fulfilling its club motto, "I Lead, I Bring or I Go ," Alpha Gamma Omega participated in various service projects which included painting houses , mowing lawns and other odd jobs. Last spring, the club visited Fairhaven Children's Home in Springfield, Missouri . Memb rs spent time with the children and were involved in everal fun activitie . Jonathan Picklesimer, club president, commented on the progress of the club over the years and said, "When I first became a member, the club was mostly made up of an older population; however, these men helped give the club a lot of character and stability. " Responding to a good pledge turnout this year, Alpha Gamma Omega tried to lead and bring about things that were both new to the community and to the university. --Jan Bonds Manhew Davis talks with friends during some free time in the R Hammond tudent Center. For students , the newly remodeled ~ student cente r was a great place to spend time between classes. AGO. 1st row: Chris Walker, Billie Brooks, Hannah Barry, Andy Norris, Chris Atkinson, Theresa Bray, Randy Bowman. 2nd row: Ri ch Roth ,Jason Ridenour,Jeff Sturm, Adam Brooks , Ray Carter, NathanM. Means , Todd ~ Wolfe, Erik D. Rubright , Cris Milner. 3rd 0 9. k 1 h row: Dere Hae, Matt ew Davis , Gabriel ~ Leonard.John Roberts,Mark Thrift, Marlowe §;i Johnston, Bryant McCall , Jason S. Brown , g Bernie McAleese , Rick Hea ly , Jonathan :r: Picklesimer. n ~ ~ Social Clubs 15 3