1949-1950 Yearbook

THE KOINONIA Club wa, chartered in 1935 and 9iven its name, which means fellowship, by Leslie Bur~e, a charter member and present sponsor. An outstanding event of the pa,t year wa, the annual -winter banquet held at the Rendezvou" .t which the announcement proclaiming Mary Kathtrine King sweetheart of the Koinonias was made. The spring outing at Petit Jean , and many of the stag gathering, that took place to devour cake, end cookie, received by one of the fellow, from home, provide memories of untol! values , and also tho time, when the group ,erenaded the girl, after social hours-for thi, they were richly repaid by showers of apple" orange" candy, cake and even cans of vienna sausages. KOINONIA Pres iden t Vice· Presiden t Secretary. Tre~sure r Bulldog - OFFICERS MAX VAUGHAN MARTIN LEMMONS PHIL PERKINS BILL NAILON Top tow: 8ill James, Jimmy G!Hner, Joe Webb, Wayne Keifer, Dllniel Fulkerson, Phil Perkins, Howard Garner, RIIY Meadows. leroy O'Neal, Leslie Burke (SpOMOr). Midd l. row: Prem Oharni, BiJi Nailon, Cloud Dllnley, Mary K. King. Koinonia sweetheart, Jack HoCiJCiJ. Bill Longley , Did: McClurg. Bottom row: Hoyt Houston, Dudley Spears, Bill Phillips, Parnell Grady.- Mall Vaughan. Not p ictu red : Ralph Chain, Martin lemmons, Charles langslon. 67