1963-1964 Yearbook

II GAMMA PSI. FRONT ROW: Boird, M. Waters, Pearcy, l. Waters, Devore. SECOND ROW: Stauffer, Hedrick (sponsor). Davis, Burks , Richmond, Peugh. Business and accounting students find the projrcts and programs of Pi Gamma Psi especially int rrrsting and helpful as they pursue their field , of specialization. Cluh members take several tours and enjoy the lectures of many visitors outstanding in the area of husiness and related vocations. Those memhrrs who subsequently complete C.P.A. requi remrnts are given a place of honor on a plaque purchased this year. Striving to reach professional standards of in their work, the Camera Club sprnd their spare time in individual group participation of the study of photoActivitIe' of the club this year have included IPClnsors,hip of an ali-school contest and several trips in the Searcy area. (LUI. FRONT ROW: Won, Chin. seCOND ROW: Robinson , McMurray THIRD ROW: Stauffer, Williamson, Tiner. The PEMM Club at Harding is composed of persons interes te'! in teaching physical education. health and recreation. Members belong to the American Association of llealth. Physical Education and Recreat ion. The club plans to contribute toward a girl's intramural bulletin board which will aid in the sports program designed for women. PEMM CLUB. FRONT ROW: Huff, Siler, Stanley, Blue. SECOND ROW: Haynes, Colcote, Gardner, Barnes, Shannon . THIRD ROW: Knight (sponsor). laird, Campbell, Weitkamp . FOURTH ROW: Ragsdale , Martin, Rogers , Clark. 125