1949-1950 Yearbook

LAMBDA SIGMA OFFICERS THE LAMBDA SIGMAS have rounded oul anolher successful year, their fourteenth in a row since their founding in 1936. After two years of heavy losse. due 10 gradu. alion. Ihe Sigma. filled in Iheir ranks wilh eighl sturdy pledge.. Perhaps Ihe highlighl of Iheir pledge.hip wa. a "forced march" around Ihe fi.h. pond and over the campu•• panlleg. rolled up and drum. (lin can.) in hand. Presiden t - ROGER HAW LEY KEITH THOMPSON RALPH YOU NGER Club meeling. al Hobo 1.land. all.nighl .Iay. al Camp Wyldewood••kaling••wimming. ba.kel· ball. a Blue Room banquel al Ihe Rendezvou•• a .pring ouling 10 Pelil Jean. putting up Harding .ign. al Ihe edges of lown - all Ihe.e aclivilie. made a full year for Ihe Sigma•. Vice- President - Secretary-Treasurer 68 Top row: Roger Hawley, Kent Rollman, Jimmie Mooneyham. Sicond row: Robert Anderson, Charles Cox, Dwight O ldham, Tit Fei leung , John Moore. Bottom row : James Girdley, Wyatt Jones, Rlliph Younger , Keith Mountjoy, Cullen Witherspoon, GeOriile Pledger. Not p ict ured: Keith Thompson, O"le Snyder, Wilkie roo, Paul Loyendllr, Bill Ski limon (sponsor).