1963-1964 Yearbook

SNEA. FRONT ROW : Blake, Shelton , Gi st , limburg , Hicks, McElroy, Penix , Mayha ll , ChesTer, Murphy, Mock , lafevors, Parham, King , Harrell , Vinson. SECOND ROW: Childers, STracke, Go rdon , Tollerson , Epperson, Archer , Wood , Eckerberg , Nea l, Kirkwright , Bentley, Engl ish , SoUThard, Middlebrooks, Deacon, Cutsha ll , Simpson, Owens. THI RO ROW: Booz, Snowden , Humphreys, Marteney, W illis , Beas ley, luke, Carter, Flippin , Martin, Bush , Gentry, l ee, Binkley, Denn ington, Smith, Stevens, Tucker , Hawks, Rachel, Selby, Hassell , Barrett. FOURTH ROW, French , Berry, Ph illips , Eddy, V iser, Osburn , Dickerson , Wi lson, Sommer, Griff in, Graddy, Shults, Finley , Tolle", Shull. Penn , McCarley, Lynxw ileJ, Swann, Ward , Eubanks , Hughes, Sewell. FIFTH ROW, Gardner, Muir, Odell , Myen, We itkamp , Bo iley , C. .Shonnon, Turley , Rika rd, Bonnell , M , Shannon , Conner, M iller, Jones, l amb, Abshire, Peebles, Kelton, Wisener, Binkl ey, Byrd, Sandlin, Summi" , (sponsor) . DEPARTMENTAL Enthusiastic members plan projects and banquet 126 Activity keynoted this year 's schedule of the Florence Ca thcart chapter of SNEA sponsored by Mrs. Maude Montgomery . Boasting the largest and most ac ti ve chapte r in the state, Harding students have elected a member to the state executive boa rd, supplied entertainment at the s tate Arkansas Educa tion Associa tion convention , given a tea for the faculty, and presented a chapel program acquainting students with the purposes and goals of SNEA. Va ri ous campus proj ects have also been initia ted . The year was highlighted by the visit of Dr. W. A. Brownell , intern a tionally kn own educator and author in the fi eld of teaching mathematics to el ementa ry children . Dr. Brown ell also spoke at the annua l SNEA banquet. The group pa rti cipa ted in a spring outing and sent a number of delegates to r egional and state conventions. In the spring, the students published an issue of the Student Arkansas Education Association Newsletter. The purpose of SNEA is to help prepa re better teachers by providing students opportuni t.i es to develop leadership ability and professional a ttitudes r egarding the teaching profession. FINDING new educat ional informat ion in the NEA Journal, l eah Gentry points out a timel y articl e to Doris Bush and Ron French .