1963-1964 Yearbook

HISTORY GROUPS Students enjoy first-hand look at Americanism Membership in the School of American Studies is on an academic and career basis. Students are prepared for leadership in the fields of business, education. and public life. Trips are taken whereby members get a firsthand view of democracy in action. This year's docket included trips to Chicago, with stops in Springfield and New Salem, Ill. , and to New Orleans, with stops m Memphis and Vicksburg. Several qualifi ed apeakers also addres~ed the group on topi cs concerning the Ameri can way of life. Each Monday night during thi s school year, the Organization for Conservative, Academi c_ and Political Action has sponsored films dealing with current political problems. Speakers have I1so been presented from time to time. This group, organized only last year, provides infonnation to the public on major current issu es - political, economic, and social. Phi Alpha Theta, a National Honorary HisSociety, takes its membership from history with a high academic record. Current historical issues are discussed at me e tings. DISCUSSING pleasu res of their educational tri p to International Harvester in Memphis, Lynn Reeves and Tomoro Tonner come to the end o f a fu ll day. -:::;STUDIES GROUP. FRONT ROW: T. Tonner , Gask ill , limburg , Corawa y, S. Tonner, Dykes. SECOND ROW : Devore , McElroy, Hays, Clement. III ' Phi ll ips, Bai rd. THIRD ROW: Ganus Isponso r). Young , Boiley , Bradsher , M. Waters, L Waters, Underwood . Arnold . FOURTH ROW, Mayberry, Wolson , 8urkt, Block. Isom. Powell . 123