1963-1964 Yearbook

DEPARTMENTAL Organizations perform functions with purpose COLHECON. FRONT ROW: Argo, McElroy, Flessner, Sh ipman , Alexander , Hall. Boyd. Mayner, Deocon . SECOND ROW: Neal , Barren , Bryon , Moore, Freeman, Cheatham, Slone. Binkl ey, Southard , Baker. THIRD ROW: Sexson , Carole Humphreys, Eddy. Wood, Denn ington , Gentry, Kinard , luke, Selby, Webb, Woif. FOURTH ROW , Well borne !sponsor). Charlotte Humphreys, Slokes, Bonnell. Binkley, Dickerson , Griffin , White, Finley, Shutts, lynxwiler, Penn . BIJITSU. FRONT ROW: Gentry, Spauld ing , Scott . SECOND ROW: Rob inson (sponsor!. Bush . Tipton . lee . THIRD ROW, Griffin , Stevens, Hoger, Hawk ins . 124 Encouraging all g irls interested in becoming more effi cient h omemakers to join Colhecon, the club members strive to develop knowledge, abilities, and ski lls which will aid them in professional , soc ial , and cultural aspects of life. Colhecon members prepared Christmas boxes for the people a t th e White County Home and Frazier Nursing Horne. A chapel program was given in October. During the sprin g semester several interesting programs wer e given by visiting speakers. An interior decora tor gave helpful hints in planning household decorations and a bridal consultant made suggestions for making a wedding less expensive. The promotion of interest and study in the visual arts is a major objection of BIJITSU. The recently-dedi ca ted a rts center in Little Rock has been but one of the outstanding places visited by interested members of thi s group . An art exhibit a t th e Delta Show in the state Capitol was of specia l interest to many of BIJITSU's members who en tered works in quest of prizes and recogn iti on. The club recently announced plans to help r edecorate the college art department.